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A Sophomoric Prose Poem

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[The followiug " poem " has bondad ua by a Iiuly, vrho boa evident!; fcmd Che Detroit Po of the 14th inst., oi' perhapa wu an " eye-witness" to ti.u acollo deoribed O In a lonely ra vine on PiCty Ilill, whcre scatterlng mooubeams, sliifting throngb the drooping branches, feil, Btl'ode back and forth, wiili stut' and tense draw n muscles and peculiar tread, ten awlol forma. Thelr uaoics wcro FreshuivU; to youder nelghboflug Coliegc ihey bád come, n gearch : leuruiug and of struiige adventure. Grim war thi-y courled, aud thelr (inicie drawn breath, distended nostrlls and portentons mieu, told oí hupeudltig strlfe. WiUi eyes agrilla and rauttered threata of III and steps as siiont as iho falllng dew, these Freshinen crept a loog thelonely way, and watted, gax'.ng throagh t!ie darkness Jim. ïlien ut a word of warnlng glven, tlu-y Hturteu back, and ranged la pkakinx ; in warllke array they stood, In Herce cxpectaucy. 'Twas woll. Porsnddeoly ftom out, the gloom, a stove-pipe luit appeared, ttdil irell they kuew, beneath tliat hat a mlgbty dophomare walked. A areadful tocsiu oí' Infernal sti-ilt; tlmt Bopliomore uttered; tben, wltb face unblauchcd áni lüiisU'.clio ttaudiog stra.giit beforo his noiu, and hat ftang wiiiiiy lo tbe passing breeze, stepped back in cailtlous liivitatlon to Iiis foes. Approaching i ich other, aud wiil; preparatlous dl'C, sirle sirveycd tu vantiigc of' lbo .Yiound ili.'y vvalketl, with uyes : il. une and iicads beid b!gb ju uir, wliiie from thelr inouths, lu accents bUslug witl) coiismiiiiu rage, ilroppoU briofbut ttwliil scutences ol i.ite. rouud tbe fUld tbey moved in circles, eacli eye upoo the foe Intently bent; thun with oue long-drarfu, tei'i%flc battlu cr.y, ihc strife began. But uliy prolong niy tale, and liold u ugouiiscd biispense tiie lit-irts of tbose wlio listen ti; my woriU'i o.i ! iiid tbeodda beeu evtn.tlwn Sopliomore mlgbt h.VC won u nniu: aud fame, In song and story; but wkal could oüu aüi ing h.) inany, e'u:i thoigb Sophomoru lic ? The hcro iell, and in llic munnuiing water of a stream they laved hta prostrate loriu, then bonnd and left hlm lytngontbe Beid; and ulgbt and i!ence brooded o'er the KCene. And tkey, tbe brave aud vaüint ten, who in the great ueesof thelr strength 'had couquered one, pat on tlicir laurcls, aud ïvjüicing went upou thelr way. ïuesday nfteruoon scveral of our Buglislnneii from Lodl, Aun Arbor, and Ypsl lantl got together and played a frlendly gntnu of cricket, upon the Uulverslty oainnus. The followlng is tho score ■ LOIÜ. t-'.l.l. UTNABBOB. lrf._2 U Widllngton, 5 19 I-. Walllngton, 2d., 9 I W.COOU, ' : ■■ . ■■ . l'.i II'. ■ l !" - , " f, J I-si:, 7 J H. 'furrint, ' O O Dr. Dal ' 1 17 Lewis LniuUorn, i3r., ! 10 Palmer, Win. L:ifii'rii. 14 1:) Thos. Lamborn, 0 r.iwis Lamborn, Jr., S 4 J. 2 12 :; I i'. Preston, ii i' Ili-nr-. Hinca 9 1 .1. Kcedle, ■ P 0 JohnHumptrrey, 1 1 Djos. Kceila, i J ':. Kciiuiuírtoli, i' Dan. K Q 1 Bvs, Bys. 19 8 fflSe, Umpires - Win. Pvt'rlo, Ypsilanti, Wm. Uuiüphrey, Lodl. 5coiers-Wm. Alaby, Ann A.rbor, Thos. Ilickinm, Lodl. The Superintendent of Public Iuatrnetion has appolnted a Teachers' Instltute for this city, tocommcncé at 1-o'clock r. M., nest MoDdny, Ost, 38ü, and to continue for üvi' days. Vario us topics nrlll be presentcd and dlscassed, and a conree oí' leetures dellvered. Tlie welfare otour schools deinand that teachers should avall tlientgelves ofeVery opportuulty offered for improvement in toelr art, aud do donbt mach benefit cau be recelved by attending Ihese meetings. Wlicre Instituto have been held ptaaslng testimoníala of sutlsf&ctlon :u-e offered, and probably soch wíll bu Uc casehere. Svery teacher In the coúnty Is earnestly reqaested tö attend. The meetings will be liekl iu (Julón School Hall. At Uie last anii nal meeting of the W'ash teñan Mutual Pire Insurance Company, an en tl re new deal was had, and the followlng offleera elected : President- B. W. Wait, of Sclo. Vtce PrcUdetU- Lymax S. Woud, ofLodl. 8 sretarg- Newtos Bobukht, OfLodl. Director- IïoUeht McColi,, of Y?bstcr. Tlie Rev. Samuel V. Ouïfibld, was Inst;illed a Minister of the Preebyterlan Church of this city, on Wednesday eveuing last, by the Detroit Presbytery. The church, in aud around the pulpit was tastily deco. rated,aod thu services quite loterestiug to tbose that were fortapate enongh to hear theni eutire. - ii ii The followhifl; uamed centiemen have been appoluted by the Btatc Relief Committee agents in this oodnty, to orgnulze local relief commlttees, anti to coüect moocy, provlstoas and anppllcs, and for ward the sanie to Detroit orQraud tlaplds: Anu ArboL-- Pliilip Bach ; Ypsilanti - Chas. Ing; Dexter - Chas. S. Ctrcgoryi Cr.clsta - J. C. Wlu'ins. Tlio foUowing notice of the Dalverelty appeara In the last Issue of Èviry Saturday: " Tlic Univorsity ol Michigan beging ita Ili-st year ander the presldency of Dr. Augeil, vr Ith nu attendance In all lts-departmeutl of about twelve hundred studente. The Fceshinau clas numbers pñe hanclrcd and öiMhty, of whoni seventeen &r wotuen, i ie aggregatfl Of fcmale Btndents beluf? not far tvom Bfty. Tüe faculty have advanccd Oll stc) tuv.iinl th: rrilizitiuii of a U11Ívi-i-siiy's hiu-ii 'tliose who can present diplomas of graddatWu ftóitt Sltber of live ÜuIod Schools In Sliehlgau are admltted without thé usual ëxamlüatron. Thla tjrpllk-s tbe f:ot. that Aun Ai'bor is the Ci-üVTil of the State's púMld school system. A uw bnlldlug Is In conree ol ercctlod on the dollege carapu, whltih will be Ibur stdrles high, one hundred and forty Icet deep, thcee Imndred and tü'iy feel loug, and eontsin a hall wl.tli seatlng capaclty for'thrèe tliousnnil persons, Thpw Is 110 noblur r nurthler school In the Union thau tlils Unlwrslty, .- 1 1 h I all the lucllcatlona are that Dr. Aiicil wlll be eiíabled to caiTy It forWaiti tonen renown aml stiH largêrusefttlueaB."


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