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The Rochester Convention

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OCR Text Radicáis may bo relievod froin the disappointment usually consequent apon ontmting ehiiikYiis before they aro liatohed, or, in tbis Ínstanos, before tho proOess of iucubation lias fairly commenced, wo rocominend a perusal of the extraot from a correspoudanoe of tbc Ëfew York Ilerald, whioh wepublieh in anothor oolunm. lt ia Bufftoienbly wuilk'iowu tlic Tiunniany frtiuds have been made tlic rook apon whieh the Radicáis stood and fanoied theiasolvos "bookod" fortho complot control of New York city and State, and froin which, imagining tho afbresaid rock firiii as that "oí ages," they have eourplaoontly observod, in "the inind's eyé,'of course, tho downfj.ll of thc Domooracy. Tho exclusión of tho Tammany dele .ih;s f rom sonta in tho Statu Cbiivention at Rooliestor, will mt vöry pleasaotly affoct tho Radicáis, who had fully ni ulo Op thoir niinds that Tamiiiany wouM nöt only bo represented but wcmld be tíie supreine power in the deliberations of tho ooJiveution. But instoad of a víotory foi Tammany, that organi.ation - if ovganit;itiin it may now be called- has been defeated, and deservedly too, no doubt. Had tho Damocraoy of tho K. apiro Stats allowed the Tammany mon to repr New York city, and to rulo in tlio convcentton, thovu inight havo boen go.)il rúa sons fot tho Eadicala to expoct grand robuI ts iu thcir fáror ; but their espectations wero built upon a vt;ry weak foundation, as, in the liochestor Coiweution, the Domocracy modo a mostaignificánt practica' apptioation of thcir theories of oppositioii to coriirptron wliareveu found.Vio again cali attention tö the Currespondenco, and also to thc following editorial remarks, whioh we clip from the columns of thc Ilerald. That Journal is thc OTgUX oí noither pnrtj', aiwl deals alike wifch both. Forthat reason its rfews should be entitled to fchegroatest resijcct : " But in a cloHer view of tho new position taken by this Rochester Couvention, vo liud that it is the strougost possible position that could havo boen chosen for party, lt detauhos the party from tho oorruition.s aiid thc control of Taiamany : it (Vdcs ill tluit cowld bo done to relieve thc party from thi; bad odor into which Tanuuany has tallen, aiul it places tho party upon a sumid and popular platform of municipal reorganización. Disorganized, therefore, a tuu party is in this city, and demoralizod as it imist necessarily líe to somo extent throughout tho State, it yet possesses a Statu ticket anc platform caleulatcd to harmonizo the party, city and Statu, iu the November election. We incline to thc opinión, therefore, that the Doiuocrats will hold thcir own, and perhaps moro than their own, in tho ' rural district,' and that their losses in the city will hanhy bü feit in tho Legislatura They may lose their SI ate ticket Uy a considerable voto with thc lorss of their usual overwhelmiug city major ty; but throughout the country, on this new departure of reform, tho loss of tile State will be noutralized, as a cause of discouragement, by the release of tho party from the dead weigM of Tammany Hall."


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