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'OPENS FALL TRADB WITH A LARliB AND COMPLETE STOCK OP FA8HIOSABLÉ UOÜÜS ! SSBílÁetíta all the n:;vi:t POÜND IN THB EASTKRN A'U ETJROPEAN MARKETS. f [ Otter Stroni; Imlueemcnts to l'urchasers of Dry G'oods. 500 Yardc of Blnek Alpaca ai 'i' and 30 CcnUi li-i i.iiixls for the Ioik-v Kxer Ottcicd in this City. 400 Yards All Wool Empress Cloths and Frencli Merinos at niüch Lower "Pricos than one Year Ago. - ALSOPlaids, Sattkens, OXsauiBM; PoIlins, Plain and Fancy Silks, La&iks AND ClIILDnEN's FtJKNISHINO Goobs, Hosikry, &c.j &o. IU ADDITION TO WY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME NOVELTIES IN LADIES' CASHMERE, BEAVER ANI) CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES Vílücn Atte The Most Stylish Qarments Ever Brought to this Market 't'lir Alñi ■. Forming the Iliclicst Collcciion f ;ooE(s Kver Offercd in iliis t'ity, urn to soll at i'rirt-s l.ourr than tllC I.UU -H(, C. tí, MiLLEiX. ANN ARBOH, SEPT. 15, ISTl. 1330m3 pöOOO vortxii otn FALL AND WINTER CLOTHHSTÖ Tl Gin Away ! S. SONDHEIM HAS EECE1VED THE LARGE8T BEST SELEGTED STOCK OF FALL AND WINTKH (ÍOODS CEYT'S FIKXISHIXG OOIS, ClilLDUEX AND OLTI1S' CLOTïïlXG TRUNKS, VALÍSfíS, 8ATCHELS, &c, &c, &c, THAT ITAS EVËU BW HHOUGIIT TO THIS CITY, WUICU UB VVILL SELL Oheaper than the Cheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMEÍÍT OF CASS1MERES, C0ATMGS and VLSTlJrOS, WlïfCH rÏE WILL MAKE UP TO ORDER ÍN THE BEST STYLE, AND WAÍUUNTEE A PIT OK NO SALE; tu. sf kiicki v i:n : FíftILEY fc LEW8S Invc recelvcd a large and tyellgplectèd StocS of New Fall Goods ! BOUGHT POR CASH, AU of wh'.ch must be solií insiüe of sixty ilays to make rooia íbi' oiii' tiBOOHD Fall stock. Vc can shoVv otir customcis tho Best Ivip Booteí ever brought to this markct, both for raen and boys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We have the exclusive sale of J. M. Burt's Une haml-ili;ulc woi'k- ronin-iinl to be thc l)cst work to we.ii Ib the ïniuket. Otar stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WOBK IS COMPLETE. l We have thc excUitile sale of thc I flne gooils of E C. Buít, of I")ew York, iincl EteyuolaB I!i-is., bl ÓttCa. We gt)urantee cntlre satisfaction on tliis work. Ioo4 STlnrjm to PetOTl I I IM (v Miisicnl Monthly nre gétvi? JI Ipg ih.'ir Maeíc Torios _ thaii two Cfint a pieCO. T II rtiosc who have oí leen i thjfl Mosical ttAguine I ihoold í.nrt 80 ceuU lura f% I l[mplfcopy. Themuslcii -!- ƒY I I 'y ilavs. 'i'lmmus, : H 1,1 I kel, Persley, une otüer i LJ A-JL KJ K)iil:ir wrltrre. Two back bnmbers tot A ííew School Ii-juk bi l"ent. Four back nnmii. . ñm ftUfeüSK? '"■""■ Srb' per dozetí. Conláint ■ g-nriiTj over two hnndrednew and T 1 1: I beantifiil sodk?, duets, . to ; I, llj 1 1 l.y Will s. Hay. H ster, Thomas, etc. Even! I T (T hlng is new, fresh, nm'.'i í: d spurklinp. Contenía ;unl w-vvi ■ ■ D % Bfodmeo pagta aunt fre jii{ ! I Sample ooplea mailed freel H l I I 1 ofpostageto teachenfor lf!lilÁLÍ X t Sv AS ci'ins. Liberal l.rms turintrotlueíion. Wurtli oí M::.;f. br %', Adilnss J. L. PETKUS, ó!)'. Brdadway, '. Y. TtAehers tendí nz u theíi'brdATa ftr H) wortb o miific can clniín ntje.irs sdbecrlplloa lo TctcáJ Hualeal Monl'.ily. PllïSi(]IARS'liicRÏPïWT iCCtfUTELI ANK CAREFULL Y P3EÍASED BT R. W.FiLLlS A C0.,i)IíUaGIS18. ■ _ l ' REÁD THÏSJ t AM ÑOW PREPARED FOR THE FALL TRADE ! I HÁVÉ THÉ LAKtiESÏ AIJ rinest Assortmeñt OF CLOTHS OF EVI-RY DESCRTPTIÓN EVER BBOÜOHT TO THI3 JiARKEP. KVERYTÍIlNa ■ JVETT, AND STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ■ ALSO A LINE O! CESTS' MlíBfi GÖÖDS ! EVERYBODY Wisumi FALL AM) WINTER ( LOTHIÑG '■VII.I. FIM) VI TO TilETR ÍNTERESÍ TO CALL OÍ( JAMES BOYD, WlStf oj Main Strect WUJSN YOU WANÏ FINE PHOTOGKAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, u. 30 Hurón Street, finest Assortmeñt of Toilet öoods in tho City, by


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