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The County Fair

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The 23d annual fair of the; Waahionaw Gounty Agrioultural and Horticultura] Society commenAoa in tbis city, on the ■ ■" the society, last Wedn and Wil close to-dny. The managers, in preparing tbr this annual exh'ibititin; liavo displaycd a great deal of '■ner'gy, and inoreased the aocommodaudiis for cxlübi tors to a considerable extent. A new building lias beeu erected in the center of the grounds, the upright of whiob is thirty foet square, with a wing upon each of it four sides of the a&me dimensions, making thö hall .'0x90 foet each way. This building is oeciipied as Floral Hall, umi t'or us toattempt to enumérate all of tho ■t'ticlcs whieh have been placed and tastily arranged WiUiin i t, wnuld be Bn undurttiking gfBater tlian we desire. Going into the front of this hall ve come üpon the works of art, f anoy needle work, fancy show cases, entomologieal collee tiona psintingSs engravings, photographs, boquete - both natural aild dïtiiicifti - etc, etc, arranged vory handsomely, and making a display worth seeing, eqnalliug, if not oxceiling, anything of the kind ever bei'ore gotton up by the society. BÍany of our merohants have shov c.ises hero displaying their choioost goods, wliich is quite a feature in tho general display. Several ladies of Anu Arbor deservo praise for their efforts in niaking this part of the hall attractive ; and woiv it not for their excellent taste in arranging sueh articles, and tho genial and frieudly manner with whioh they perform thedutiee attendant upon thom as " fair " officiaters, we venturo to say that noarly all of the tention paid te this department would be bostowed elsowhcre. Many of the paintings and chrumos exhibitud are vexy costly and very beautiful, and the entries ii this line esüeed those of any previous year. Passing to the center óf the building, we como to an immense jwvamid ofbouso plaats, coasisting of an almost ondloss vtiriety, and over which a florieulturist would go into ccstaoies, and many who aro not florieulturista would be perfeotly excusable for similar demonstrations, ïo add to the beauty óf all this, strings of evergreen are looped here and there all over tho building. Tiiis inoludos all of the fine arts, faucy work and flowors, in which tho fair ones ero mosily interostod and whiob is i'lways considorred tho central or ohief attraction of an oxhibition of tliis kin 1. Tho west wiag of tlio building is Occupied by fit rni turo- of whic'a thcro is a good display - upon the one sido, whils the otker is flllod with trunks, harncss, and saddicrs' goode, TI13 soulh wing is occupiod by oarriagóS) in which olass tkere iu-e many entries, and sorno as fine ones as havo como within our notico for a lo;ig ti 1110, and va hardly think a finer display is often met with at acoimty fair. In the cast wing we find a consider.iblo showing of hardware upon tho ono sido, whilo upon the other ure spjoimons of tailoring, etc.. This completes tho cxhibit in tho nov central building. Tiie old building that formorly stood here has boon movv l to the front of the grounds, and placed b@twcen tlic two siuallur ones. Goinginto this building wo find it fillod, upon tho ground floor, with vegetables. The numbcr of ontrics is quito large and inolude somo as fine specimens of horticultural producta as were over exhibited in this seotion. Cabbages, squashes, br-cts, potatos, etc, of romarkablc sizo and great variety fill tho ehalves, and bring forth somo curious exelamations of surprise from the many gazers who aro attracted by their uncomiaonness. The upper floor is occujiied by tko tho ooreals, product of the dairy, etc. Tho display here is aot as largo as it might bo, considering what Washtenaw County can do in this lino, but is aevertheloss worthy of notico. The building wast of this oontains the specimens of fruit on exhibition, and is woll filled, too, oonsideriug tho lal of the soason, and we fooi justifiiül in saying tlüit any porson who could pass by soiuü of tho platos of luscious grapes without having his mouth water at tho siglit, is a - a- person without a relish for the dolioious and swect things of this world, and devoid of delicate organs of tasto. In the cast building is stationed the poultry. We a!so noticed several cages ofrabbits, gninea-pigs, andsome -white uree sandwiuhod in by way of vario ty. The display of agricultural implements is vory good, consisting of mowors and reapers, plows, harrows, and numcrous Other articles of machmery, tho enum iration of which would probably uut add miterially to tho ontortainment of our readers. Somo now improvemints and novelties are presentad, and tbjB display can bo considered up to tho average. In stock tho usual largo show will bo observod. As wo aro not ospocially vorsed ia the merits ordomoi'its of the different breeds, and would bo as apt to cali a mully cow a short-hornod Durham as by its right name, wc will not pss our opinión, lost it might bc inforrod that we wishcd to inüuonce the judgos. The " agrieultural" showing in the class denominatod " horses " was never botter, and ranges from a yearling colt up, and from a farm horso to a racer. Wo never havo road " What I Kuow about Parming," by that vcteran ruralist, Horaco Grooloy, and OOOsequently oan not be expoctcd to go iuto a m.nuto dis Sertation upon tho peculiar or distinguislung qualities of the various things upon exhibition, and as the judgos aro to mako thoir decisions to-day, will submit it all to tlicm. The following is nearly a complete list of entries, wbich, it will bo observed, is very largo in most classes: Cnttlc M -'-J .i.irLs ;iiid mulos.- 2 fiheep - M Swinc ■ IN Poultry 3" Agricultuml implemento ... (.1 Grata and seeda 21 Vegetables 1;)'. Botter, ohoese, hreud, honcy and Migar 98 Donu -lic iHunuiacturCJs 22 Fruit .. . .. ')T Flowers - professional list ■ tb " - anvutcur " 23 Ueohaiiio arts vt Articlc of cIvoks 16 CftUnet war' :uil joinor work 4 W;iLrons, c:uTÍ:iíf? anti Bleighs 21 otlier TOOohanicni work 7 Fine arts and newllo work fltt Pftnoy work ■ ---. 52 IJttlf Kirli1 work - -. V MiKcellaneous- pcnt' depurtment W " - kdics' " -13 Total .1088 Tako it as a wholo wo think tho fair a success as far as tho exhibition of articles is concorned, and bids fair to bc financially. Those who havo not attondod should doso to-day. The ireathsr ha beeo 011 its goud behavlor for the past weck, much to the dellght ' " fair " goers. ]


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