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Harr'.: Alt'!'' ' idiwctïyon tliu potaon of malaria, and driv a il taan the syatem. l'ur Bik I Ebftrboch & t'o. A ( AKI). The nndersigtwd is dosirous to obtnin a fcw papila t, At M. Bogáis', Oor. Aan and DivtaLon Btreets. C. S. WILSON to l.yi.n i Beoly, Soul Io Clerque, Clücago; Prof. ilunis, nul Profi VVolter, A nu Arbor. Prof . 8age's loas itt Noto B i Slngtos, fov adulta, will i!n-'i Koñdoy eTOniiig, Ootobor 23d, at ) o'dock, at ru im Xo. 21 liank Block, Jl.iin Stréet. , mini The (ircit XtiT Vork Pire ia 1S35. [pfrem the columns of the Phiiadefathia Unr, aa lntfeetÜg Inradont i the carli.r i-xperieno oftJieJEtna Insurftace Comp&ny, of llm-tforf, Conn., BÊbwing the rulue, us wèU ns thu iw,;;nl, which iit(:iclics to ;i falthfül i'uliilhnent of obtigations, t ;i tune whon iu-rvc WUa requisita, &nd individual. -,.' i ;!i Aller the graat frn oí 1s;1j, the ".Ktna, of Hartford, iow the Largeal , si ronguet, and most suooaasfuJ ILEre In1 'ompony in Am'Mi'Ni. -■( diveU nptjco oí iheir . i ad the Presideni called i meeting of the Board of Direotora, and in : few werds tolil il. cm ihe.v iad lo.i, probnbly, all tkefr caj itul. After n few ïnoQutfi1 ülcnco, in uhi'-ïi tLfl l'i iilnL brOuglit f rom ho rtre-pi-oof vauft ml thostooka and boaflb rproeentng tlieir capital, and ploood tliuia bofore theiu, whBS onu of the Boord usked bim what he abonld do. "Do," gaid the President, "Go to Nw York and pay thn oüscs, if it titkes cyeiy doll:ir tbcve," poiutiug1 to tho aokage, "and niy ofrn fortuno beeides." The anxiou raytothose of scttled de. i iiiiiiition, and the l'ouitl ananimously suid : 'Ooodl and we wiÜ stand by yot with all our inlividuaJ capital." The President went to Kew York, adjiísííd the . indina yn'i-'stimo tlie compuuy, so bold to iet and re ui y to i'uiiïU all itö pbligatioo, had thcii capital more flwn ïviurnod by prenümns, and a better reputaÜOB llian ony comiwny in tlie United KtutcB. Hartford Flrc Insurance Coiapany. Ad vicos fi"om Geo. L. Cli:ist Freaident, are to Uueffect thut the Company will, after the juyincnt of all Chicago, still havo its cai-ital cxmr.uitLD tnd ossota amounting t over one millionfive nundrad ;h0UBand dollars ; and thut "The OU .Hartford is iow, as ever, pwi):irod to takc cioon bcsinkss at ado(uate ratee, und give undoubted bsoübixt." BINA i'. LCÍMO, Agent. Oííieo over SavingN Bank, Ann Axbor. Miob. riit btöarance CmpaBlea RepresciiliMl by J. (J. A. SessioDS. The Genera] Agesd of the Phoentx Inraraace ComD the agent here ■ " The - ::-.u nu faisneed . ted by polier hol& ra wh itever." [Sign . H.M. MAGILL,Gen.Aent. I HiLiitiml report thut. th . o of the 1'U';üí will aot exoeed one hall the ipital ]'' touohod. The International [naurunce Coinpany nf X. Y. rci ü; thut thoyoau eaaily pay all ttieir loches, tótlving I'iu.l uniiuii;uii d. pringfield [nsurance Company had n li; I i in D . v.ili ffithOUt doubt pay uil its osses, J. Q. A. s; ent. Üct. I2th, 1871. SHAKESPEARE DÏDX'T SAt Be sensible then, and put ii on, And covor twn lut tfcat i Torry ïéndorlteff And he aireos to ttovor wp sucU cruwns wiih sxs fin!l it Sllll 25:vt li-N can bo nurfiiast'tï ïïi t!ic vits'j ut tLi(; verjr Low price of $5. Seeinffls leJirv Jiijt, fx- umi sue. The to ■ lieïne reliorea debüitj "ÍTsILiThATS ! Tbftfa WUal E{ .T. JOHNSON offers the U;t tvf:tiïii{r ptiblit. l'irsl íjnili( and FaaUlonable. Silk il. tor $jó. Nu. 7 South ïtlain street, eaus ittdei Irlcös Rcïlutetl oíí lïiitcïi I'oiut ïjitc Sbatvlsuutil tlic wlmlc Stock :s mo1I out: I prlll mcI! üiy 10.00 SIttls íor (S.85. J "iviit 011 my T.6O Bbawls tor Ü6.OO. i nil] sell in y O.SO SS;t.v!s tor t4.S6. NEW .■vijï,i.!m:iïV KS'oiti;, 4T SoutU Main Strsett 1 ■ ■ ui tas takiiiï liarr's Agua Medicine. NEW MlLUNEBlf S'foiti: lu orili-r t ils'C out a fcw rcmniii' is Bluck l'oiilt Jüiawlh I will SClI (t!IU Ut C'OSt Votl Can fiml l!o laicsl ussortiticnt oí' Hoop skíi'tN ïintl covsota at tUc ioiv-st [iri i.1, at tin' ".v ?lillíi&cry Sio:c 17 Smltb IHalit street. Plóin dircttiii!5 ld (Wdsnare givcil with Ujut's Afjuc Hedièine. Bnrliugton. lj?'iv!n-_' tno Btttand nrrivine at Ch'.caso or! wc teacb the Weet? Thu best Lino is acknowledgcd to 1ü the C.B. A Q., lolnodtog ther witii the B. & M Riilrond by the Iron Bridgoat iïjflington, auJ calluJ the l!u;'iigton HoaM. The maln üneof the E:utc nninihg to O.iialia, counocta Mi tho Ciedlo Soads, and rormn to da the laaStno route to C:iliforui, The Middie Brauuli, QL'tstiug E7ébraakfl at iÉl:itumo:itïi, psasee throogti lnooin, the Stat Capital, .ini wil! thb year be flnUbed toVort Kearno, running th'n siitirtcst route acrosa the CouUncnt by ovtr 1U0 miles. Anothcr b ranch of tho Ii . M, dWafglpg at Refl Oak, fallstnto a line ninalu; iloivn the Missouri tbrough Sti Joe to Kansaa Cltyi and all Kansas. Passengen by this roate t Ka'nsas, se illmoiij, Soatb luwa, aml Itlssonrl, aud.bya sllgUt divergener, cao see Neht aska alsö. Lovers of fine Vleira sbodicl rebiebiber tho Burtlagton Itoute. for ts townc ' htgb-cteaming irom atar'- u tree-Crlnged struam- its rongh iilulTs mrl quiiriKv- ltscorD-oceans stretchlog over the praltica t'urtht r thíin eye can reach. Land buyers will bu ítire to ri'iiumhcr it.forthey have rriéüds ainon the two thoósand wv have alrèady bocght farme frum Geo-S. BLirrU, tho I. ad Commlaslouer of the B. & M. II. It ut BajrlingtQj), fowAtor Bmoñg thé toar thousand bome-steadsrs and pre empton w'u lutyear flltd cUlma in the LIdcoId land oflicu, where l Uucle Saci ib rich enoogh to give ns all a farm," Koiinfv (o Soldicrs. ThoBc whn ealMeStn 1351 on the !!r cali orPresdent Liucoln,and who wero honorably dlsoharged boorethe esplration of the term of thelr onllst. ment, are entttled to $100eacb,ft8bOQnly. AndsoldlerB aulüjtlug uodr act of.iuiy 4th, isc4 aratobe allo wed the uupald Insta) mente ofbounty Ifthey irere discharged ly explratlun ofaervlce The above clas nee ehould make appllcation to the anderslgoed. March Mth ,1810, VWM .T01IN N. OOTT, Bouniyand Claim Auulit. luvost onc dollar in lïjtrr's Ague Mediaüi, rind cure theehuis.


Old News
Michigan Argus