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Washtenaw's Portion Of The State Tax For 1871

Washtenaw's Portion Of The State Tax For 1871 image
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The State Tu apportioned to this eottnty for the ourrent yoar is $39,529. G:i, against ?:22, 002.50 raised last year, an increuso of $17,1(57.07 in one year. As the readers of the Abgcs uiay be tuixious to knoiT hdw this rast amonnt ie disposed of, wo rfill teil lu in. "'; pay for Interest oil the $2(000,000 loan of 1S0 1 $3,037:90) c pay to keep up ;i State military oi'ganization $1,398.77 ; for aid to the Uniwrsitj (Laws of lS(ííl) we pay $750; for the now Capítol at Lansing we pay $6jOO0 ; to tho lic fonn Bohool at Lansing $1750 ; td#ard the erection of the new Univergity building we pay $1,875.01 ; to the Asylum for the Insano we pay $5,016 ; to the Asylum for the reif, Dumb, and Blind wo pay 2,.'-"j.02 ; to the Stato Prison at Jaokson we pAy $2,500; the State Public Sehool flooation not determined) g-;ts 750 ; for tii ■ (x penses of tho State government we must pay $12,500; and an old debt duo the State ft 1678.33. Every one achnits tliat ivo have a be:uitiful ciiy. ïliis is thi rumafk of every Btrauger who pays a vlslt to Aun Arbor. Our Btreets ara alvrays dry anJ five from tiltil, aud slia.k'il upoii eitlicr sitie vvith rows of maples or ollier trees, wliicli not only add to tiieir bsanty bat to the comfort and lie:ilt!i of the people. Right in the heuft of tllis fair city of ours in a public square. (People nny have tlielf clonh! about this, but we are credltably Infurmed that It is a pnbllc square, and belongs to the coaaty.) Arouiul tliis square was once a fencc- bitt Ui'.s was some tiirieagó. Upon tlie flest skle of tliis sqilaie is a concern erected at quite an expense, not beautlful in architectural design, but whlcli seems to have the merlt accoriled to a late Sccretary of War: of slicking Thete is another beaulij'ul "edilice" U]on this sjare. labeled "775. No Place for Bot." (Cöuidirt the boys consistcntly ask if it was any plaöeibr il?) And scattei'cd ali over this square in a promiscuóos manner, !s any rjnantity o.' rahblsb wh'.ch, to pay tlie least, does not apeale weii :or the enterprlse of OUT fcltiïeös. ïfow tlic questlön whicli aatnratly arlaea is, tj whom do these "edlflces" and thlajrobbish belong? If to the city, should not tiie Cominoii Council ukc simie aütion iti tlie matter ? If to a private corpoi'aUou shöuldnot that private corpofattoa do its duty and olear itaway ? The Boaid o( Supervisors trteet next Monday, and we hope that f the square ü the propcrly of the county, they will take soine steps tending towards hav'mg it c'eared of the present niiisam-es which encinnber it. Isn't it time sotnetulng was done? - If the Cuinmon Council woald make approprlatlon sullicient to moet half tlie expease of bttlldlng a flew fence aroand t!ie square - whlch woald be notblng more than right - we tliink tliere would be no dlfficolty in Induclng the Supervisors to make an appropriation sufliclent to bnlld the other half. Certainly this woald be as wise an inyestment as the so-cailcd arlcslaii well. Rev. Charles O. Ölaek, one of the oldest residents oí tliis county, and father of the editor of the Gotrier, dled Monday íiÍKlit l.;st, at his reskjence hl tllls city, aged ?" years, 5 months and 24 days. He carne to this Btate la tlic fall of 1829,49 years ago. After remalnlng at Detroit and Mouroe íoí a few weeks, lic weuded liis (Vay to this place, and preached here fi.r I; veril Sund-ijn aftcr which he went to Webster and established a tíliiírcll, with whlch lic remaïned fof over twênty ycars. At the timo he carne to tliis State there were only four Presbyterlan-Congregatlonal - the two denominatlons nero one thee - m'nisters Wlthln lts borders. He was svidelyknowu and hlghlyesteeinëd throngh out tlie county, and his iimily have the sympathie of the community. Di'flnite nrrangements have been made wit! tlie followins persons and troupes to appear before the Students' Lee ture Associntio:: tiiis season : President AnGELL is to open the course abont the 17th inst. Tiien comes Carl Sciiüuz, the 4th of Noveinljev ; Susan B. Anthony, the last of Xovember ; Mark Tvax, about thcflrstof December; The Appy Troupe, the 15 th of December; The Barnaby Troupe, In January: Hon. AVm. Pabsoks in Pebruary; LiiiUAa Eooaotos, also in Febroary; and Tonx B. GouGti the 14th of Mareh. The offleers of the associafon are oegotla : it ir with other prominent lecturers with fair prospecta of soccess. The course will be fully up to the standard whlch has here tofo re been mafntftlned. . ..f- The Circuit Court adjoaroed on Satur day last, to the 31st of October. The following cases not Ijeretoforo noticed were diaposed of : In Ihe case of the People s. Philip Jhons, which was on trial at our last issue, the inry dlsagreed, and the cause was contlnued until next term. Johnaou & Wheeler tw. VValter S. Wrlght et al. Jury trial Verdict tor defendant. Chancey Joslln vs Newman Clark. Jorv trlsl. Verdict for planilifl'. Damascs $800. Emma Newman th. Alfred Newman. In divorce. Decree granted. Esther A.. Pel ton t. Arthur M. Pelton. In divorce. Decree vranted. El iza Chandler m Chas. 1). Cattlng. Forcclosure. Decree granted. The Bapreme Court, which comnienced lts sesslon for the October term last Tnes:lay-, disposed of the folio win? cases whloh will be of interest to our county readers : Ueosge C. Page tw. William Btepheus. Decree below ifflrmed. The People ex rrf. John Forbes M. The Circuit Judue of tlie County of Washtenaw. Mandamos. Ordír tosliow cause granted. John O'Hara et al. rs. Ilorace Carpentcr. Jadgment below reversed. RAND, McNalt,7 ifc Co.'s Rülway Grade is out for October. This noraber seems to be especlally coramendable, as it contains the complete Time Cards of some dozen or more New Roads- Roads complete 1 or extended this past season - givlog full Infonnation of all new stations. This galde it will be reroembered, dlffers froo) all öthers. Immedlately following the time table (as In ordinarv Guidos), this publication gives ihe populación, general si t na tl on, newspapers, i;uiks, leadlng manafafitarlng interests and hotels of every rallroad and rlver town (largo or gmall) west of Pltis burjfh and Ruflitlo. It is for sale by all Newsdealers. Sent to any address by the pnbllshers, Hand, McXai,i,y & Co., 51 Clark Street, Chicago, upoii the recelpt of 25 cents and 4 cents postage. The nnmber of students matriculated In the different departmeotsof the ünlverslty, up to date, Isasfollows: In the Llterary Department, 225; Law Departinenl, 268; Medical Department, 278. In the Llterary Department are SS ladles; in the Medical, 'ÏA ; and in the Law Department, 3. The DOinber of students admitted up to the present limo in ail the departnients is far in excess of that of previoaa years at a correspondlng date.


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