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Local And Other Brevities

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-Agreat need- water. - A givatcr wuter-works. - Kires nre reported In the woods in jMrlv al! purls of the coimty. - rucsflny we had i s'.ight showr-r, not howevcr, to t!o hij particular p -It te coniMciitly cvpoc-ted tliit Cook's mibutel ivlll he rewly ior occupation by tiiis tnooth. - ... foc and gmoke was so dense yes ifir moriiiiig tbat objectti were not disc raíble across the str!t. -The Iccturcs bclore tlie S. L. A. are to hield in llic Jl. E. Cluirch, and not in the Opera House, ns many supposed. - A lady in this city beiug interrógate)! ts to krop' nion of Bontwell's Syndicatc, replied ; "Oh, shc ia a uice little girl." -"Aloneor with the mnjority" was the iDJjwt of President AsGEr.r.'s lecture beiire the Y. M. C. A., of Detroit, last ftJiodtj t'vening. -Tiic Stuilcnls' Lecture Associatioa tot SitniMay, appropriated fSflO to the ïiirersity Library Fuutl. This is their wil gift to that f ui'l. - At cbapel, on Tuosd ly morning, Prcsifait Akgell, referred to the proclamation flteMujor iu rclatiou to smoking, and sujesteü its observance. - Tbe Kophomore and Fresliman Classes treto have a game ot foot-ball on the Uut'trslty campus t abojt half pust nine 't!ocli to morrow nioriih);. - It is very conclusivo that there have 'as dry times Iu the history ol the 'orldjsthe present, for Siiakksi-kahe says : '.ïetmy cheeks with artillcial tears." - F. Bitoss, carrlae maker, presents la card to the Akgus readers. He Is a fl rorkman, and liis carrlagee at tlie tonty Fair attracted the attention of all. fesüd see him. -J. Weil& Bno., who leit this place Qllctgo about one vear ago, had their ortonLake Street, burned in the late '"■ad wc presume lost a greater por" o', tlieir stock. -Mr. Cockchokt, of the flrm o! Cali-aCockcroft, Chicago,- the publishers ' ■■■IndiK Coolet's law works- was iu the C;ln'ter(lay. He reports that tlie flrm ta lost everytlnng. -Represent this weck a ncw list of NiUdvcrtisemeiits to which we ask Miiciiár attention. The list spcaks for tSflf s regards Uie cliaracter aud btaudSofthe artvertisers. A ew bell has been placed upon tlie uw School building, welghlog 1,480 """"Is with hanglngs, and costing $500 ' Place. It is from the Meueuly Bell fODdry,WcstTroy,N. Y. Wk. m. Sinxlair, with whom most of "cilizeMareacquaiutcd.had his office was on Lasalle Street, In Chicago', p'rnt1 at the late Hre. His resideuce, on ttllr": Ave. was unlnjnrcd. -Thereceipu from the ply, "Undcr v"1" Tuesday evenlng, was $250, j lctl Was given to the Chicago ald fund. tM not generally known that the pliy 'o be given, or the receipts would have " greater. The swamps and woods of Bridgefliave been burning for the last few J, and considerable damage is reported L Insomeof the swamps it is said tpth Oil bllrn;d to four an(i flve fcet in '-arge quantities of hay have been Hroj-fl hWd Tucsday eyening, the 17th inst., Dn A;gei,l U to dtlivcr the flrst of the SUriSC f,1;Cture8 undei' tlle ausPlecs oj M p " uts' Lecturc Association in the fcL Thl His subject wil 1 be : "The Ewn w the Nq admission 'ivdl0ledÜJmWr6'VlZconlesto ug tot ,„'r!vinsit a ncat and tidy pV or Wearee'ad to note this eviToled r . Prosptrity on the part of our Ho, ■'' 'JOr' aml ho')e that il maV Hvc t;fcw a SUcl1 U is a live ■ng-bnt lts politics.


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