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A Proclamation By The Governor

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bl'ATfi OF MlCH'tiAN. . 1 .!-vi i Ikmck, ! Djtroit, (Jjtobor Li , is;i. ) To TUE PEOri.K O!' MICHIGAN ; Wtrile yon have been ocupiod in the' iu!)lu work ot' tumisiiing roüof to the aoveiy afflicted peoplo of ilie ueighboriag city of Chicago, large soctions ; own St;ite were bèing dovastated by tiio same turriblo scoorgo ut' liio. Soveral oonnties havo been almo3t cntirely ruinod, thriving wtios, towna and JOH !i;ivo bcua re jucuil tu ishrs : miils giving einployuieat aad support to hun ilro-ls of t'uiuiiius, whole towiküüpa of Val' oable iiiubt'r, dweliüigs, b:tru.-, crups and proporty of ovuij dweriptioa, havo bcon toWly destroyed. Tliu destiiiotioa oí both Life and proper ty hat beenappulling; thousLinds of our citizeua have baun rtuidercd lvousuli'S-i tmil humuÏ0-s, and aio dustituto of the absolute noce Biudes of lif t TJio oalaiuity wkioh has beíulleii ou peopie, turribití ;is it WOllld Ik; ;it :m liiu-j, isdoubly o it the comuieiicouibii o: tiij appro&ühing inolemobt ae so i of tb ye ir, aud o üis iu').,t eamasly upun evi oitizeu of the Stici', v.u ii is escape I thi gad disiáter, to (xiitibiito pro:uptiy IM1 liberally toweudu tile roliuf ot' tiiesu, ou suüaiing t'i:liow citiziiw. While contributions tbr the ailüctui peoplo ot ilichigan lmvo beeii, and wi continuo to bc, mode i'roirt otheï Utatd: suoh oaniiot be depended upoo : ealmnc must be placed muiuly upou ilie poopia i uur owu Comiiionwc.altii. I, thyicforu, appjsal to the pdople Michigan to meet tliis emergoney with degreo of prom ptuuss aud. liberality meas urod only by thu urgent nucessi'.ijs of th cuso. In ordor thut centeibtttious eb&jt bc dis tributed judiciously and wisely, it ha buon dcoiued bost to appoiut two " Stat !!■ iit' Ciiniiuittoos," ono ot these locatec in the city oi' Detroit, and couiposud o: theïollowing named persons: C. M. UAH1USOX, Chairina. CIIAKLES KKLLOÜU, ïreas. WlL Ö THOMPSON, OKORGE McMILLAN. The othcr in tho city of Qranii Jiapids, composed oí' tho fulluwing uamed persons : HON. TIIOS. D. OILBERT, HON. W.M. A. IIOWARD, HON. N. L. AVEKY, HON. HKNKV PBALIOK, GAPT. BOBEBT OOLLINS. It is roijuosti'd that moaey and clothing, fooil cfr bedding beforwarded to onc or the other of these oonunitteos, a may be most COnvonient to tlie donors. Tho .State Cotuoxitteos will appoint o-nc or more perSoon in tho several countic, to wliom ooatributionfi front the lownshipg inay bo sent, and by whom tlu-y will bo tninsmitU'cl to one of the State Committoos. Lnt us romembor that "itis inore blessscd t give than to a if."


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