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Aid For The Sufferers

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The Intense sufferliig at Chicago, consequent opon the burnlng out of liouse and home of over one hundred thousand people t getber witli tlid destructlon of all their poperty and provlsions, has touclicd n tnder chord iu the liearts of nearly evcry man and woman In tüe land, and moncy and otlier necessaries have been forwarded to the uniortunates withaliberality scurcely beforo equaled In the history of our coiintry. Ann Arbor Is not bchind In tlils matter, fol' she too has lent a hclping hand, and contributcd öf her abundance. Wcduesday cvcnlng a Car load öf afíleles, Such as blankets, iiiklur-clolhing, bread, pork, groceries, etc, etc, were forwardtd lo that city, valued at 1,:j00 topclhcr with !,700 u cash. Th li, the committee luforrtlS Ü8, ïas been donated vohintarily, without ally Hol ld tl ng, nnd comes f rom the city alone. ["hls is s'tbslaiUial sympathy, and spcaks ouder than words of the generous hearts u our midst. May the calis of suffering lumanity ever meet with a like response. More will bc sent from time to time as it is ïandeil inand collcctcd. Anything to eat r wear will be thankfully received at the lore next to Ci-auk & Cropskt's and, do latlons in ïtioney, may be handed to any onc of the committeei Th8 lectufe of President Anokm,, in Deroit, is spoken of by the Free Prcas In thls aan ner: PliKSIDENT AKOEtifs LeCTUUE.-J. B. Lngell, President of the University of Michigan, lectureJ last cvcalng in the Opera lonse, ander the auspices of the Young len's Christian Association of this city. 'he lecturer's thcittc Was, " Alone or with he Majorlty," and in Ui deallog with It he speaker liad Especial reference to the opposing forces of iiidividualisms anrl thfi ustoms which the great masses of men ollow. It was a productioh ön whxh t':c üofoundest and most citrefnl thouglit was hown. The ril ïjestic yet simple beauty of lis diction ; the grace and fascination i.f lis oratory ; the niaftnetism of nis presenc , nd, above all, the liiimane and Cliiistian liarity of his sentiment, gave to the speikrs woi ds a power over the aildience llttle hort of miraculous. All sateutranced durhí; the hour or more eugugcd iu the delivry, and at its close the speaker was tliankd in person by a nuniber of his audito.'S or t!:c p'easiire he had afforrted them.


Old News
Michigan Argus