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- "Wïicn Walsh was nominated by the Badioals for Govcraor of New Jersey Kilpatriok said ho would nat say a word in bis favor unloss he was paitl 10,000. And nov." it is mnounoed that lio is to stunip the State for tho said nominoc. Has ho pooketed the 10,000 ? Felix Edonurd Hippolyto Lambreeht, the Frenoh Minister of the Interior, diod very suddenly last Su:i 1 iy. This doprivea President Tibiera of a warm admirer and staunoh fricad, and the Fronoh government of an industrious and painstaking member. - " This is tho era of lying," says the X w York BtprtM. S.iil era will undoubtedly close when the present Bidical party shall have been diivou froaa power. President Thiers dimisses his Oritics by saying : " I am un umbrella on whioh it has lioon ruining theso forty yearg. What significa a few drops, moro or less!' '' Brigham Young, Jr., recently said that the government officials udiv prosocuting tho Hormons are tools of the devil." What must the prosecutod be ? jPrinceton College is having troublo. Eight of tlio studonts havo boen expollcd for "haring," and tho wholo olass of 171 have revolted in consequenco. - Tho New York Ecening Pont has just fonnd out that BoutwoU is iueoinpotont for tho position ho occupies. The Washington Woman's Club wishes to take in 750 parnors ; a liko numbor of sharos at 0 each. Grinnell, Iowa, a fifteon yoar old villano, with a population of 3,000, has no bar-rooin or saloon. Xhe Bonaiartits in Franco are intriuiii" for the restoratiou of tho Empiiu and Napoleon. The various lunatio asylumsof England coutained 31,474 inmates on the flrst of last July. .MieliaelPhelan, the oolebratod billiard player, died in New York City, on Saturday It is sail that thoy fil'o oannons twice a day at Vioksburgh " topuriiy the atmosphere." Only sixteen persons intond to lecturo apon tho Yo So-inito the coming soison. It is statod that fivo ladies have boen admitted to tho Vorinont Univorsity. 50,000 emigrants havo left the port of Liverpool within tho last threo month 5000 above the eorresponding poriod last yi'u.r. - Ohio and ronnsylvania have gone Eopublican and Tosas Democratie.


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