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- It has of ton been asked why the frauda which havo been commiüed by government officials and exposed, did not ereate more excitement. ïhc reason is Hint tho peoplo aro so accustomed to hewjipR thein, that they expect nothing flso. ÏCkSjwI an honest man sorving the present admktiatration would undoubtedly ereate us ninch excitemont as the Tamxnnnj frauds have. --This is the way the Chicago TnOhme puts tho situation : " With tears the dcad and dying, with sorrow and tender eare fee tíi msimed and siok, with faith ín (jod, aBri stout hearts in our breasts - egin we aow to elear away the ruins." - - An Indiana minister astonished nis aongregation by aiinouncing that liistoxt would lm found in " PayJ's, eyistlo to the Corinthians, sec.ti.on, fbur, range three east." - The work ei yelief for the Miefaigaa sufferers is actively progressing, and the gunoral commiUees find their hands fully employed in attïöding to contributions. - President Graí has aü;Utiíl - not a pajsent - but to attend a re-union of the Anuy. of the Cuniberlaud at Detroit, on the UHh.and I6th of nextmonth. -- -lt ïsa't so jnuoh cod fish that Butler is aftor as it is Hamilton Fish Ben wants Secretary of State, so that he can harpoon thu Brifeh lijta. - Ovor !?ö00,000,000 ha-e beei frxyeido.1 in the Navy since the close of the -ir. And' by the party, too, which feels bo badr about Taaunany. - of the assigned. 5frr th prosecutiou oi" B-rfglkiii Voung is that he never presented Grnnt with anything. - AVui. Foxen is the Democratie nomiao j for Mayor of Detroit, and Heaxy Starkey for City Clork. - Tlie Coldwatcr Hattind office was burned last Tuesday night. Loss, $7,000 ; ijï,jured for ö,000. - Ex-Era.peror Kapoleon wants anothcr pld)i-ite in Franc. Or, iv. 'jtkcv woids, wants anoÜier sightat the French thrope% -t- Pit.tsburgh 11 -j. (ijicned a home for agcd women. to foplisb. Woiuen nevcr grow old, - TI105J is c steango rumor aftoat that president Gxan.t has returned to 'Washington. - $203,000 iras the argument usod bj tho Radicáis in the California elecÜQn. - Teirlin expects a pojulation of 900,.O',)O in ine forthcoming census returns. - It is now statcd tjiat it is the iutention of Colfax to retire to private lite '■[ - Tl e firet edition of the Bible ever is-5Hed was printed in ]$Lctz, in 1440. - Albion is to have a $20,000 Union. School building. - 2..poo gr.og shogs were hurned up in Chicago


Old News
Michigan Argus