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Kstatc of John Lewis. ST "i';-: OF MICHIGAN, oonnty oi W ishtcnav,. Abasesaion of the Probate C'onrl Par the county ■ i' Waohtenaw, holden at the i'i . in the oity ot ,v,u Albor. ii Baturduy, the -1 l day of October, in the pooi one thouaand eight hun'i d and böi enty one. Pre ii', Hinun J. Beakcft, Jndge of Probate. In the matter of Hm feite of John Ltwis, lt■ Bliphutel Lewíí, Bxecutot otf the it wil] and tmciit ofiMiiJ deoeasedi comes iiHoConft iti-1 ny.roeenta fchai ho ia now prepiured tu roodei hia Bi counl au bui b i jcecutot. i "in !■■■ mj on it isofdered, thnt Honday, l!io thirtcentfa tluy of November next, at teno'cloci ín tíi f" i tinimc nnd alloi ing such i ■ and fctaat the 1e w and heira ;it luw ■ i, aad all othet pei'sosdintetested in said ■- i Conr tlieu to bc boldeu nt UiePrabute OlBoe, in the oiiy ui ■nu .iii"i', h; mí 1 oounty and show cause, if aiiy thsae he. vA-.y the sai i ; ■■ I not be al i ■ . i : ,"'irt.h-vv orjerod Üml said sa cuLor gfiv no ico tothe portons httarested ui sidd es ■ tli; pendency of - i of, by cauaing a oopy oJ thia ■:■! r to be pittilihud in the M big in Arflut : v.-. ',p:icv prjnted and cireulating i;t widooimty, thvoe aucccBive weeka previoua tu atad duy of heaiins. (A truocopy.) - KW, i ;:■ dj L'n i-, to. Estato of ! Irícb Ko i - CTATKOF.UI'.'lJIíiAN.L'.mi.iy olVVuahU-nnw,? v j At ;i aeslon l' the Probutt Cunrt fo? fhe DDtj of VVa(btcnftw, holden a ihe Probate Office 'n the City of Aun Arbor. on vvedoeeday. the Hjrhuenth d-iy of Octber. in the yar one tboueand tiijUi hundredaod steventy oiie. íi i nifim j B iitïïe?, iiiti'eof Probate In the matter oí' tk fílate of Ulrich Ëoeder, decea ed ia Kofl r, Fx"c:iti!x of the Tnvt wil] ftnd testament oí said rteeefiac i. comen Into Court and represé ote th.u shels oow preparedto reactor it fin il account n pnch Rxecnti lx ercupon it 1 8 Order -!. iti-t vtonday, thr thirfeenth ti:iy 1" S pWMM at ten o'cl Cfc iu the Umtquou, bc aasigncd tjr examialug ftud Allowiug sach account, and that the uitlees devistt and li:i t Inw of nrtd= dfrouastfl, and 1 otilar ptirsuns iierL-.crl in n:iïd eiJtte, ie rt quir il i flppcnr ai a Bessfon of satd ' ourt, tben t be halihrD ut ffw PVrthüte Ofllce, In hv CHj of An Arimr. in artW c'oííiu v and show i'i:i-c. lf any Ihei iy tint satd accoiiut shoold ooi beallowed And II ta Farthcr ordered that said Exïtntil: _!iivu notict tt Hu: piTSdii! lntcrestcd In f:x(ï ostate of the iendenc5 ofeaJd accoont, and the heftriu : . :: ■. ■■üiii! a copy ol" litis order to be {ftt lisSiüt ïn rhc ,ï'' ..., i? .jí;p.í, a mnrp.-ipcr print ( ind Ofcti Inilng in s:iil Conuty. three euoceasH weeks previoQsto auidday oi' hearine f a truecopy.) HlRAMJ. BEAKES, IBM;;c of lrobïiYe. Gommissioners' Xotico. STATE I F M tt JlUiAX, ( ountv of Wtushtonaw, sa Tho q apjMjinted by tb Probate Coai ntnty, Ctnnmisaionen vo re ndjuubttll claims oud demnnda o ;UL persoüfB asainst-tiie etittite of Mary E. Rhiegly, lat of wnd i j give Doti , ■■ allnwL'il, ly order ofsaid Pro 1 Coort, foi oxcditors to pxwent thelx cliim ngaio ■: i estnte of - ii I i ineei ut the rwWenoe of Augpuatua Shiely, ín -M-m oheater, tii rtld oounty, on Satuaday, the"tiurtieUi tUy oJ J ' ' iiuber, and lucsdoy. tho aizteenth ;y April, noxtt ftt ten ovu'n-!; a. m. ofendí of aait duyd, ton ivo, examine and ndjtistsald chiims. Dutod, Üctol r l:;tli A. 1) IHSI. l.iii Q II. AlILLEirö INSURANCE AGENCY, His Cumpaníca ui] aouncl, anii business movinj ou 118 I13ll.ll. Home Insurance Co. oflVew Tork. rhv folloiüg tcloram has been roeefred it thi. OfllCJ : New Yhbk, Oct. 1 th, 1S71. The Board has just icolvd ituanlinuusly tu 111 up capital tü $2,500,000 00 i;t ihe oarlb st practical moment, wbtob wlU restore our asseti to ucarly F0U1! 1IILL1ON B0LI-AKS after pkyiBg all Chit:nj,r losse. (11A-..1 M.1HTIN, Presido t. Continental t,s. Co. oí New York, (ïiv-8 notie: th;it :t WlH have a cash capital i;u:m pairad ot $1,000,000 OO AHDSÜSPUWOP $1.000.000 oo a.'tcrpajiuj; Chitat-o loases. Cit lii'o oí" llai'tíoi-íl Conn, fl.T0 all lOttflSi ;ml havi1 a suitU'icnt capital unira Hiboinia of Cleveland XKMtefl S5OO?)0 :t: i ei,' '. :it) Uïcroases t'..&.v apttal to$.jüO.OUO (. UMILLEN, Agent. r ive ösesb peathjsrb FXRSTQTJALITY, uuetantlyun liand und for salehy ABEI, QONTRACT 10 LET. Tlie iind -■ mwl commitlcc ijl n ene pemil !oi '].- .1. .ii,,, .■.,!!,,, .,(,?' "" the Ti.v.i; ot Iodl Bcliool digtriot Ko ■ i"i "'i pecifloutlinu can be wen at Mack fc 'scïm i v ' ol and the propooalalrft withthem, ui, t., „.,,,, "". 0.C.8WKA i iv ,'. i' BFPH.ÍR1WW ' I-Al-HKNi;-, iNOKDlXANcn ' A 11 OniW, üye to Uw i'ivM,i:i,„i ai ir r '"■"' rth. Bio. 1. 11 orduinelby the Mayor, bcéuu Suctlonnins oiti, ordhumce enlitfcd i, n littiveto 11.. pi vention w üi,. lc ' ! I... uwtrtiug atui the word " ben iu3tv ■ line of said Bcclion a priuted tl. '" "withoul permindoo of the Cominon CoaDcilJ' "Tu ■aid ecction áball stand midreodua foUon ' "' "■ uol be li w.ul r,„ any porrón hereaftw ÍÜ? rbiuion otthe Common C'onncil n,, lil" ■ ' 1 y building or port oi u boildii.g ,,',■„ ,.„ l' ■ n Ihl Cuurt" nor on imy lot ftoutingon Mam w Di-troil 1 nNoi h Bti4et nnd HicM ;v. unli n snel! buiïlS!?" ■■ iwdU : (lieiiimrL uto ten inches Bbove tLe roof, ii tl„-s:,„„. L "' ital or Blute, and if eöfirïd -ün, thiiii at lenrt two ioel Prorvltd, Üial i.ot'-iiV1"' tnined in this stction slmll 1 eiontrud „„y ■" the ereotion wifhin the Um J „, " ï [t dingofwoodwhieh haU tot te more tl, „ JEU! aquare, nor or ony wood hoiuefor kec nejrfie Ltwcn fsSiJi cwolye feet iu h.iglit, anl tw .Ive a-el iu wi any bamwhiohshnllexcceltnout :. nt-f, e „ , '[' a :oc;t iu .it!:, :i,„ tw, h i, et ia 1 eütS3 mmrnsurface ofihe gicúnd lo th' iim,t,? pink-, wi h i tceed one qi :ht, ,.,ic muil bttilcUnp, wocl-ho;c, 01 h:nn ' Umim il (nor -: all m iré Éim fflie Bfch wootM,.,,, u n be allowod v ..,„? .„., ;, , „„„ ,.,■ „„ nm. , Jt" : ■'■ " nt.l No oim np-ua, slttiightii-houüc, m any othei buüdiniKS shullbeufeior oucupied for nny purpose i,,i,u., prove detrimental tn the public Li Itli, 1 1 ■ ',.„: , ' totheo D (mit orto the td'lxshalll rrontins onpnynftliupub] within thniy ixi lium the line theieof. lt O Manafactnrer of CUIUSEB) i;h;;iks, libbeb muos SPKIW tVitOftS, U HtltS, ' SLGKH8, . All witrlt warrntited of the lu-nt nü'.-rinr iÍpn,i íiil; done iiremptly and rni.ntiliü, All -,rk ,, rimted to give perfect atl'factlon. 8 o ■ -ir. et. i;.,..,, ■ '■ ;OIl RENT ' A ÜES1RABLE STORE! ind CEL'.AB. Also one Front toé w Ihelr New Store, ,Nn. 18 M:iin si., from Auiimii,I8T1, Ku'iuiru uf '"""'f 8 W. HAY8 COAIETIÍÍNG KtW AT 50 Main Street! TuOXJIS AV A LZ, GR0CER&C0NFECTI0I7ER IMS A 1.1. STOCK IN IHS LINE, ANU HII.L VHO.MI'TI.Y SBKTB THE puiiUCWÍT1I 8ÜOARS, TICAS, f OF. FKliS BPICK9, StSOM, CANDIS, WK},' Farties Supplied WJfil CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT HOtiCle, OF TUK líEST QUAUTY, AND AT THE MOST UDEKU. TBBU8. cJft_x.T_1 _isrr see him BEFOHE lURCHASING. 1330 mo IS SüW BEADÏ POR ü FALL M üiïving ficeiv0d a Large Stock 'f FALL AND WINTER GOODS, l.N'CLUIilNG CLOTHS, CASSÏMKREi?, VEST1NGS, 40. of the BEST STYLES and QUALITIES, WIIÏCU Hl W1LI MNÏÏPACTUIB on terna to snit. Aiso u fuli lino of READY-MADE CLOTHINÖ AND Gents' FOEHISHIKG Goods. ALSO LADIES' A fifi GEÑTS' MOROCCO SATCHELS Ño. 21 Sonth Jiaiu Street,- Ensf Sïde: CALL AND SEE THEM. Ann Albor ,Sept., Uil. ■ SAM. B. BSVENAüGfl FHÖTGGRAPHSR, MAKES ALL KINDS OF PIDTURES SMALLEST LOCKET TO ITIIK LIFE SIZE, A?rr-pi;.sHKSTiiEM ra INDIA INK1 C-JJLJL-Bjt L-Jtt WATEil COLOBs ï ÍN A SUPPERTOR MAKKES. li'.t-'.y. IS'o. 30 lii BON STIti:r.T. Thkcrt np on the Clinton RoI, ■■■ miles aüne Villi ge, on M lay; October 9th, nl I ? '. M.. onoaima al Uiirtw, uno a by theotllcr H' ■ old Spring Wiikou, onc üide of l"'v '■" nitiiiii: ".■ Miunij blni fet, nn6 ; ItickoTy . T-ue obove is suppottrt U bc lolcn proper.y. ■ wjü ubundoueil y nhorl tilncbclitB teina '■"■ " ■' tM3w3 Dcvntj Blüriir,Elia..ay JJEOPUE'S DBU4S SïüivrR. W. ELLIS & Ce, ANN AIRBOH ... - -- - . --


Old News
Michigan Argus