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T F. BROSS, Man'-ifficturcr of rissfius. di';:iks. i.inRFR fr.iGm. spiuxe ',ni;oi, fiTTKUS, sï,eh;hs, Kt. All wnrk rnrranted oftlio b:'t Mítoriár. Rcpnirinu tl)'.ic jüunipi'y hik! rcrtodiirïif'o. AU work war 'ranli':! U gire perfect sati-facttOÜ. 6S S ijtll Maiu utreet. 13Í3J'. OTOLEN HORSES! Tttkcti tip on the Hinton llnwi, 5K íníloa Veat of Siiliue V illage, on Mondaj, October 9th, at 4 o'clock ]'. M ., "ii. ■ -"ï.nti nf ?.i;ir''s, onc a har the other ti yi:'y. witfa -in Oíd BpHng Wagón, one doe of lox bruken, oontaiuing bh atttty blanket, and a bickory wbip. The-ftbovd ie suppdwd to be tolon property, ns it was ubaiiduucil iv short thnö bclure bcing taken up. Apuly to. or addrcfiü F-KUATS. 1343w3 Dcputy Sheriff, BaUne, Ktoli. A VALÜABLE STOCK OR G-rain Farm for Sale, The nbove f:irm ia sltnatcd n the Towmhips of Doxter and Viitnara, Livingston and Wasntenaiv Conmina Ten miles from Dcxter, nine miles from vhelsui and iive miles frum 'inckney. It contalai Five Hundred and Twenty Acres. It is wcll watered aml pleuty oftímber. Ab utonchalfnii''K-r a unl i-ultiTatíon . Term? of sale easy. a' Hit!' money will be requíred on firftt payment. P. 3, - I i' uní s 'Id soon, 1 will luatie i-jittl farm íf 1 can nnd tho rg'.it man. O. W.COOKK, PostiLScedJree8, Plnckncy, Mlch. 1243n3 {TePORT OF THE CONDITIOiN of the PiRST NATIONAL BA1 üF ANN ARBOR. At Ann Arbor. in the State of Michigan, at the close of bua;nejB on the 2d day of October, 1871. i:i:íouhces. Iinnsand discount $170,?67 06 OverdT&fi 1,282 37 L'. S. Bonds to soeurc eirmilation liü.OOt) 1 0 Other stooks, bonds, and rnortgtiKes (os per luie) 10,15 CO Due from redeeming and reserve iigents (as p.Triohedulei 25,177 31 Due from othcr N itlonal lianks (au por idi.-dnle) M,ur2 0 Duo from state Banks and Banken anper scliedule) 3,111 14 Banking House $ir,15 i 00 Furniture and Fiztures 3,115 15 19,205 IS Current expenses .. . 1,201 58 Check umi other caüh rtenw (i-b per nchednle) MM Bills of other National I'a-iks ,247 '0 Fraetionaleurrency (incluüingnickels}.... 1,SÓ9 87 Leñú Tender Kotea 21.B82 oo Bills in Uansit 1,436 50 ?2,5S7 8Ü LIABILITIES. Capital stook piki in f150,010 ' 0 i-mplus rund lb.u.o W ín. i-' ODdexchlUlgfl $6,Ö24 89 l'iotit and Loss (und. profits' . ... T.2Í0 14 11,074 03 r'ircjlatinE7 N'o'es received from Cumptroller }i35,ono.oo Antouut on hand l,'Ci.(;0 Anumnt ontstanding tJ3,!5 00 Dividends unpaid 811 ou lii'üiiluul di-poüil 116,1)06 77 $432,587 80 I, Johnson W'. Knight,rivhiorofthcFirjt N'ntiona Bonk t' Ann Arbor, do soTi.mnly sweiir that theabo st:itcment ii true. to the best of ray knowlcdge ant belief. JOHNSON W. KNIOHT, Caahier. Crrect.- Attest, E. WBLL8, i rniLir B iCH, Director f. II. MILLKX, ) STATBOPMICHiaAN, Countjr of Washtenaw Bïrorn to and &ubsjribed before me, thh sevwith da' of Octobcr, 1871. KOBERT J. BARRT, Notary Pubüc. DBTSOITADVËRTÏSËKËNTS Vi ICUStiA MACHINEBÏ DEPOT. G. S. WORMER & SON, Dealers in all kicda of Wood and Ivon Woiking Machinery. 99, 101 & BÍ JJ-FFEBSON AÏE-. I ETKOIT, UI H. f lOliiL'J"y; KSCOTIIKÜ, VjT,, Importe and Dealers in TOYS, YAKKEí NOTIOTJK. HOSiEKY. LACES AND TEiMMtNta, MXli MA-:UF-lOTl'Ei:S OF Children's Caruagcs, Daskets & Sleighs No 80 aud 52 Woodward Ave., Detroit . CHIP ÏOlll 3710-0.2 fixica XVliocit 10 GILLETT 5z 3HC.A.XíXj Dsmtoirr. W ganrantee hlgbcst prices, immc-diatc salcf, nm prompt returns. L& Liberal CasU dvaiices. 'i'O SJIIÜIKUS OF WHEAT ! Wo ure prAparcd to offer induoements to ehippoT of wïiLMt DOt Mirpi-s-d hy thoeof i.ny otbel ti-u:e Liberal ad vanees, prompt attcottoo and quick ie tui db. JACOB 13EES0II & CO., 45 Woo bridge Street, West, Uetmi f MiA!N l'.l i i;dN ION VT to JOHN H. WFNDELL & 03 DKTB IT. 'e gnaravtae prompt ■'-■'le? aat' hnmodlítí t Inrna W ra aoleal all times tu placa car lo o Atocj Wmtn or Uá Wlie.u to advantM if ehlppo iu throuirb ii no enrs. We refer to all Banksaud Commercial Agencies. IRRI OES AND SLSIOHS ' hugh jöi-ïisrsoisr, MARUPACtmlB AND Kr.Al.ER IS Carrtage. Bugnles nnd Sleighs, Cor. Liirued Cs I reets. x lrir ass ■ mm-m of KASTaK aud Home ntft-'n Bniírloa Carrlagoa and Sleigli oa haud, o ;:v.Ai i t order. , . An Kxjmination of Stock aud Pnces SoJicited. rOIIN PaTTON & SON, J ManufActnrem and Dealers in Carriages, Bnggles, Sleighs, &c. The flnett assortment in Midligau, Bstiblished in 1S4-'. t IOTOKÏ CÓRNER rOOlI!IDOB AMD ESf5II STEKÏT8. Iiep üitory, '220 Jefferson venue, Detroit. v. hitfjvagFël & co,, 213, 215 & 217 Wocdwa:d Aveaue Datroit Wi' hivo ■ complete assortment or the ttnei i.r n'ítiru. and other uradfB. A cali from boyen I ollclted We are fiilly able to suit all as toqualit; and prleeg. W mnnuInctnM most of oor luruiture and can gnarautee üatisfnctiun. r AM SELLINO ALL STYLES L or HOUSKHOLD FT7RTÍITXJRE Twenty-five per cent lfs than anv other house In Detroit. l)o not fuil lo viait iny Furuiture Warerooms. JOSII. W. BMITH, ■250 , 252 and 254 East Side Woodward Avenue F ALL AND WINTER STOCK OF ña WH1TK AN1) HOKUEUED China Dinner and Tea Sets, Some verv fine In colore; aleo tino Out SlaM Rokers. Smlth & Cu's. fine Flated Goodd Ivorv anaRnbber Handled Cntlsrj, Lsrge stock "f-tand lirncket aml il:ui-in;r Lamps . c„ &c. , fnr sale at lovpricesb; . Mf;oKMlCK, 10 Michigan Ave. oppiisite .Now City Hall. Detroit. xTËW ERA IN SEWING MACHINES. i Ibe New WiUon UnderFeed Sewiue Madilne iinko tna sune Btttch aa the Singer, Bnwe, av.d all other hleh prlcc Lock-Siitch Machines, It i, tiii'ir equal in 'all, aml snpcrior in many rerperts. taklnff the premlnm In the State Fura of lsn over i.ll oiheia, Sold 20 liss than ny othcr flrt-cla-s maohlnea Warranlcd tlvn raars. Beud Tor circulara. E. CHENEY .v. son. Gen1! A-ts 172 Woudward Av., Detroit, Mich. TOHX H. DOÏOHEHTÏ. Manafacturers of PICTURE & MIltROIi FRAMES aremos IJnjfraviMfts, and Pbotos. At WbofctalB. ■i%7 JEFFr.RSO AVENTE, DBTR0IT, MICH. rUEODORE SIOLER. ■Tanalketnrti of L00KEÍO-6L1S8 A. PICTÜBE FR.V5IES RísewKiá, Wílaít aad Ornamenial Moaliogs, ImporKirs of Looklas SlaM Platea, hromos, aad ICnjiravijjcs. 34 Atwnter mtrect, Dotroit. AY& ArATVt'. Miumf.ictnrers oí and wholesale dealers m KJRE WIII1E WINT,. OHJBR ANü MAL PItKMIUM VIKEGA Pl!S 11 Atwatrr ttrocl, 'ct, 1343 Detroit, Michigan. Estiite of William Roberts. STATK OF MICHIGAN, County of Wuhtm At ti sexsion of the Probate Oourtfor the ('nu " of Wushtenuw, holden at the 1'robuU' Office in tl ï,lJ of Ai.n Arbor, on Fnday, tho xixth dny of (w' ber, in the year one tliouoiid eight huiidred T sevv'iity-oue. q Vrvneiit, llinim 3. Benito, Judge of Probute In tho matter ot the estáte of Wilham UnK_i deccased. nti, Walter 8. Bieb, Exccutor of the last will andtct. ment o) uid deoeued comesinto Court and k-dtp2 . thut ba imw vrept.n.-d ia render bh final account ■ui h I kecQtor. unl 'I'li-iupon t i ordered. that Mondoy tho d il dny of November next, at ten o'clock i'n thi. t BOOH, ba UtfiCOad tra esamining nnd allowinir surtí'"' trant, and &at the lcirnlcos, derinea nrt heati" of said aanomg, ttd .-ill other pemona iutertniL Í said ette, aw reqnired to appau at a JZúZ 5 said ruútt., 0i fj 1. holden at the ProVJteOffl " in the ( ,l of A„n ArWw, and show eau $■ therebc, why tho ni.l accAmt slionld not' o . lowcd : And it ia lurther ordered, Unt raid Í tor gin notice tu the persons iutneated in iiid 1" ' tatc, of tho pendency of aaid nccount. ond the heari?" thcroof, by canaing :i oopy of thia order to be puUi.i 5 n, the Michigan Argu, u ncipi)cr printed and d? Uiting In said Connty, thrce succeasive weeks nnlZ"' to :iul ilay of lioiring. v"-noui (A tn. copy.) HIRAM J. BRAKFS 13 Jodge of lr-,b„t,. Estáte oí Samuel M. F6y, STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Washtcnoir J i At a jssiim uf the Probate C'uurt tur the toniii' uf Washtenaw, bolden at the PioKite Office TÏ city of Ann Art,or, on i-ati rJiiv, the scventh'dav (icti.ln.iin thcycarone thousund eiidit hundrrd seventy-nne. ""f I Present, Iliram J. Peikes, Jndge of Probate In the matter of the catate f Samuel M I ceased ' I Newton Shddon, adminisrratnr of said esfntc ,__ inio c;.)uit and repraent that he Ls now pretil? rwidiT hia flnul account as such Adininiütratór I Thereupou it is ordued, that Mom])-, t) ,. I day of Novi mn r next, at ten o'clwk in the forenc, f li" a-s!?iiei! lor o.v.irrriiriny nd alling such a(u„ " I and tliat the heirs ut Inw of Kaid lecnised UJ' I other pensons inten t d in suid estáte, are reokirij , appearat a sesnion of .ii.l Court. then to hoUn 't the IV.I.ut. iy.ttn; in the city of Ann Arbor, in 5 Cuunty, and show cause, ií any liare be, why thtíS airount Ëhould not be allowed : And it is fturW onlcred, that SHid AdBiinmtrator jrive notire ui? ia intereeted in id estáte, of the pcndenvS Baid account, and the hearing thercof, by cauS copy oí this order to be ptiblishcd in the JfttA-i ' Argut, a ïiewvpuper prlnted and tírculating m S County, tliree successivo weeks previous tomiijZ 'A' honing. i ï (A true copy.) HIRAM J. BKAKES, S'! JUÜU'I; Ot I'l0l(,. Estáte ofCornelius Langhlin. OTAT1S OP MICHIGAN, C'ouuty ol Washtem , O Alasoasion of the ProbateCnurt for tbe t'Mtt.' ' f Wa-htenaw, holden at the Probate office in t city of Ann Arbor, on Saturdny, the revemh i 01 October, in theyear one th'oiiüand eiili kJ dred and íeventy-one. l'reeiit, Iliram J. Beuken, Jndge of Probte lu Ihe matttr oftbe estáte of Corndii. la-ol'. dei-a-cd. ' William Bnrkc dminiatrator of faid Ul comea into Conrt and representa that be mot prcpaeJ turencerhis flnalaccouut snch Adaii lat rator. Thcreupon it is Ordcred, thnt Mondsy Uciiift day oí HoTember Deit, at len o'ilock ion, fureuoon. bsamiigDed ir examlolDg and allowV sucli accooni. and that the lieiri-itt Uw oltillZ Cüiidod, and uil otberpersoiii'imt.'restcdiii said cdiiL are requircd to appear at a f.xii olanii! youn.tlin to be bolden ;it the Probate Oflice. in tbe City of Am Arbor inmldConntj iiudahowcauBeifanytbirelt ' why thi; siiid account sbald not be allowed: AdiIíiS furiber ordered, tho! eaid Adwlnletl tirjiveiotlg to the persons intereeted in said estaie, of tbepn. dency of said account, aud the bearinir thereoflj causiug a copy of this order tobe iiiblishedin'ili Michigan Argut,n newspaperprintedandclrcnlitli. tttfafööormtj, cliree sueeessive weeks previoui! sai'i d:iy of hearing. (Atruecopy.) HJRAM J. ÜEAKES 13í Jiidïcof Probau. F.state of John Rheinfrank. STATK OF SllCIIIiiAX, county of Waditonr.a, At ii Meaionof the Probate Court for Ibcwuntj of Wodhtwiaw, holden it the Probate Office, htk city of Aun Arbor, on Moiulay the ninth day ol Uíte. ' ber, in the yeur one thousiuul eiifhi kundred i f seventy one. Present! Iliram J. Uoakes, Jndgeof ]'rbtfe. ]n the matter uf the of John JUbtmb I [ cli't-i'.tseil. On roadinpr and ülins tlie prtition, dulj 1 William Itl'.einfiiofck, pryiatg tinrt eertuin ment now on tiW: ís thits Etnirt, TKïrportibg to be üi last will anti testament of said deceased, may bcniutitted to probate and thal he lnay be appoiatal wt I Szecottic tlieref. Vbaünma it ü ord;rrf, tint MobAit, tlt nü , day of November next, at ten o'clock ín the forum, I tu a.-igned for the heaiing? of said petitinn, aüd tïal the Ieffatce3, devüwes and hcirs at Jaw of said df cl, and ail other persons interested in said estáte, we riMiitT'd to appear at a seseiou f sidd court, tben ubf I holden, at the PreJjarte Olïcc, ia th rty 9Í Am. A:b(iT, -jud slmw e:iu-o, il' any there be, Trhy the piajtr I of the pfiitineT liiwild not be grantcd": Aa further ordered that Bflid petitioner ffive matice títi I persons inttTt'sted In ikl estflte, of thff psr. ' .il ietition, añil the hearing thertof, by causinf i [ copy of this order to be publishcd in the JH; jat Argtts, a newspaper piiutcd and circulatÍDg jcíiji county, three succesfivc weeks previous to wuddayof hearinfi. ( A true copy.) HIHA 34 J. BEAK 1348 Judge of I'rtbiK. Eoal Estáte for Sale. CJTATE OF MICHIGAN, County of WuLfcwca O In the matter oi' the catate of .Tohn C. BwlAjnJf - Senior, deoaiuied. Js'otiee in herel yjiiven, tiitájii:;Btiunceof an order frrantel to the undenaed, adiniuiHtiator of the estáte of :iii deccaed,MfcEüt .Tüdge of Trobato for the Counfy of M'ashy;tn,m the nintli Jay ei October, A. I). N"I. thcre at public vendue, to the hihest bidder, a the sw.i ! door of the Court Hou. e, i:i the city f Ann Alfet ;l the County of Washten;.w in s:ïl Btate, on Toaty the twentj-eighth dayot Nowmber, A. I'. 1871, itu o'clock in the foienoon of that dny [subject totlloumbranoni by mortg-aiie or o'.herwise cxisting t i time of the doath of said dec ':iscd. and ab-o subirtt to Hu right f diu.'iof his widow theiein), theWoiriii d ■- rbed r, al esinto. ti)-vit : The nort Lenst quiittw s.'etiun twenty-one, in township one &outh ofrup iive ea3t in saki State, l'xceytmg and remii therefrom the north twelve acrep, Dated, O.-toLerSlh, A. IJ. lSii. J-..MANVKI. MANS, 1343 Atfsaiitntir. Shcriffs Sale. VrAXK OPSaCHIOAN, County of Wnshtenn, s. O lïy vilt ue oí' a writ of executiou issued out of ui ander the enl of the Uircuit Court fi r tl e i WaabteOHW, Staleof Mirbipan, dated the Iv ■. day of M.ii.h, A. I). 1S71, and (o me d.rect&l unddelivered, ai;;iint the poods, chattels, hinds awl tOfr ments ol WUIühd M. Brown, defendant tlitwi niiratl, 1 did, on the twen'y-ninth day of March. A. D. 1871, for the want of uixkIs uxl chntteU, levy [ all the rii-ht, t it Ie ad interest that VVilliamM lias in the eacrib ■■! nal esta'e, to-wit: Al of lots No. tour, Bye, six. seven mul eijrht, ioVlorkctó in Graager ft liorgao'a Addition to the Vdtage UanohObtor í il-o the BOuthwest quartei Ofseciwi ■ ;.mii. Boaüiwest quarter of nortïiw?t quftrtei d aeetfon Btorwii ail nutheaat yiarter of north; quarter of section ten, ali in rtwn four sotith of wnf three e:ist, all of the above descTibttl property Mk sitúale.' in the township and village of MaDCOMfcl. conntyof Wanhtenmr, nnd state of MiebigMi"' ; promHM I sjiitll tor sale, at public airttiw. 'J the hisrhest bidder, at the south door oEtlrCP Huil.-.-, in the City of Ann Arbor, on the 2M ttOTsml ■ r, A. 1). 18Ï1. at 10 o'clcek A. M. of said dJ. Uatoi, Anu Arbor, Sent. ítiih, 1M1, MVlidN WKBH, SheriS, 134U By JbBTiH i'oBBi s, Viider-Sbml , Estato of John Fream, Senior. STAXÉ OF 1UCIIIGAX, i 'onnty of Wiishteni, Kotioa is heroby given, that by an order W Probate Court for the County of Washtenaw, on th.-tenth day of Ootobel A. D. ls;l, jjim1 bom that date were allowed tor erediton present their elmmi apainst tha ttate of ,■ Fream, fan., late of aaid eouaty, deceai cd, and '" creditors of said deoeased are i"etuiid to j their daima to -lii! Probate ''„nrt, at the Pn Oflice, in the City of Ann Arbor, fur examinan ■ allowance, on 'or iK'l.ire the tenth day nest, and that snch claims wi;i le heard beforeJ Probate Court, on Butirrday, the sixtoenth W" Uccembcr, and on Wedneaday, tbe tenth dayofA? next, at 10 o'clock in the lol cnoon of euck "■ I ' Datad, Aun Albor, Octobei tith, A. I). 1KT1. H1HAM J. ' 1343w4 Judfe of Pío ym. WÁCNER IS NOW BËADY FOR TÜE FALL TRADE Iluviug Received a Large Stock of FALL AND WINTER o-ooids, 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, CASSIMERES, VESTINGS, f' of the EEST STYLES and QUALITlfö WIIICIl BI Wlli MANÜFACTURI on terms to snit. Also a full line of READY-MADE OLOTHING AND Gents' FÜKMSHING Goods. ALSO 1.A1 IBS AND GENTS1 MOKOCCO SATCHEL No. M Sonlh Main Street.-Fast Side: CALL AND SEE THEM. WIMJAin WACNÏ AnuArbr-.SepU, 11,


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Michigan Argus