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United States Wool Interest

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Now that wool growing has again become an interusting item in tho faim eoonomy of the United States, the question naturally arises as to tho stability of jjrices in tho futuro. What Amerioans most neCd as a prerequisite to succoss in business is a fair comprehension of the probable future, since this knowledge will onable any man of good uuderstandins; to shape his affairs to any possible oontingency. The past history of wool growing and wool manufacture in this country, has secuicd to demónstrate the faot, that in order to success thero must ' governmental protection to both, and beo we are called uppon to say what are the future prospeets of wuol growing the UniU-d States, we must retir foi u solution ot tlu questiou to wlmt #ill be the Bolicy of tho governnient in this item of doincstic production. Without extending observations into other matten embraced in a genend tariff System, We m ty accept develojjinents as mgnifloanl ■ reviva] of feeling; in favor of protection to Amer ieau wool growiug. If this i - snred to the farmers, tbere ia nol hing in the way of an increated atii-ntion to the raising of sheep iu this country. The pro-éneo oí a Lail proportion of iheep On the fiini, with other kinds of live stock, is so eminently desirable that nothing but ruinous diaoouragement in the price of wocj will prevent our far mers from having them ; and with a fair prospect of the continuance of the present eiiuouraging aspects of the wool intcrests, we shall expect ahealthy increase of the sheep flocks of the country. For a successful prosecution of this business everything now Beema propitious ; the flooks have been weeded of all diseased nnd undesirable animáis, hi that the fouztdation of future jncreaso is both hyalthy nd select, while theoommeroial disasters Of the imiuediate past will regúlate nien's iniinïs to a wise and prudent courso of future oporations iu wool growing. - f. 1. Harria, in liural New Yuifo r. In IndiaT.apolis the question is boing discussed whether a court has tho right to order chloroform administered to a witness in order to got at the truth of evidenco given. A woman ti?tified in tlie olico coort that she had been assaulted by her husband, who had broken her arm. A physit-iun was called to testify as to the extent other injuries, but when he attempted to examine her arm sho began to yell likt; a Ccanancho. Thereupon tho Judge ordexed the chloroform administBred, and it was found that the woman had lied, and that her arm was not broWwi at all. And now tho Judge is objurgatod;Lor his cruelty.


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