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Fires Throughout The State

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Tho devüuring element ia reaping a torriblo liarvost tliis fiill, nreeping through forcsts, citics and villages with almost lightning rapidity, and leaving in its üaik blaok wastas, desolation and inisery. Scarccly a paper roaches us but contains accounts of somc new ravages done by tho firo fiend ; soine human bcings left hoineloss ; somc valuablo proporty dostroyed. Monday's dispatohes brought us tho intllit:ucc tbat the littlo sottlement at Grand Junction, wlioi'o the Kalamazoo & South Haven and Chicago & Michigan Laico Shore Kailroads cross each othcr, Was totally annihilatcd - eating-house, depot buildings, water tank, cvcrj'thing swept away, while thu woods in the whole western part of the State Wore on firc in every diroction. ïhe Wodnesday moniing papers rtated that White Rock, Forestvillo, Elm Crcok, and Cato, situated upon Lako ïïuron, were entirely destroyed, and hundrods of people loft without shelter or provisions. Around tho Saginaws, tho utmost exertion only saving tho cities from burning, whilc at Bay City and Portsmouth Beveral firos have occurred, and the omployooa in the milis aro kept a largo portioti of t he timo employed in preserving tho property. Along tho lines of all our northern railroads the woods havo been reported on flre, and in many instances houses, milis barns and erops wcre burnod, and pcoplo have had to leave thoir all and fleo for their lives. It is iinpossible for us to enumérate the casualties of this kind in tho State ; ovory paper teen with accounts of them. From the western shoro comes the tidings of tho ontire dostruction of Holland City, and the loss of several lives. No estímate can bo formad at this writing of the amount of property destroyed La tl' e State, but it will reaoh into the niillions. Goethe is credited with s.-iying tbat " what 9 man desires in his youth that hall he have to fullness in his old aje." Now, if this be truo of partios as well as individuals, what a harvest will be reaped by the present dominant political party ! Greed and gain wore the secds sown upon its first assumption of power, and to these ends all sorts of dishonosty and artifices have been rosortcd to, until to-day there is not a department in thegovernmontal service which is not reeking with corruption, nor soarcely a public oflicer, from the President down, who is not suspected of dishoncsty. Surely theso are singular times we havo fallen upon, when the Exeeutivo of this nation so far forgots his honor and duty as to accept of valuable presents and in return thcrefor place the donora in lucrativo government offices - without regard to ability - thcreby bidding for more and greator gifts ; when a Congressman can bo bribed for a few paltry dollars by monopolista to fvor the passage of a bilí which will rob his constituents, and enrich i few already rolling in luxury ; or when a eustom house or other officer can deliberatelj pocket threo or four hundred thousand dollars of tho pooplo's money, and go unpunished therefov. Tet these thingS are being dono continually, and the people sit down complacently and allow it. IIow much longer will these corruptionistá bo allowed to reap thoir harvest 'i


Old News
Michigan Argus