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Board Of Supervisors

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Wodnesday, Oot. llth, 1871. Ëoard ittet piirsuant to adjournment. Called to order by tho Chairman. Koll called present, a quorum. Minutes of the pröoceding diiy rcad and approvod. A petition from Eev. G. D. Gillespie, J; M. Wheelcr, and twen ty-six others, was prcscnted, praying the attentiort of this Board to tho sanitary condition of tliu juil) and rccommond'ng separate apart nients for children confined therein. On motion of Mr. Anus, thö petition was referred to the Comniittco on Public Buildings, Mr. Yeckloy moved that thoso Supervisors intcrestod in Fractional School Districta bö dirci'tcu to apportion frac tioilal school district taxos on the biisis of the cqualizcd valuation of such townships or cities. Mr. Wall moved to lay on the table. The yeas and nays being called fori re sulted lis follows : Yen-i - Measrs. Cook, Fleiniilg', deer, Ilaire, O'IIeam, Sage, Wall, WdMülln and Chnirman. Nay - Messr3. Arnis, Grangcr, McCoJlum, Millard, Osborn, Shurtleff, Sntith, ïuomy, Wilsuy, Yeokley, and Yost. Yeas, Ü ; Nays, 1 1 . The motion to lay on tho table boing lost, the motion was then agreed to. The Clerk presented tho following communieation from tho. Auditor General; Aupitob OnnBBAifl OwnoM. J.:uiMfr Mich., Oct. lSlh, 1871. Ül&kofOu Iloard of Sujtrctsort or the County of Wa&ht" Sin. - You aro hcveby notified that a Stato Tax has boon apportioned amongst the proveí-Mi Boabtieé of tlio State, according to the last returns, of the aggregato valuation of taxablo property therein, made to thia office and as equalized and determined by the State Board of Ktjualization at tlieir sossion in August 1871. The atnount of State tax, apportioned te ooür county under rnrioüs acts of the Legislatura iS as follojvs : Act No. 122, 1861, ■L MUI, $ 3.937 5 ' " in, lsiiS, Military Fund, 1,398 77 " " H, 1869, UniversityAi.l. 7S0 00 " " 30, 1B71, Univoi-aity UuildingS, 1,75 01 " " 68, 1871, New Capítol, 5,0"U m " " 81, lRïl, lisform School, 1,7W 00 " " 8;, l7l, Asylura for ln.inno, 5,015 00 " " 89, 1871, InatitationforD D.4B. 8,375 02 " " 1Ï7, 1871, Additkmeto State PitaHB 8,500 00 " " U3, 1871, General Puij.. U,0 00 " " 172, 1871, Stilte Public School, 750 00 $37,S51 00 " " 103, 1871, County indebtedness to Stutc, 1,678,88 Total State Tax, 189,039 88 You will picase causo the above to be laid before tho Board of Supervisors of your county at thoir annual session in Jctobor noxt. Please acknowledgo inimediately the recuipt cf this notico. Yotir.s respeotfnlly, wdSjah humphrey, Auditor Gonuriil. Tlid Communioauon was reterred to ;he Comiuittce on Apportionmont of Stato and County Taxes. The Clerk also presonted tho Account Current of Washtenaw Countv with the Stato. Iteferred to tho Committee on settlemont with County OBicers. Mr. Tuomy moved that the Clerk be requested to communicate with the Auditor General with referenco to tho old county indebtodnfiss. Agreod to. Mr. ShurtleffofFerO'l tho following resolution : Resolved, That the equalization adopted by this Board List Juno, be adoptad as tho basis of apportionment this 'ÉeM. Ihe rsolütion was adopted. On motion of Mr. Huiro, the Board adjourned until 9 1-2 o'clock to-tuorrow. Thursday, Oct. 12. Board met pursüuit to adjournin int. Called to order by the Chairman. Koll called, quorum present. Mr, Fleming offered the following resolution : liemlcul, That this Board hereby inatruct the C'.mmittees on Claims to receivo BO claims ajrainst the county aftui the lfith day of this month ; and this Board frivcs notico to all persons having claims agoinst the couuty that thoy will recoivo no claims aftel that date ; and hat tho Clerk bo requested to cause the ibove rcsolution to bo published in the lewspapers of this city in this weeks' ssue. Which was adoptod. Mr. Cook moved that the Baard of Supervisors, in a body, visit the County Poor House to-morrow morning at ten o'clock. Mr. Millard moved, as an amendmont, ;hat tlio Board mnko such visit on Tuoslay next at 11 o'clock in the forenoon. Mr. Forbes, to amend, by saying 2 o'clock in tho aftornoon. This amendmont was accejtod, and the question ocourring on Mr. Millnrd's amondnu'nt, the same was lost, and Mr. Cook's motion provailed. Mr. McCollum moved thata eominitteo of ono be appointed to procure conveyance to tho County Poor House. Agreed to, and tho ohair appointed Mr. McCollum as inch committoe. On tnotion of Mr. ülcott, the Board adjourned until 2 o'cloek r. M. ai ti:hxoox session. Board met pursunat to adjournment. Callod to order by tho Chairmau. Roll called, present a quorum. Mr. Wall moved that the committee appointed by the Medical Society o1 Washtenaw County to examino hito tho condition of tho paupers and insano oi this county confmed at tho County House bc requestod to report to this Board the condition in which fchey fonnd saic paupers and insano. Adoptod. On motion of Mr. McCollum, the Boarc adjounicd until to-morrow morning a OM o'clock. Friday, Oct. 13. Board met pursuant to adjourmr.ent Called to ordor by tho Chairman. Itoli called, present a quorum. Mr. McCollum, from committoo on procuremont of oonvoyanco to tho Poor House, reported that he had ongagod the nocossary vohiclos of A. V. Robison & Co. and would bc in waiting lor the Board a tho timo agrood upon. On motion, tho report was accepted and adopted. On motion of Mr. Wall, tho Board wout into a committoe of tho wholo on tho matter of visiting the County Poor House, Mr. McCollum in the chair. And after spending sonte limfi thercin, the comnlittee roso, and its Chairman askod until Monday noxt to make liis report, whieh was granted. Mr. Millard, from committce on Civil Claims, reported tho following and recommended their allowance, at amounts namcd : JVoera. aii. 1 E. J. Johnson, canvnsser, Apr,. 1871, r 12 í G 12 2 A. ][. Royo, " " 0 12 6 12 3 J. l'cck, . " ' 6 12 6 1Ï l ('lias. A. rhnpln, rt " 6 12 (! 12 5 Cieo. IT. Iíhodew, " l( ■■ 9 J2 f, 12 l I'. 1). Wnoclruff, " "ii 3 12 3 12 7 LI. B. loster, " " " 6 48 6 -18 8 Chas. HodKC, " " " 4 L0 4 80 9 Dt W; Palmer, ' ' 6 24 (1 21 10 Fttttídl I' l'tiiiijír, " " " 4 54 4 44 11 Jacob Breining!. " ' m 4 fio 4 GS tm()ip " M 7 20 7 2) 13 Kewtou Sheldon, " " " io 08 10 08 14 ico. S. Rowri, " " i" (j oo 6 00 15 J. D. Coi-ey, " " " 5 (i-l 5 H lti P. Wall, " " 7 20 7 20 17 D. Wilaéy, " " " 6 48 6 48 18 John l'ecblcs, " ' " 4 20 -1 80 11) Jacob st 11M11, ' 4I 7 08 7 08 2 P. l'.uiiiy, " " " e ÍS 6 48 21 Abrnm Kelfo, " ' 5 76 5 7G 22 Wm. Oeer, " " " 7 20 7 20 23 Orrin Thíttclier, M " M 5 16 5 16 M J: Di WilliiiiMS, " " 4 08 4 08 ';: PoO c Ceoki " " " 4 jo 4 20 SC Chus. "Woiiilmff, " " " 4 08 4 C8 : baso K. Collar, " " " 420 4 2o 2S Dt. V. B. Smith, coroii%n Inquest, 5 (10 o 00 2U A. V. líobison & 6o. cuuv y;n ítt Board ot Saperviaon to l'oor llutise, 15 00 15 00 3f) Dr. E. ii;itwill, ji'tst mortem mum, 25 (Ki 10 00 :u s..y!-T' Grmxer, bvogunvforpriaoiiar 1 70 1 7fl 3i Dr. W. Ii. Sinitli, medical services at jníl, 6 00 8 00 On motion öf Mr. Tuoni7, tlio report was accepted. Mr. Wilsey moved tbat the bilí of County Canvassere be reco:nmittcd to the committee on Civil Claims, witta instruotions to allow said bilí ut two dollars por day for oach cartvasfiüi'. Yoaa aiicl üays beiug callod for thc samo was lost by the following vote : Yeas. - Messrs. Cook and "Wilsey. Naya. - Messrs. Arms, Fleming, Forbes, Geer, Granger, Haire, Lazelle, Leonard, McCollum, Millardj O'Hearn, Olcott, Os)orn, Sage, Tuomy, Wall, WossclSj Wyntup, Yost, and Chairman. Yeas, 2 nays, 21. The report of the comraitteo was óhon idopttil, aii'l tho claims allöwed as recommonded. On motion of Mr. Arms, the Board adourned until Monday next, at ten o'clook


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Michigan Argus