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$10 REWARD ! ! 1 TOL EN froru the 6tihs.:riber, on the 6th of J September. iii?t.. n blad:, cocon Kood, eight tyedftuU. The :"rp; joint was a draw-joirtt and ned- -the key werc silver, two silvcr bands round each joint, nnd otie at ench end, with stem of stlvcr ai thn head. Somè ndditional mrk8 recollecid nnd enn bc givcn if necessary". 'he ahove reward will be civen to any persort i-ho will give nformoiicn 90 ihat the instrurrférit nd the thief enn be ob'áined. Ií it is found vithout thè thief", n sMisfactory and liberal' comicnsuion will be givcn. t. R. POWELt. Ana Arbör, Sept. 23, 14". 230-if Flax Seed. '""MIE Subscribern w-v:t to'bby a qtnntly of -X. Flox Seed. for which they will pay the lighest market price in Goons cit Ca5H's delivired nt their h, nt Mount Plenp'int. Gonessee Co., Michigan: 5 milis north of Fentonville. BOOT H & LA TOURPTTE. Sept. 1845 ' 2oO:6m IiEOx"VI WESLEYAN INSilTüTË. THIS Instilutión will c;immen?e ïrs firet lera on the 15th of September. A building hns leen'fitted up which will accoinnuodate (H'erono tiundred studenls. TERMS OF TU1T10X. 3.00 a per term, for English branché 4.00 for a mathejiiaiical cou'se. 5.00 inclnrling the languages. Indigent students preparing for the mihiatry can Jiave tuition free. If students ore not rearfy to commence with the term thejr tuition will be graduated in proportion to the time. Board and Lodging can be had in the vïïfagi for $1.00 per week. Rooms enn be had for any who chose tó' otfard themselves. The following Text Books have been adó'pted in the Institufion: Daviep' Series of Mathematica, includjng nia Arithmetic; nlso. CoHurns' mental do.; tirówji' Grammar; Woodbridge's Modern Geography, with Mitchell's series of outline nvps: Andrews and Stoddard'8 Latin Grammar nd Reader, Goodrich'p Greck Lessins nnd Grammar;' Ja cob's Greek Reader; Comstock's Philosophy nnd rhemistry: Blnkc' .Aetronomy; Haywards's Phyeiology: Iic.'ÏLr?'s Lodpic: Wbnttly's Rhctoric; Bnrber'e Elocntion: Harria' Book ÍCséping; Barlirr's Gerrnl Hisrory; WUson's History of the United States; Hutíer's Atíalogy; Mobsn' VJentaTand Moml Philosophy,' The Instittitinn own n set oftha nbove decribed books which are desicned for the u of Stndents who wish not topurc'iase'forjthpmeelvei. The Insiitution hns a Librnry of bout one ihous-ind volumes, afso a Cabiiíet of Mineral and Marine shclls. Manual lubor wiïl be sneouragéd ín this institution. A n'ew 8r"ptem of trnihinf GeogTa'phy by outüne mnpa will bc adopted,' also a néw sysiem en penmanship. A competent Fcmnle Teacher is èxpected in time to commmcr with the term. CHARLES GAL-PI.N, Principal. T.poni. Sept. 15. lH4f. 230-tf fXöOO Pages for Fifty Cents! '!!!L$ PROSPECTUS OF THR Congrcssional JournaL I ■ l H K tditors of the United Stxiits Journat _L propose to commence. with the next session oí Congrees, a weekly inibücntion under the ahove tille, to continue through the whole Bession, at the nnpreredented l nr priee of FIFTY CETS ! ! io each subKcnber for a volume ofíe {hundré-i pagul it wilj contnin n faithful and im'partfaí record ofboih Housts of Conprc?s. tJie gist of all the importnnt speeclies wliich may be delivered, &c. The most comprrrnt rrponers will be émployed. nnd DOtbtng hill prevém it made iorthy of the phtroag8j of the public Tho Journal v.:!! endenvor. in its records, (6 do justico to botli pardea,' so ihnt both porties will feel lloved to patroniso ihe publicatiori. ït being the ong session, as it ia callod, the volume will contain nt lenst 500 pnges; ench number wijl conuin sixteen pngca of solid matter, whicil will ennliia the publiehers to give all the pröóeedinpa worihy of br in? preserved in book form; for binding and future referoncc. The exceedinglv low terms will place it with.n the rench of all; the pnblishers hope tbat their (rienda will use their exprtinns in obiaininp subscribers. (CTThose who forwnrd Fivo Dollars shoii recoivG F.levon copie? - Ten dollam, Twehty-three copies - Twmty dollarrs. FIFTY copies - reducing the price lo fort y cents, for a. voliime of 500 pn2es. T"KQ.PHII.ÜS FISK, JESSE F. DOW. Washington, Anglist 12, 1845. 230


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