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Board Of Supervisors

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Monday, Oct. 16. Board met pürsuant to adjournment. Callod to order by the Chairman. Roll oalled, present all the Supervisors, IVÍinutes of Friday read und pproved. Mr. McCollum, Cluvinnan of the oom mittee of the wholo on visiting the Coun ty Poor House, made in writiug tho following report : To the C 'htt ir man qf the Board of Supervisors of the Couniy of Washtcnaw und State of Michigan : In accordanco with a rosolution elf said Board, tho committoo of tho wholo visil.ed ;uid inspected the County Poor House and insane building thereto att;u;hcd, on l'riday the 13th inst., andaftora thorough and minuta investigation of the various departmonts in and about said house and premisos, do report that thoy found every oopartmentin a cleonly und neat condition, and f rom all they eould discover are perfectly satisfled that tho premisos throughout showed great care and proper attcnlion for the comfort of thoso unfortunate persons who are the inmates of said poor houso and insano building. And we further report and recommend that the sum of one hundred dollars be ullowcd to the matron (Mrs. Van Riper) for her motherly care of the insano and all other persons confined in said poor house, and for oxtra labor in caring for them. (Signed) D. T. McCOLLUM, Ch'n. On motion of Mr. Goor, the report was accepted and adopted. 33 Mrs. Van Kiper, matron county poor bonte, by order af the Bonnii 100 00 Mr. Wilscy moved that tho Clerk fumish each Supervisor with a printed copy of tho Equalization lleport of last June. Agrecd to. On inotioll of Mr. Wall, the Board adjourned until 2 o'clock r. M. AFTEKNOOX SESSION. Board met pursvtant to adjournment. Called to order by the Chairman. Roll callud, present a quorum. Mr. Fluming, from Committeo on Criminal Claims, reported the following' recommending their allowance : 34 Muuson Goodyear, justice fees in criminal mm, 29 6? 18 87 55 J. li. lluwvrs, justioi fecs in wilni' nul i:wi, 11 81 11 86 5I W. cl. Dnncer, -witness fcea, í 7fi 2 7C 37 fcbtolom Pi.ld, " " il 2 U 38 Eüzabeth l'idd, " " 2 58 2 58 39 A mh'ew J. Braman, Constable fecs in criminal cases, 36 fin U fia On motion of Mr., the report was accopted and the claims allowed as recommendod. A coinmunication from tho Auditor General, in answer to tho resolution of tho Board, asking information as to tho origin of the old county debt duo thn State, was rcad by the Clcrk, which, on motion of Mr. Wynkup, was laid on the table. Also a petition was presented from Philo Parsons and six others, citirens of Y. silanti, pVaying thj Board of Supervisors to roquire the Superintendents of the Poor to itemize more fully their roport, showing the items of relief f urnished, o whoiu furnished, and of whoni purchased, &c. On. motion oí Mr. McCollum, the petiion was acceptod and laid upon the able. Mr. Millard, from committeo on Civil Claims, reportad the following claims and recoiuuiended their allowance, at sums tated : 40 Gilmore & Fi-kc, Staüonery for Sh;-ritf, 65 80 65 86 41 Daniel Kii'iJfi'cl, window shades for Sheriff and l'robatc oiiices, 10 26 10 21! 42 Johu Harria, reiuiriny court houso door and bell, 3 00 8 00 43 Ilcnion éc Uott, matting &c, for court room nnd jail, 54 91 54 91 44 John Moore, sharic for court house, 1 75 1 75 45 tieo. AV. lieartly, repairing by order of Bhsriir, 2 55 2 25 4n S. .Sondheim, clothinj? for prisonors, 2!) 00 M 00 47 K. Iï. I'oncl, advertíame prsentuUon of claims, 1 40 1 40 48 Gilmore & Fiskc, fttationery for Dmin CommMonar, 16 20 16 20 49 Chus. II. Manly, furniture for Rcgbten office, ' 15 oo 15 00 .'j0 ;iiniort; ft Fbtkft, ptationery for for ('lork and Trobafc oflices, 135 GG 133 C6 51 WD. Wagner, clothiüir f"r prisoner, 1 50 1 50 On motion of Mr. O'IIoarn, the report was accepted and adoptud, and the claims illowed as rceommended. A claim of L. C. Eisdon was reported "rom same committec, which, on iuotion of Mr. Shurtleff, was roccommitted to Somniittee on Civil Claims. Mr. Wynkup moved that Mr. Anns he constituted a committee of onc to appor;ion fractional school district taxes. Agreed to. On motion of Mr. McCollum, the Board adjourned until to-morrow morning at dy o'clock. Tuesday, Oct. 17. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Callod to ovder by the Chairman. Itoll called, quorum presont. Mr. Wall moved that the committee appointcd by the Board to meet the State Board of Equalization at Iansing, be requested to report to this Board the rosult ol' their meeting with said State Board of liqualization. Adopted. Mr. Haire, from said committee, made a verbal report. Mr. Ilaire presentcd tlio following com munication from the ofïiccrs of the Washtonaw County and Agricultural and Ilorticultural Society : To the JlonorahU lionrd of Supervisors of ]'ikttcnavi County: - Thn Washten.iw Agiïcultnral and Horticult ural Society would most respectfully report to your honorable body that they hay received and expended for premiums for the promotion of tho objects of the Society, over two thousand dollars, and weuld respectfully ask your honorablo body to givo to the society tho tax of one fortieth of a mili on the valuation of tho county. Dated, Ann Arbor, Oct. 14th, 1871. D. M. FIXLEY, Sec. B.M. WEBSTER, Treas. ,T. G. LELAND, Vico Pres. On motion of Mr. Millard, tho coramunication was accepted and laid on tho tablo. On motion, tlio Board adjourned untjl 2 o'clook r. 11. Al'TFRNOOX SESSIOX. Board met at 2 o'clock P. M., pursuaut to vdjuuninxiit. Called to order by tho Chatrman. Roll callcd, present a quorum. Mr. Millard, froiu the Committee on Civil Claims, reportcd the fullowing ree omincnding their allowanco : 52 AHwrt Drapcr, Bummouingjuiycorulins ÍTnUCst, 1 2fi 1 2J 53 Jv. C. Risdon, smidrien for jail una court honso, 90 44 00 4 54 Enrctiis Morton, jury ÍCle on juquest, i to 3 3 '.í Martillo Warner, iuror on inóueat 2 0 2 00 5G S. A. Durand, i. .... 2 00 2 06 57 H. K. Dickinson, " " " 2 Ofl 2 (K 58 M. Holbrook, " " " 2 00 2 nff W L. C. Drake, " " " 2 00 2 (Mi 0 G. p. llenrtt, ..... 2 00 2 06 el liilmore éc Fiske wal! paper for Pro. Atty. oftW, 3 52 3 52 62 W. I. Yucklcy, justice íees on ingueat, 3 3.1 3 35 (53 J'utíír Dickinson, Juror on iaquiist, 1 iK 1 06 64 Clinton ( :uok, " " " 1 00 1 06 ,í Zon lluck. " " " 1 00 1 06 66 V. J. Pk'tehef, !... 1 06 1 06 7 David lloneywells, " " " 1 06 1 06 13 Samuel Kellogg, mom 1 06 1 06 ;:( E. li. Póúí, nrinting blnnks for Bhartffond ('l.rk, 31 50 SI 50 0 Wtvka y: MclutyrL', supplics for juil mul OOQrt rnom, 7 43 7 4T 1 Gi ( ifnvill.., nn-flioin1 for prisfinrrj 2 50 2 50 i B. It. 1'í'ihI, printing30copieáequalitntí.m WOfim, $50 3 50 '! Field a Jtunt. bracket for court room, 1 25 1 25 4 J. Kcck&Co., furnituro for Tros. Atty'. ofüeo, 22 00 22 00 ."i ' ■i'iuoic & Jb'iilíc, inlí for Hegistvr'a o'Jico, 3 50 3 50 0 'iIR■H & Worden, broom for Tros. Atty's. office, 60 60 On motion of Mr. Huiro, the report was ccepted and adoptod, and the claims alowod asrecommendud. Mr. Wall movod that the following lins bo allowod tho membors of tho comíittoo frora this Board for expenses in íccting with State Board of Ecjualizaion : " Eli:s lliúro, 17 C0 9 1 Fort, 17 60 'J Orrin Xhatcher, inriuíins íxpensca to Aun Arljor lo si-n c!i wleáte) 22 G0 The rhotion was areod to. Mr. Wall aanounced that Dr. %Vebb rom the Committce of tho Washtenaw ounty Medical Society, pursuant to rosiution of tho Poard, was ready to reort. The Doctor then reportad as follows to it : 'o the Honorable the Board of S arpen: isors f the County of Wunhtciiaw : Gentlemen. - The undorsigned is intructod to rospoctiully ask leave to state o your honorable body that at thcir last ïeoting the Medical Society of this city ppointed a committee to visit the Couny Poor House and ascertain the sanitary ondition of its inmates special reference cing had to the condition of the insane. Havmg been affordod every facility for nspection ot' tho whole establishment by be koeper, it is but justifo to that official o say that tho department for paupers oeiued to the coinmittoe to be well conüctod, and th'ey bulicve it will compare avorably with any liho institution. The undersigned is directed to say thai it was pecially gratifying to tho couuaittec to ud that the funds appropriated for the )urj)ose were expended so wisely and so veil ia the construction of the Asylum 'or tho Insane. The condition of tl i ose infortunate persons is iiiKnitely botter ;han before that building was erected. - Jreatly improved, howcver, as their conition is, yet tho neods of that unl'ortuuate class are far from being all met. Profets: onal skill adequate to thosc noeds annot be procured with the means at the iispofal of the Supcrintcndents. Without it somo who may bo curable must beome helplesbly denicnted ; the caso of lich is pitiablü indci cl. The question of employing a professional expert for the treatiuent of these cases is one to be determined by your Honorable Board. In regard to fmtl er sanitary improvements the committee instructs the undersignod to suggest to the ioai'U that tho puruhase ot portable lnlia rubber baths for tho use of the insano and hospital apartinents would bo eminontly dosirable. It is also suggestod that furniahing the vindows of tho hospital with biinds vould be an expenditure in the interests of humimity. Tho unobstructcd rays of a summcr sun pitilossly glaring upon tho 'evered bodies and aching heads of tho ick is an evil to be abatod. Attention is rospectfully called to it, trusting that the necossary appropriations will not be withïeld, and that the interests of huraanity vill not suffer in tho hands of those who lavo done somueh that is to be commèndcd and left so littlo to be inprovéd in the case of the poor and insano of our county. Kespcctfully submittcd, N. WEBB, for Committcc. On motion of Mr. Yockley, tho report was accepted and ordored spread upon lie journal. Mr. Haire moved that tho report of the officers of the Agricultural and Ilorticulural Society be taken from tho tablc. Vgreed to. Mr. Ilaire moved that one forthieth of i niill on the valuation of the county b iviud for the benefit of tho County Agricultural and Ilorticultural Society. Yoas and nays being called for the same was lost by the follówing vote : Terts. - Messrs. Haire, Leonard, Wall, and Wessels. Nays. - Messrs. Arms, Cook, Fleming, ?orbes, Geer, Granger, Lazelle, McCollum, Mülard, O'Hoarn, Ülcott, Osbom, Sage, Shurtleff, Wilsey, Wynkup, Yeckey, Yost, and Chairman. Yoas, 4 ; nays, 20. Mr. Millard moved that one fortieth of a mili on tho valuation of the county be levied for the benent of the Agricultural Society orgauized at the city of Ypsilanti. The motion did not prevail by the followiug voto : Teaa - Messrs. Hairc, .Leonard, and 01cott. „V'iys- Messrs. Arms, Cook, Floming, Forbes, Geer, Granger, Lazelle, McCollum, Millurd, O'lluarn, Osborn, Sage, Shurtleff, Wall, Wussells, Wilsey, Wynkup Yockley, Yost, and Chairman. Yeas, 3 ; Nays, 20. On motion of Mr. Wall, the Board adjourned imtil 9 1-2 o'clock to-morrow. Wednesday, Oct. 18. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by tho Chairman. Roll called, present a quorum. Journal of yesterday road and approved. Mr. Tuomy.from Committee on Criminal Claims, reported tho follówing, recommending their allowanco : 80 J. Q. npwlnni, justieo, drawing jury circuit court, 6 01 6 Oj 81 W.H. Mclntvre.deputj r sheriff feos, 10 20 72 BS II Volliiiwl.witm-M lees in crim. cuse, 1 .10 1 31; h.; fflloi lhúru. " " 1 I 36 8-t Duuiul Kcut, " " 08 98 8.') Jacob llruinine, " " 1 SG 1 30 il ChtótcrCIiuioh, " " 1 36 1 36 87 Diivi.l .l;um, " ' 1 SS 1 s 88 Heury Keoble, ■' " 1 36 1 36 8il F. Crnfta, " " 1 158 1 08 M M, K. ifongCT, " " 1 M 1 ,V. 91 n. Dlnoinï, 'i " 1 8 1 m H B. P. Kxrt, " " 1 8 1 fis 93 L. W. (inlfin " " iR l i4 Hurns, " " G ft( 95 Win. H. Mclntyre, dermíy hIiciííT, 69 5J 69 60 96 JamM Oauntlet, Jr , coovtttblQ feos incriminal mntten, 31 86 22 31 B7 John V. LOTOjllQd, riovuiy rily maxihal fees iu ciimionl inÁtteni, 22 17 13 77 08 Bansoni BoUbiiry, irUiMtKia criminal Oiiscs, 2 -14 2 44 09 KtlfUI H. Eaton, wiliws in criminal cuses, - 68 2 G8 100 Oeo. W. Moore, juslicc, drawiug jury circuit oourt, 1 50 1 50 On motion of Mr. Yeckley tho voport was accepted and adopted. Mr. Geer, from lho Committee on Civil claims, reportcd the following bilis recomniending thoir allowanco : 101 J. Keek & Co, desk for prolmtoofHco 60 00 06 00 102 Kicc A. Bunl, blank books, &cj for Treasurer, 00 80 00 S) 103 Ürrin A. Wak, jutör on inquest, 2 06 2 0! 104 Henry C. ftiUioun, " " " 2 Ofi 2 UB 105 J. SI. Kobison, " ' 2 0C 2 0 106 Kewmnn Grangor, ' ' " 2 'fi 2 0G !"" Nathan Hay, i 2 0(1 2 06 108 Tnlman Case, ' " ' ' 2 00 2 06 ïny .ToiinCfivii!i:iuLh, wilnessat inquest, 1 00 1 00 110 James Uninn, " " 66 56 111 Fnink Foree, " " ' 56 öfi 112 s. Y Lockwooil, junr on inqtiest, 3 18 3 18 (IS Clmrlcü C'iU'tcr, " " " 3 18 3 IS 114 J. M. Robinon, " " " 3 18 3 18 HTj Kbenezer i'onklin, " " " 3 18 3 18 llfl V' wiruin (frnnpi-r, " ' ' 3 18 3 18 117 Iliury Qnodrear, " ' " 3 18 3 18 1 1 h Uviuoii Qooayéór, jnstice, liolding, iMUSBt on .'ilfmau daoeoaed, 8 52 7 27 llü Munéon Goodycut, justicc, li.":lding on Braman deceased, 7 64 5 59 On motion of Mr. Arms, the report was acceptcd and adopted. Mr. Arras movod tliat a committee of seven be appointed by tho chair to examine into the condition of tUo jail. Mr. Wynkup movod, as an amendment, that tho Boavd of Suptuvisors, in a body, visit said jail, whioh was agreed to, and to-morrow at 10 o'clock was selected as the hour for sucli visit. On raotion, thu Board adjourned until 2 o'cloek r. m. AFTERXOOX SE33I0X. Board mot pursuant to adjournment. Called to order by tho Chairniau. Eoll called, present a quorun'. On motion of Mr. McCollum, the Board idjourned until to-morrow morning at half past nine o'clook.


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