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The Destruction Of Our Forests

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Thoro was somtithing terribly appalling, au awfulness alinost incompreltuiisiblo, abont tho swoeping away ia a day, as it ware oí' thívt inagnilioent toiuplc of human iiulustiy and skill, Chicago; but whi;n vo turn tVom tliat sad sight to view the dostruction in our own State, WTOttght by tbo devourinu; eloment, a still inore appaUimg - it' tli:vfc wen: possible - spuotacle is prosontcd to oui" vu v. Vast strotuhes of land, thousands of acres, whicb but a few days ago weve coveved with laagniiiccnt foresta, with perbapt horc and thorc a villaje or a hut of somc enterprisiog pioneer, ave ikw but blackeoed dosorts, with nom;ht upon their sui';K'c. buc ishes and einders to tull the talü of their dopartod glory. This inay not seem vory much at first, but whcn wc como to ïully realizo the extent of iiijury (l:ni', ■ tin; awSolneaa strikes us as being gTjater thaa that of roiaad citios. Cities and villíiges bo robuiVt. No matter how grand tLic teiuplcs, it' human skill and onergy have eroetod them, the huoe BgOTioiflg eau replae tlwm. But our i-.incl old jnimeval forsts, when once svcj)t nwiiy, :ivu gone Nature has been hundred of years iiv pnoducin thtiu, and generatiou alter generation ot' mankind will liavc pa.siel away ereslio can restore thciu. These injurie will perhaps liavo no immodi&te effect uijou us, but it will not I: ïuany yeare beforo tliey will bc distinctly feit, not only by ourselves, but by the entilo country. When Michigan (iliiiU llave uxhausted her pineries, and her vast coininerce in lumbar sliall have become u. thing of thü past, then will the Io3se3 of her forestsnow being sustained, bc counted in dollars and ceuts. And the day is uot fax distant. Donnelly, tlie Minnesota ex-Oongreesman, who makea a pa-acticc of changing his pDlitics with every uuw in ■■ ui, is to enter the lecturo field. Ile is-to teil what heknowsabout a Congrej.siu.iu's lit'c in Washington. It is tobe hoped be will not dkplojr the picturo hc onco drow of Wiishburn


Old News
Michigan Argus