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HIK CAUSE A.M) ci.'Kfi OF CONSTTMPTIOÏ. - The priraaiy cause of Consumption is dnrangem&nt of the digestivo orans. Tbis deranfcment produces dcilcient nntrttloD amt assimilation, By areimilution, I rauun that proces by whlch ttio uutrimcut oí ÜM food is converted íuto bloud, nnd thenc into the solida of tho body. Fsrions wlth digestión ihs impaiicd, bftvtDg tho lihtcst pradlsposltloii to juiiinoiKiiy di&BMd, Of il' they take cold, will bo very Hablo to liuví! C-onmimptUm of tho Langs in soino of ÍU furms ; aud I hold that it will bo LmpOSSlblG lo euro niiy case" of Conanmptiou wítlifríit flrvt feslortnjj a good digestión and healthy assimilntion. The very firyt thing to be dono ia to cleansc LhO BtomACl) UXÚ bowcïs from alf dieoascd mucus and ulimc whlch ia clog&lng thesü OrgiUH po that ihoy can nut perforar thcir functioiii, and then rousc up and restore tho livcr to a hoalthy aciion. Forthlspífrpote, the eurest and best remody is Schcnck' Maiidraku l'ills. These Pilis clean tho stomach and bowcls of all tho dead and morbid (limo that ÏSCansiDg dlWMO and decay in the whota ByetODL Thcy will clear out the livcr of all diaeased bile that has accumtilatod there, and arooM itup toa new and healthy action, by whlclt natura) and henlthy bíUí U secrotcl. The stomach, bowel?, and livcr are thus cleanaed by the use of Schcnck's Mandrake I'illd; bnt thcro rom&inB In the itomach au cxccsh of acid, the oran is torpid. aud Lhc appt'tite poor. In the bowele, the lacteals are wenk, and rtuiringstrength and support, lt is In a conditum liko this that Schenck's Seaweed Ton ie provea to be the most valuabíc retnedy' ctcf It ís alkaline, and ftfl 066 will neutralizo all cxcc&s of acid m:xkin the stomach Bweet and fruh; it will givc permanent tono to this important organ, and créate a good,hcarty appetitc, and preparo the eystem for tho flrst process of a gool dgtírton4 and ultiinately make gooxï, hcaUhyf living' blood. After this preparatory treatment, remains to euro most cases of Consumption is the freo and persevcrinir n?c of Schenck's Pulmonic Syrup. The Pulmonic oyrup ïKunishtïSttiosytitem, puriíiea thtí blood, and i reaañy absorbod int o tho cfrculatton, and thonco distributed to tho cliecasctl lungs. Thero it ripeus all morbidmattci1, whotherln tho form of abscessei vc lubercleffand then asist Nature to expcl all the dia cased matter Ín the form of freo expectoration, when onceit ripens. It i.-i t!icn, by tho reat healing and porifying propörttefl offichencbB Pulmonic Byrap. that all meer and cuvitics are hcalcd xip sound, aml my patiënt ia curud. Tliccssential thin to be done in curing CoitsumpUon is to get up a pood appeiiteanda uood digestión eo that the boily wlU POW in fleBh and get ytrong. If il pei-soa has diseasetí Rings, aervity oraheceifs there, tho cavity cannot heal, WO i;i:iiU-r caonot ripeo, bo lonjja the systcni in helow par. What ís ñecosaarjr to cure is a new order of thing, ngood appctitct a rood nutiition, the; body to grow in ilesh and get fat ; then "Nature La helpccï, the Cftvitlea WÜl hcal, Qm matter will ripen and be thrown off in larc quant itics.and the person regaiu health and Btreneth. Thu is the truc nnd only plan to euro Conwinnption, -inl if a pvnon is ?ery bad i? lbo lung an?not entinilydeetroycd, or even if one long in entirely gone, if thero Is cnough vitality left in the other to heal up, there is hope. I baveaeéb many persons curcd with only onc sound fang1 live and enjoy BfotOS-ffOod oíd age. niis hi henck'f ifcVficiiics wiü do to-curo Conbumptlon. Thcy will clean out the Btomachf swecteu and' itrengthen it, get op a good digestión, aud give Nature the assisitanco she ueedB to clcar the FysCcni uï all the diseaao that ïö ín. the lung, whatcver the form may bc. ■. ." 4 k It is important that, whíle using Schenck't? Medicine?, care shouldbeexerclflod nol to take cold: keep in-doora in cool and damp weather ; ayoid uiirt-air, and tixko out-dour cxerciac ouly io u gcniul auu warm SOÍWíHíin'. I "I -v 1 wiek lt distincüy nnderstood that when I recommend a patiënt to bo carefoJ in regard to cold ■vhile using my meditincívXdo t (jip a spc-ial reason. A man who has but partially recovcred fromtlio effectsofa bad cold is far more Hable to a relapso than one who has been entirely cured, and it la precisely the same in regard to Consnmption. So long as the hisgs&re oot perftectly bealea,jnat so long is thecii imminent danger of a lull return ol' tho tii.-eusc. Henea it is that I so ütrenuouslycaution pulmoivary patiunts again?t expoeing thcniHcLvcs to fin at mosphere thut is not genial' and pleasant. Confïrmed Cousumptives bnga are a ma&s of eores, which tho least chango of atmosphere will inflame. Tho grand secret of my snecegs with my medicines consiets in myabilityto eubdue i u fla in in at ion instcad of provoking it, as many of the faculty do. An inflamed lung cannot with saiety lo the pationt bc exposcd to tho biting blastu of winter or the chilhng windti of epring or autumn. ït ehould be carefully anielded from all irxitating influenecs. The utmott cautlon vhottkl ba obervedi iathis particular, aí without it a en re nndcr alinoöt any eircmnstanccB is an impossibility. í The person ehould be kept on a wholcsomo and nntritionj diet, and all the medicines continued nntil ! the body has restored to it the natural quanüty offleah and atrength. I was myself curcd by this treatment of tho worst tind of Cousumption, aud have lived to get fat and hoarty these many years, with ono lung mostly gone. I have curcd thoosanda eluce, and very mauy havo been cnred by this treatmeut whom I have never seen. Abont the lst of October, I expect to take poweaeioa of my nc;v building at the northeaet corner of Sixth nnd Arcli Streets, where I shall pleased to give advice to a)l who may require it. FuÜ directions accompany all my remcdiCB, bo thnt a persou iu any part of the world can bc readily cured by a atrict obeurvaüco of the same, J U, ÖCUENCK, M.D., Philadelphla. HULBURT & EDSALü, 32 Lake ftüreèt, Chicago, lil., "VVHolesale Agents. PAÏNTS PAINTS P AI MTS Oils Öilfl Oils ■yarnish Varnish Varnish Brushes Brushes Bruskes MÏNKItAL PAI1NTS. &c, LOOK TO YOÜB INTEHEST AND CALL ON R. W. ELLIS & CO., HEFOHK PUKCHA8INÖ A FAL.SE EEPORT ! THAT A. A. TERRY UAS GONE OUT OF THADE HE STILL LIVES, AND HAS A LAKGE AND COMPLETE STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! JUST THE STYLE, AND AT PBIOBS 'l'f BUIT TIIR TIMES. ALSO A i'ULLLINli OF GENTS' FURiNISHING GOOD! DQN'T rURCnASE YOUE SPRING AND SÜMMER OUTPITS UXT1L YOU GIVE HIM A.CJA.XjIj. 15 South Main St., Ann Aiboi. IN1-U. jamTb. revenaügh, PH0T0GRAPÍ1ER I RETOUCHES ALL II IS NE1TIYES BEFÖEE PRINTING, SO THAT FRECKLES,MOÏHSANDTAN Do not show in any of liis Ticturos. No Extra Charges. OEOPLE'B DRUG STOüEi R. W. ELLIS & CO. ''FUE ARGUS 18 fíaw surrLiED with FIRST-CLASS PRESSES NEW, AND IX GOOD OliDER, NEW STYLES OF TYPE, t AND GOOD WORKMEN. A SPECIA1TY ..■ A in; or BILL HEADS, BLANK CAEDS, CHECEB, C1KCULAES, LETTEB lli: VDS. ruo.itini. RECORDS ASO BBICFg, STIU.I. ItlI.I.S, ETC. ALL OEDEES PROMPTLY FILLED. WORK WARRANTED TO PLEASE. PRICES REASONABLE. LAWÏERS, ii:il(lllM M A1X ii,ism;s oí iii simss ii i A1CK IiXVITEI TO FAvon es uiiii III 1:1 It OKDEBS. COHXER OF MAIN AND HUltON ST'S. ü M . I S 3" H S a . s & 3 il Ü □ L1 ín 5 H ■- 3 E s H 2 a -i tí , r h m s W UI :h J H 1 8 íq á s g S 55 QD ! O ifl Sh U B -J i, H 1 _ ui 4 c : H Q 5 h [ ce n S OS jjfpRALulM Tó ttny persoji proanclng nny Medicine abíe to how one-tblrd na man; living, permanam cure m r PtTLXK'a '.:jf.T aim.k Kíuvma-ik: ]{f:iFiT ; and a 'urtkn remird ■'tl'1 for any cue ofv.bFoaiG oí Dflammatory RhvQmatlsm, Ñenralgfa, Rheamatic 'iio. Be :i tica, and Khenmatlím oi the Kidnevsit MfJ nrt cure. ThÍ9 lthcumatic 6yr-np t xf iinrtnn ante, pieasfint to the taste and anranteed ir fi.m tQjarlou Draga Itis not (:ick Medicine mu theaclentlflc prcscrlntloo i f Jo. P. Pltler, M. )., Profeaaot oí Toxlcology and ühemlstry, gradai(e or the celcbrated IJuiv.-rsuy f Pennylranla, a ).1868, whoM cutiré professional lile baa bees di - voted epecially to tais dlaejse. l'his prepnrntioo mrjer BOlemu o:li is eonscientiously bclieveil to be he i ly posttlTO, relUMe, infitlUblc spwinc ever I ecovered. The pronl that no ot iet apeclAc -x is le round ín every commuDitr In persona affileted oí masyyears past and stlll suSërlng. Tfpkysicüm umi i cure it, 'tí t tpecijte díd -j:ixif thi. umtlú -! fact ihat nuut !e unlversally admltted. The olí dccclved dnfferer may wUely aí'k, what Becurlty or evidence has he that lr. Fitier's Rhenmatlo 8yri wlll cure his cuse. The proteetton offered tu faieiits affalnat lmpositlon ís in a legally signad conract whii h will be forwarded wlthpai c&arge t, acy suiTerer sendtuK by U iti-r ii jescriptlun of :. íll: :tlon; Iñs gniraDtee wlll átate the exact Qambtr of bot!e witn'iinteíl eurf, and iu Ki-e ot fallore tho aoney pald wtll be ratnrned (o the patiënt. No other remddy lias ever been i ffered on saetí libera] uní honorable lerms. Medical advice, wlth certillates from prominent PhyBlclaos, Clergymen, etc., wlio have been cnred after all pther treaimcnts lave (hlled, sent by letter, gratte. Aiilicted cordialy uivilcit t writ foi advteo to ths principal ónice, í', Sonth Fonrth Street. Phlhdelphla, l'a. Dr. liter's Rheumaïlc Syrnp is mld by Drogglsts R. V. Kllis JSíUb,, S,)le Ageou, Aun Arbor, Mich. nUILDHKS ATTENTION, SANFORD&CARPENTER Are preparad to do all kinds of LA.TIIE 8CREW CUTTIXG, PLANINQ, power pi'Jicinss, BRIDGE AND BUILDING BOLTS ! ALSO STEAM AND GAS FITTING IN AI,L AU, ITS BKINCHES. AGENTS POR STKAM & (JA FITTERS GOODS COCKS, VALVES, WHI8TLE3, &C. ALSO Model Making of every variety B8cmcntof Courier OÍHce, Cor. Main and Catherine Streels. AN'N AKBOB. lStO-mS T UMBER YARD. C. IÍRAPF, II a?) i lare nnrt weil stockod Lumber Yanl on offcraon Strcrt, in the ponth part of tho Citv, and nrill Uci'pconstniitly on hand an irxccUcnt viiriety Of LUMBER. SHINGLES. LATH &C kvhich willbe solil as low fts cae be afl'ordcd in.thls narkot. (uality aud prices nch that NO ONE NEED GO TO DETHOITO. KRAPF. Ann Arbor, Januury20th,18Tl. OSO GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO's for strictly Pure Drugs and Medicines ,Paints ,OilsL&c. 11 KAR YE! .il J#"f"MBíO J_ 'iljZ The "Bar" not being a Mönkey I8MT ONE OP DARWIN'S PROGENITCES ! UUTWHAT OFTUATAS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON! HAS A KtTLI, STOCK OP HATS & CAPS I FOR SPRING AND SÜMMER ! ! Hls STYLES are tüe Ij-attest. nis gooüs THE BEST1 AND U1S PRICES Til!'. Aleo a ftill lfnc of Gents' Furnifhing Gooria Cali and examine hi. CHIPS, l'Af.MS, BTBAWS, PAKAMAS, and I.EGIIORNS, bclore parchaelDg. 7 South Main St., Ann Arboi. COxVlËxillNLi MEWV 50 Main Street ! LOUIS W A LZ, GROCER &COrcnCTIONER HAS A LI. STOCK IN IÏIS LINK, AND WII.L PUOMI'TLY 8HKVK THE PUBLIC WITII SfííARS, TEAS. COFFBBS Sl'ICKs, BTRVPi, CAXMES, ETC. Faities Supplied WITII CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SIIOKT NOTK.K, OF TUE IlESI' QUAIITYANO AT THE MOST LIBERAL TERMS. O-A-OLIj -A-3STID SEE X-ÏI3VT BBFORB PURCHASING. 1330 mi; . SAM. B. HEVENAUGII FHOTOGRAPHEB, MAKES ALL K1MJS OF PICTÜRES FKOVi ' HE SMALLEST LOOKET TOITHE liijí: size, ANDPINISIIE8 rHBMBf INDIA I'NKl OIL, C32. WATER COLORs ! IN A SUPI'KUIOR MANXKH. 1819-:y. No. ao BCBOH STREET, SAM. li. Kt.VBNAttiTiP OoplM O'il immm & mmmmm is FIKST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRED SIZB. üAM, ü. RKVEJVACtiH KF.RPS ON HAND A. LARGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AM) GJLT FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST. Drain Commissioncr's Xoticc. Notioe i hci'i'by given thftl tlu Drain Commlsniooer of Wnwïtonaw Óounti i 1 1 beai (Jhe house of Levi i'ri-iiii.iii in I hcTmviisliip of Ypsihmti in said cinmly, on the S8Ü1 d;iy Ootober. 1871, ui ío61ockp. .„toiopet purties to contract ftir (Uo esOAVOtJOQ ml oaistriiotion pf a lr.iin known o thO Sponoer marsh drain, comoi6ncing iorty rods wwi i t - watates Une ba Bootioa No. 14 untl fort y voris suutb of the nortli seotion lino, and running northerly and easterly to wbat is known as illow run. i wili aUo l at the houae of IJovi Freeman on the 11' h day of Ootobw -tMvt;vi'l. ai whifih tiiu' nnd place l will axblbit v.v-w oj tho abov propoaed drain and ctescriptiona of the toveval paroela of land deemed by UteU Üiereby, and theamo ptions of divisions mul Bubdivisiona ït' the aboe proponed drain by me apportioned tothe ownen ol bboB doBcription nf i;uni tooonstruot, and to the Tuwnahip of Yji-iianti to oönstruoti on n-cotint of such drain una the highway, and to heax teasons, If any are fnïi'L'd, why suoh apportionment ihould berevised ox correo! ed. Aun Ail)or, Oct. 3d, 1871. DAvrmi, ftxt.i' v. Drain Com. of Waeh. Oö. Shoriff's Sale. STATK OV MICHIOAN, Coonty of Woahtwwvw, u. By virtua of a writ of exeoution iasued ooi ol and ander the aeal of the Circuil Cöuri ror the connty oi Washfenaw, Btate it Ufohiga&i datad the twenty-nrst day of Mareh, A. D. 1871, and to me dixeeted and de vored, a :.;n-; tin - tfl, cbattela, lande and tenementa of William M. Brown, defend uil thcrein naraed, i dïd. on the Iwenty-nintli day ot' Maxoh, A.. i. 1871, EortaevAut of Koocband oQttols, levy upon til tho right, ml; and Uiloreat tluii wUUaqi M. Brown haa in the followlng dosorlbed md osta'r, to-wil : All if i No. four, flve, BJx, Boven und eight, ín blo nOrftnger dij Mttfg' Addition to the Vüloge af UanohOfltec ! :l-r the soathwest ■ aarter ol seotion eleven, Bouüiwcst quartor of uorthwest auarter of sectlon eleven( and Boutheasi quarter of northeajri quarter of leoaon in. all in town Cbursontb of range bhree east, all of tlio above dosaribed property being sUuated in Ur township and village of Monclieater, .„miiyni wshicMiiH', and of Michigan, which promuec I ahall expose for sale, at public auctioa, to host hidder, ■■ the BQUth door of tho Court House, in tiie Uity of Ann Arbor, on tho 1U i&J od November, A. D. J871, :it W o'elock A. M. f wid day. Dated, Aim Axbor, Bept Wth, 1871. OTROS WEBB, Bheriffi 13.J0 lïy Jobtin l'omu.s, Untloi-fcflioriff. Chancery Notico. [T COI Hl' the ommtyof WnhI I - :m. . In ( llAIKKFTy. JACOJi ZEEB, CompUinunt, vg. i :k:)i:i:!cka zkbb, pofèodntt. J lt .s.iti-t.u:lijïity npp) :iiii::: lo '.n Couri l.y tile :iíñílarit of ttie oomplauifini Jacob li, thM tho á : Zeeb, i-a ttwdi ni ot tlii Btab , and I a luis been duly tasued t.r her appearir.ri-, t.iit thul th urne oould nol ! ■orred l-y mtioucd ■■■■ ■ pluceof redden ; totion of Lvunmoe & Frazer, of oounscl for oomplalnaott '■ i-s ord red Üiat the said de! iTit. L redt i :i 'i.a Zeeb, cause bet cauee to bc evteréd within thn e montnn Cnui 1 1 of thia order, and in caae of In-r unta arana .-I. her tvnnwetto the complainant' i.ill to bc? tilM, and a copythe redonthe oomplafrianfsflollslt ;n twenty (luya nfti-r a st-rvicc of a coiir I 11 and iiotice of thia order, and in lcfault thereof tbat the Baid bill lf taken and it te fnr Bred, 1i::it Mitliin t.wi'iily i'.nys tlic snid complainanl oanae n ebffy m' thi' ordertobe pul kn I he .' ; pi in ■ 'I and puVlinhed in the oityof Ann Acbor, in aid oounf y of Washtenaw, and i h;i! soid pubtteatioa beeontinaed in Baid paper onoe ia eaoh veek for m weeks in BucoesBion, or tliat he caane n copy of thia order to irm oíd detetámt at leatt twontyoayi bc tor, the nbove ini-senUd her appoara i. (Stpt. 7th, 1&1U R. BKAHAN, drouil Court Conmnssioner, Washtenaw Coíaiií y Mu : Kolieitor md of Counsel for Complm'nnnt. Sheriff f Sale. STATE ol' MICHIGAN, county of Waahtanaw, bs. Byvlrtueol awrl ilssui Lont of and under the seal of the : ri Foi the eouxity of Wilitcn:iw, .-'. ■ m,d;ded BIy &th,1871, a ml to e direoted and detfreréd, agaihtl the chattels, tanda and t !.■ mente of George D. HÜ1, 1 dia nu the 31 st day of -fnly, A. 1). 1871, íevj apon all the ■ I.. Ilill Ims in tin rollowing desorib d real estáte, to-wit: The eaai half of the northeasi 1 ■rtiuu liUMï!- II, rcuiiÚDÍIir-' cilfhty aeM'S OÍ land. AÍaO i:h half ot tlie west half of the ïiori I two, contamina' twenty -twa arres of land, said lanas being aitnatcd in the tównnhip it' Ann Aroor, ootinly ui' Waahtetaaw, state of Michi(ran, whittta tonde I iih.'ill oxpoae for bals at public auelion, to the highest 1 the 87nth door of the Couri Hou.m-, ín thv dtyof Aim Ai-Ik.i-, n;t thu lí.Hh (Uy OÍ Octobtr, A . I '. 1871) at 10 o'elock a. m. of said day. DMted, 6ept.Öth, 1871. MYEON WEBB. Sheriff, Uy Jobtui tfoBBsa, Under Bkeri Sheriff'a Sale. STATi: OPIOCHIG . i CH ï.iyof By virtue of it ríí of execatitm iucd out f aad iinder tho seal of tbe l I ftir the county t Waehtenav, 81 ■! Qa !. . D. 18' l. and to ajo dii ist the inda and tem menta ol A i Ëmith and Coartes H. Conklia, defendant I oamed, I dW, on tho Mfth day of Jnly, IS71, fbrtti wantof good and chattele, tevy apon all t ïi-? Intct eet thfli Anthony Bmith has in tne íollout -wit: Th.' andiTidod one-half, viz., the northpartqi tbe south wast qaarter of section avenówtiáhlp foursouth of rai '. . éo . ride ui the inill-i)ndon the north puil of the abovo deaorïbed quartei -■ : in, the premñea aentwfore dedod by Cornelina Shepuerd to Eraatuq LoBaron, boarixia date Ain-il Slat, 1852. Alsoállthe infí.-rest Charlea ft. Conklra has in the following deacril ■ .■..!■ i and 2 in secl ion i in the rülage nf' Baline, county of Washtenaw, state of BfSehigaa, seeovdlnfl in ilic mplat tbereof, beginning on O1 Bouth line of the Chicago rond tweWé teñi weBffttrtn the north ner oi aaid lol ome, tl ence nouthi , h pnralli 1 witb tlic . aal lini i-t aaid "t ■ i ly paritUt-1 wtth Múd Chicago rood fcwénty feet, thencenortheriy parallel with tb siikl eaet line sixty feet to the south line of i he ( ihïcogo road, I ' ]y nbmp the south Une of Ü ■ oïnd to th place m ■ 1 n: all exposé tor sale ar publi . to tho higfaeffl bidder, it tlie loor oí Üie Couri House ín tho city of Ann Arbor, on tl 21n. day of Octobei uext, li 1noon erf said day. DatedÖopt. üih, 1R71. irTYRON WEBB, Sheriff, 1Í13 By JORTIS FOBBSS, ' D ii .■-h■J:lT. Por Sale. STATE OP ÍUMI[;ANY-intyoMVwMrnr,,-, .,-. In tht: matter oí the estat vi llaman H. Üage, deceased. Notice is hen '■. giren, that in ptirsi an ordt-r granted to the underaigned, aamktiatratorB i the llon. .1 . Probate for the county of VTasbtonaw, on thefourth day of bepUtfnbeX) A. 1). L871, tbero will be public vendne, lo the b lor, al tht' dwelUng ho.abe-un es, ua theotfuniy of 'a: Ín sui'i ;.! . on Wedneday, the mghth day of No. . 1'. 1871, ál oneó'clocl in ilic aftornoon of that day ïubied to all enciunbzaiices l)y uut i Ime of thi de ith mbieet to tho rijrht ot' dmver of his berein), the following d senbed reíd eatate, lowit: west half of t southeASI quarter, and ithwest auarter of Bectioi thirty-twoin townshljp two sonth of range thi in múd Btate, oontainiDff onO haadred and ?-ii aere more or less Alo the land un whioh the house an t - : oom niencing on the town line at the Bouthetiei oontet f : half ol the Boutooast quartex of wrid eecf ion tbirty-two, and running thenoe south Bixty-five det --ix chaina and úit y links, h fortyeight degroea west tuur chaina and ninetcen links, tsence north fcwent) d cïity-tivi' links, to tie town line, thence oni on the iown li,w"anlbS 100 acres ol landlyjbigon the üorth end of the northeast uart in the ihip of shnmn, i. nmt y and State aforesAid. Dal .. D. 1871. RU88ELL WHIPFLE, I , -t trt rH A. èiöB, AdministiMon. file. STATE OP MU 'E IOAK, coonty of Wa Ihb naw, bs. in the nutter of theestate of LXttío1 M. bltKC9Julius Bluknslec, minors ! Moticeis UtroU given, thai in punuanoe of un order granted to the andoTeúnied, Guarditua of the estáte of said minors, I y the 8 '1 Probate foj Lhe county ol ; Ecmber, A. 1 ;. 1871, II be sold ut public vondue. to the highest bid■ ! tne undersiRned, üututUn, m ahipuf Vork, in !!:'■ ooantyof Washtonaw, ■ '. 1871, al teno'clock in the fortnoon ol that i all encumbrancea m' mortgHge or othcr . ano also Bubjcd to the right u dowor of üie wiihr.v of Jiiliua W. . 'ü. 11 in , tlU até, to-wit: Tho undrridefl halt of the slüvon 'iiui u huif aci'et of i le nortti huil of the south tb ■ weat half ol the Dortnwesl ui rter ol . ■- tiun twriiiy-twov in townt-hip fout soath ol1 rang sis _-u-;r i,. Dati d, September 7ili, 18! l. 1338 Al.[iA BLAKE8LEE, Guardian. Real Ëatate for Sale. CTATE OFMICHia 'iv. ooun;ty of Washtenftw, as. O In the matter of the estáte ol m, decewB -d : Noties i hereby inu-n, that in puxsunnce ol on oid r gjuuted to the ui idministrutor , the Hon. Judgeof Probato iat the county of Waahtonaw, on the Öftli &ay of September, A. 'l. 1871 wi be -■ ■ vendue, to i fa lor, al fa OM r ui the ( !ouïl Ëouse, i;i i '■■ ■- d the county of Waahtenaw. in said S1 ■ ay, the ttfteentta day t November, .. D 1871, ut ten q'clook ii the forenoon oí that dy, j-t-L tft alk encumbrancea bj mortgagf orotherwise eacUie dei :"" ol - -. and jeet io tlie life ■ tati ol bis wi Iot thi rein , the following described i.-.ü ostate, to-wit: A strip ol four, in the city of Ann Arbor, desciibed na cqxöat a iwint on Ai fvo fe( real bomthesoutheasl cornei of said loti and running-fhenee north parallel with tlie etst line uf said ; -r the bxiek building on said lot, thi nee cast one (bot. thence south paralli 1 to linenixty fee! toAnnstreet, thenoe weal on the north line of v. o the placeol bezinning incUiding the wesl half of tne brick wall now sUuiding on said strip ol land. September IGth, A. I), i 3E0RGE CLABKBN, AJiuinistrntor rt? bwis wn ];ü with the will onnexocf. i: ■..! I'istito For Salo. STATI-' OF UU EtXGAN, i nintyol W oshtenaw, sí. bithi heestate of JoannftBargion and llary srahoiK1)', aunara : Notica is bereby giren, that in pursuance of an order grauted to'the ondersnrnod guardián ú these ite of said minors by the Hun. ■ tbe counter of JVashtenaw, on tndday ofOctoberi A. D. IS7Y. thíre wil! be aoldatpubUe rendAto theighest bidder, t the south door of tbe Court House in tli Arbor, ia the c ■ i htenawiTi said 51 ite, on W day the twentyeoond day November, A. D. 1871, at Len o'clo b in the förenodn of thftt dny [subject to all encumbrancoa by mortswre ox ol ham ise exi il the time (ii sale] th following desoribed real Tn--.vii: i.t sevrá In rtoek öto, Onnsby á j uL" Aun Ai'lKW) iiisuid county and Star. DotedOctober, Sd,A. V. LS7I. 1342 LUKK COYTX, Guardian. lio:il Kstatc Fov $al(!. STATE OF MICHIGAN, county of Waahtonaw, ss. in the otttterof thoi state Henrietta Bnck, mi. '. iv.c is hen-hy fiivcn, that in piivsnuiuv ef an anted t" Üie unáersigned guardián of tho i s tote af said minor by the Hon. Jndite ofProfa the county of Waahienaw, on lhe sooond day of ( tetol" t A. D. 1871. thcre will b1 aold a! public ra i st huder, ut the front door f i iu tho city of Vp-iliinii in thecounty i Waahtenaw in Baid State, on Wodnesday tln twenty aoeaad d.-ty of November, A. D. 171, at ten o clook in the forenoon of that day (subject to all encumbraricea by mortfrnge or otherwise exuttog at the time of sato) the undivided oneéerenth of oach of tbe following describod parrvU nt" V'il i'stalc, lo-H: 1 .01. eleven and tlie north thirdof ttie -west half of lot tenia the villagc (uow eitv) of TpsÜanti in Baid county and State. ÏJated, tMuWrid, A. 1871. -Aj AJtD KE6TG, Guardian. vit te ot' John Grccne, Scn. STATE! OF U CCHIGAN, Coonfey of At a eoeaion of the Probate Tuurt for the County of Wa&hti naw, huiden at the Pti City uf Ann ArU.i. on l-'i-iilay, the twetity-nintli dï ot' September, in the gaar ome thousand eightJiundred and serenty-one Present, Iünun J. Beakes, Judge of Probate. In the matter of Üie estáte of John Greexte, John tí reene. 3r.t Exocutor of the last will and mont of said deceosed, oomej i'io court and rapreseata thoj he is now prepared to reader bja final aecouat as ïuch 1 1 ■ Thercupon it i onlewl, that Mqnday, the thirtieth day of October next, at ten o'cloch in tnè forenoon, be asalgned lor exsmining and ajüowIng auoh aocoont, and that the tegatees dei and heira ar Law of Baid ind all othet persons boten rted in said estáte, are roquir,.-{ to api 1 or at a m ssion ol said Court thi d holden ftï tne Probate Offlee, In the Citj of Ann 1 ounty, and show oftuse, If anj be, why tV said account should nol be auowed : And it is furtber ovdered that Baid Ëxeoutox givenotice to th" persona ínterested in said est-ate, of tho pendciipvof said account, and the hearing thereaC by CAusing a copy of this ordoi to be publisbd ín tlie 1 Argtt anewspaper ptinted and (drculating in Baid I ounty, tbjee 1 1 1 riouato saic ;■:::?:, htoahjtbeakes. jg 2 ui Probate. __ _ ; Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in tho City, by Estáte of Jolin Borijou. U.'í'ATKOKMI.JHItí, C.'ounlvofw,.K. Al a session of i he Probate Conrt r,',r i '"■ I uaw, bolde at the Probate óm Mty oía,,,. Albor, oí, t) e f, ... "obcr,in tiio year oue thjand " ,"' "' ! Ir.d and Bovoiity une. Present iSr.uií.j. Beakes. Jn'drioTPr i mnttcrofth. eWofXJ iow on fllc Id thWUoii,.Mportln)i di ivill and tes: uneot ol sai'd deceaeed. mnv h. M to Probate and fcat he, Willlim L. v14v..h Rorlson may be appointed Kxecuto ThoreopnitÍ8ordered,tbatMondí",t Jay or October Instant, at ten o'cloclí 'i,, oon be tuslgned Tur the hearing of said ,„ ,!,■' ' that lentece, deriseee and" hci",1 ued, and allother persons IwerilÜ i, are reqoired ;o apenr tTSSfi said üonrt, thcn lo be hetAn, at tho I'rnbTt !?'' p Ibe City of Aun Arbor, and show „ '9t, I there be, why the urnjrer of Ibe pettlíonS Jï "í I nol be granted ■ A mi it la fnrther ordered ikT11 I wtlt iglvenoticeto the persons i u" tVí. f-" I ■ald catate, of ti; pendency of 8,iirl ,„.. the hearln thercof. iy cansfng n copv uf !■ "i I to bc published in the Michigan A rin, . „„ "ti I jrlnted and circnlating in said Countv tlm",. '"W I ve week urevloas to said dny of hñi-in.. 3U I (Atruecopy.J UllíAM J. m,jVKEs 1338 Jntee oí pro Estáte of Goorgc S. Froaf:STATE OFMICHIOAN, County ofW At ti aearion ol the Probate Cout fot ■ of Wiuslitimiw, holden Kt tbc l'rotate Offl tf I Ci'.y of Aun Arber, im Thursdoj-, ti,,-' ■I i letober, in tle year one thousaud eik i uvMi and yr riity-'iiie. "v" -.;. ■1, lliiiiin J. Beftkes, .ludiré of Pro- I ii iliu matter of the estáte of Omni. deoeased. 6 "■ 'no, i in ronding and Bling the peUtton, dub ■ . er and .lames (' Freor, Adnmmtr.líOi! ■■■ Éhaj thej in.. be lie. oh] teadlccrtataSSírfieteofSBid deeeaiwd died HzcdL , liit run it is ordeied, that Uondar tu . diiy of Nd. mlnr ni-xt, ut ten o'clock iiuv w nssignl lor the ,.i .". '■'■■ and tbtttthebeiisat tow nf snid decunsa! mJ?"1 persons inleiesíed in raid entate, reiHnÜT' peal ;ii i wasion of said Court, tlu i i . Probato (Jltiec, in tlin City of Ara . isc, if any ttioro be, wliy tlu - ■. should not be gimttod: Aml itiífZiüf I Drderad, that snid petitimer gfra riwi'He!5 I din Baid estáte, oi th];ndency of kSt' I : tlie hcnríiiK theroof, l.y ,;,,,.;i : published in the .tfícim,i jS I netrapsipa ninted and circulating in said ' l'1' I tom soceeenve weeka praviou tu aid s, , (A truc copy.) ii I KA M J. BKAkB1 I 1338 ' . Estáte of ífoses Eich. STATE OF MICHIGAN, County of Wbtn, ■■i tba Probate Comt f.,; of WasbtenairyhtdBa attheProbateOilii. ■! Aun Arlu.r, on Tlmixlay, thc r, ii the ycur one,, und seveuty-one. e mw I Piesent uófam J. BeakaavJvjdajs iti I'robjitt In Un; íuutiLT oftbe estáte of Moms Bu i I On reodintr imd flling the petihon, duiy v.,r.,j Philo 8. l'.K-h, proymg that .i certuúi iWlL I noH-on tile ín tlu Court, purporting to ttbE. will and testament of smd deceásed titiy be íuJdo i. and tlmt lio muy be apueiu ecutOK thui-eof. u' [ pon it is ontered, that Momln th? , ! third day of ' t.dwitBiUiVf I be ssignedfortbo hearing of lid i.-ti: m, nndtiatË i 1' ratees, devisees and heire ;it taw nf yitiddccfawd í allothei persons intarested in s;iil esta:'-. arermoSS to apiHnir id n s.-Hsir.íi of mïd eouxt, thcn to hpJiftlAT ut, tfc Probate Office, in theeftyur Aun ,C "; c, if any there lv, wliy the rnnirtT Bhould not le ffntnted : A:i';that said petftiobet fire notíce to tU w soiis inten-sted in s;iiit o;.ttt'. i said pct.itioii. and the hearing thtrcof, br ai, copy of this order to bo published in the Miilm, Atfxi, ii nenspaper printed and circulal nirity, tint sutcMÚVs: weoks jnovious te hooiing. (A trne copj-.j HIBAU .1. HHAKïs. 13-tl Judge of írol Estáte of Eaiiicc Baldwin, STATE OF MI' IIIi.AN. oMintyoi U'.uMeM,,. . t n ion of the I'robute Court for the iróti of Washteniiw, holden at the lrobato Offiea, ïï . 'm Monday, the tmtj.ifj day ol September, iii theyeaxoue thouandeightkodzêd :uwl Beventy tme. Prarat, HinuaJ. Beatos Jdn of -Probatt In the matter uf the eBtate of i. mi,-, li;iidwia, . ■M IV Covert, Bxeoutor of t!:eht wiUiai hl dooeasod, cunes iii!o('otirtaadm. ; i:it beisnow prepared to render lúa timi coiint na e ai b Execntor. ,iijH:i i i ordered, that fonday, tiietwiHT. tbirdday ol Oetobcruext, rit u.u o'ckck itittiefoöi, ■ . iniojr and allowing sndi sgmiI, and that the Ii gatees, devisees ;it:i! :. and aUotherper '.inuidett;itt', are required to appear at a aeesion i ■ Uien in be lioldeu at tiio l'i-baite Ofioe, i uVétftf Mm Albüc, Ui .:iiii conuty, nndshov r-:uisct if uj I tliero be, wiiy the jrl account ahoald not l# I }w .1: And it i furthcr ordered to the persona intcrosted in siti a. I bate, ol Oie pendency of saitl oeoouDt,aBd'taib I iikLr th'Tcui. by cansina; :t py of ti ozdertoH ] punlished in m Argus, it new?pi{(f j ■ lunty, üim suy I : - pitjvious tO ■ i',-arinjr. ,A tmocopy.l IiÏRAMJ. 1,UI Ju,;. Estáte of Julm F. Breitenwoscier. STATl OP M [CHIQAN, County oIW4Mi,m. ai :i sesslon of the Probate Court ftklüulj of Wasbtenaw, bolden at ihe ProbateVAientta ] City f Ann Arlior. i Taeedajr, Ibe ilvsg j .'.tv of September, in the year o'ne thoïiesöi eighl I hundixMi and seventy one. Present HiramJ Beake?,fndgoof Probule In the m-itter of the estáte of John V. Breit I ■Lfl] llcnry.t. Davidter. Execatnr ortlu' lait will al testament ol &iid dreeasod, comen uto Conrimfl representa he U now prepatedto nual accoant as snch Bxecntor. on itis Ordered. thatMsnday, tbc twentfthïrd day of October next at ten o'clwck in the iorïiuun, be asslgned for examtaing and nlloiiij sach account, and tliat Ihe Icgi tec . and helra at law of sai! deceased, a!i(l ■ dlIkt persons Loterested In said iptate, are rquiit'd lo appear ata Bession of saidcmirt. tiien be hoWt-n at the Probnto Office, In the City o! ah Arbor, InuMOoanty and show onnM, If ua Uw be why the xiiil account shonld hol And it is further ordered thai Bakl elvenutice to the persona interesled ín ■ of the pendencv of said ftccoont, snd the heirirï thereof. byeaoelns ntopj of tbis order to be pnbIUhedinthe jfric&iffan .i;.n, a newëpapcr pritití and ' ..-'uraiiMg is aaid Coiiuty. larce sucotüi" previons to saïdday of hmring. CA truecopj.) lIlK.M.l.BEAKt?. 1M ■ Jinlcol ProbiK. Estato of Cuh-in K. Boeker. STA!':: OF M3CH1OAN, county ofWsïnteut,; .'v( i M.S3Í0I1 of the Probate ( 'oiirt for Uv uu, liuldcu at tbe l'robate ottic. . of Ann Artor. on Wednesdüy, the sisth Uv d 2 , i:i tht year one thousaiud eight liuanrw u ■ one. Present, lliiam J. Iieakea, Jmigeof Probate. 1 il i hu matter uf the ilvin K. Bern Uu rojKlinu and filinR tlie petition, duly venna," . luiiaul. Executor, praying thntnes 10 sell certam real estáte wheiwl m11' iixl. Thereopon it is ordered, that Monday. thewni!thiid dy of October nest. at ten oVlurit inlbeiw n, beóssigned Col hearing of eaid peno T that thel ■ hees and bëirsal lawof r.u all othei persons interested in : iv reqnirod tn appear ut a session of eaid tobe holden nt the Probate Office, in theotjofJ Albor, and áho eau . ii any tliero be, "Wj pmyei of the petrtioner shouid not be Bm it is further ordered, tlmt said petitioncr give the persona interested in aaid estáte, of thc ptm. of Hiüf pi-tition and the hearinx tliertof, !■ i opb of this order to lic published In the .',' guët o newsppei' prüitw and cireuhitio i 'i y, tuur succesüive weeks [irtíous to si';'"f! trne copy.) HUU Jl J. BEi 6 134D .lu,l-fof ProM Estato of Thomas J. Mrooks. ST 1.TE0P -MU UI'.an.i i.iin:yi.! Waul Attiw'Monof the C.nirt for I ol Waahtenaw, holden t the Probate O" City af Ann Arbor, on Thursday, tht '. day of August, in the year one thousand eigW11 dred and seventy-one. BiraiaJ, Beokos, Judge of Probste. fa the witter of the Estáte of Thonuu Ji"" idingand flling the pctiiUm, ilnly 'wV ' Charles 11. Kemjif. ailn.ini.-tralcir, pro'mg "T ' i ma] bc licensed to sell certain real estáte wlim- 'l '- ■ ,(.-□■■ I I ! .;. apon il isorderedThal Monday, theJJÜÜ darof Octoher nest, at ton o'cloci in ih" i"n0 be useigned tor boe hearing of sai! I1'1 „ kn : law ol said ' i. mí" penona raterested in aaid estáte, are roqinrltoR"r at a aesnaa of said Court, Uien tolholdeo,JJ Ütttee, in the City of Ann Arlnir.aWJJ (mus.', il' any there be, why the prayi-mf tl PJJfJÜ ihonld not begranh .1 i And it i fui-ther unleiwjl said petitioner give notice tó the persons 'ntírí(t 1 e, of the pendency uf said hearing U.eraof, by eausing a copj published in the Mitlngan Argta, n newaptpCT p- and oirtnüatiing in said oounty, four sucoeasw previous to ..ti-l day of bearinff. ,... (Atru.couy.) Ö1KAM J. BEAK 1330 Judie ofW. jOst ut' lliiam Larzolore. STAI'K uf MICHIGAN, county of WashteoS i i -,-M-Hiof the l'iiibatf ' i'irl l'iv f WiiKluniiuv, holden at the Probate l"hcf',1(l r.ty oí Aun Arbor, on Saturday, the BixteentB"ï :. in the year one thousand ligh' lu ■mil seventy ■ . tA ■ . liirm. .). Boakee, Judge of ;. In the matter of the eatc of Hiram !!■" ' Onrending rmd flllng tho p.-lition, dnly xcrj. . praying that a certam "" ,.; now on '.■ in this oourt, purporting to bc tlw - , u ntof BHid deceased, may udmiij probate and that. Ahïed borwlere may Wj"!!" ■r thércof. ite# ïbtreupon it is ordered, Ihnt Ii"n!.-iy. 'ie" I la; o) October next, ai ten o'clocklnl leassigned tor the hearing of said P'tiIluni,J5a4l he legateee, ■■■■ 'm ee and heira at law of s;l1" " If , ind afi other persons interested in ■uired to appear at a nession o( said oourt, lolden, ai the Probate Ofliee, in the dtj - how cause, il' any there bc. w! .1 the QBtitioner should not bc gi 'urtherordered thatsaid petitioner give """UMrt:i leraons Interested in said estnte, at Uw i wid petition, and the hearing thereof, ':■ pyof thia order to be publiahod m the fj) Ar,',„s, a newspnper printed and .■nrul.i ■1"i'jt,il i bree ucceseive weekí provious to bsi ■ ■ rPÜY8imK?WcBlPTI0S! vi;ci'HATKLY AKS CAREFULLY PREPAPE B. W. BLUS A CO.,DBUGGl8l8-


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Michigan Argus