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' LOYÏIJOY, TOBACGONIST ! Doa in both 1IXE CUT AND SMOKIXG TOBACCO, SnnfF, Pipes, fec, AT NO. 7 E AST HURÓN STISEIX, Next to the Express Office AKB .4IUEKU, Hit II. 13tt Eotato of ílenrietta Wagiter. STATE OF MICHIGAN, rountyof WwOitonaw, n At usesúo&of i lie (,'oiut foi tl Courn of Wasutenav. holden at the Probate Office, iatb Cty of Aun Arbor, on Tuelyr the twer?ty-toiirti day of Ootober, in the year one tbi;iid eih-t hun drud aii'1 srwn: v-one. Prosent lliram.1. Ileakes, tfude of Froimte.. tn the mattOE of thc Eritatc of llenrietta W:3riiGi dtoccusiiil. On re;nüiLr and filinL tito petition, duly voritud, ■ &Lnry I'. Miliy.srayinjr that James 11. iott may b ap, ;iiiiHins!r;i!or tif tlit estáte of said dfcejiso'l Thercupon it lsord.'retl,Thut Mowluy, Uil1 twontíeti cltyi-í November next} at ton o'clock in the forenom le a-ísigned for the huarin;; of said petition, iit )w:iis at law of sakl deceosed, and all othe porsout iaterosfeed in Biiid estáte, :re n?quiinl to appeo at. a of biiid ('oltvt, then lo 1 Iioldull, at th J'j-[ !'.■ Office, ia tho City of Anu Ai-luir, an-1 sl-.ow oaiue, i f 1 #■.■, v.-tiy the prayer of the petitione sli'jnhl not jnmteA: Aad it i.- luvthirordt'Vi il. t)iíi siü'l petitiouergive uotio lo the iktuus inui bbAI estáte, of the pendeney of said poíition, and th heftl'incr theroof, by i;au.siiiLí a copy of this ixler lo Ín publúnod in 1 1 1 - ilichiaun .i:r"s. n oewapapei printa and t' itinií in suid county, thrcti aaucusbiM1 vi tk previous to nud dav of bearinv. (A truo copy.) IXUÍAM .1. HKAK ES, 131.5 J udge of l'rauattí. Estáte of Leland Walker. STATE Oí MICHIGAN, cojinty of WatMarav, os At l session of tho I'robato 'onrt íor the cUBty of Wiishtenuw. holden at tile TtoIjhIo Ofíice, in tln eity of Ann ArlM)r. on Wcdnesday. the tweity-íifI day of October, in thc yeur oqo Ihousund cight hun druL aud scvL'Uly-oiu;. Pnaant Hn-am-T. Beokss, Todseof l'itibaíe. I ii Ütomattèvof the estáte of Ieland Wülker, deci'ascL On readSosnod fffi&ff the petition, duly vrrified, o: MiiM-rva A. VTall, juaying that ÚvidPnrkei m.; bu uppoiuted a-lnúni-stiittoi" of estáte oí said duccaseu. Tliei'eupon it úi orderod; thot Tnceduy. thotwentyHratdayof November nit, al ten o'olock in tbc i" '- noMii. bc lunigned for tbc heariniï of s.üd petición, sai that the heir at law of aaid deoemed, uña a!l other persons intorestcil ittsaiileitatc, ave ívqnircd to np].; :i! a i-síihioí Kiid Court, tluii to b" hui.l M v Ti-ol) ite ' Miii'í1, in thc eity of Aun Arbor, anrl shofl auue, i', boj thore be, why '!■ prayerof tho potitionirshouldnotbegranted: Andil i further ordereJ, that Raid petítiotibr ivo notice to the penons Ínterte 1 in Baid ■-■ '■'■. of the pandenoy of sai l petition, tndtbe hoariñg thertof, bj aaiuióg ■'&" of thii oider tw published in the Kicliigan Arrjta, imcw laperpriated nd cireulutinf: iu ui1 oounty, thiej ummniTri natlu previoa t" sai. I dar of henriÓE. " (.i truecopy.] HIltAM J. BEAKE& 145 Judgo of rrobíiíe. SUriff's Salo. QTATUOF JÚCHIGAN, Connty of 'W'ashtenaw.B. 0 Br virtup of a tH of exeeutíoii htued onl i ander the seal of the Circuit Court for toe eounty of WasUtenuw, State of iUoklgan, dnted June flrrt, A. ]i. 1871, mi tn ni" dirooted and áelrcnd, iipmist the gooda and ehatíi-lí, muís and tensment ol Anthony Smith and Charlee Jl. ('onklin, defondants thereis named, I did, un the loth day of July ,1871, for the want of pnnilxinuifh.iftfK lej apon all úw interest thnt Anthony Smith han n thc l'oUoninedscrilcl real estáte, to-wit: The nndividcd one-lialf, w. , the north part ot toe southiresi qaorter ot section sevrni,nh in trwvniJiip tunesiuitli of mnge six 'it. Piso apieceof lnndon,thsaouth side uf th mdll-pond on tlicnni-tli parí of tiie nbove describad qnarter section, i-íhl: Hie premian Ireretofore deeded by Cbrnliua Shephcrd to Brastua LeBaron, be innv. date pril íist. L8S2. Alnoallthe intoree) Charloa H. Conldin has ia the foHowioit daicribeAíeci fíate, ts.-wit : Lufcs No. 1 and ■ in eet -t in tho villiifte of Salino, ranty of Washtcreiw, snte of Michigan, aooordfaw I" the teoorded pls4 ü ereof, baginnaig "' " : ■ of the Chicago rood telvfoctwjl bom northeut corner "f said Int one, thencc noutrrwlj parallel vijth rhe .ast line of unid lot rne sixty feett, uence casteriy r''sjlel with ssid Chicago rond ' wenty toet, tbence oortherly parallel with the said sast line sixty fect to the soiithiini' iJ' thfChieogdKHid, thenee wetterly slong the -""ii line of t!i" Chioago road t' bw ! beginninc, which premises l ebaD cjrpose fir (;[■ ut public auotbm, htaest bidder, i thc louto il""i ot tliu marl Horw in tli.' -ity ni' Aun Albor, on ilst day of October next, ut 12 o'lock no.")n of s.-iid day. Dutcdöcpt. (th, 1871. JIYROX Vi:lUl, Sheriff. IJ381 BS'Jokti.n l'iiuiiKS, I.'ndcr-Sheriff. 'l'l;.' iliove a'e i poHtponed until t'aturday, O'jtobcr ;sth. 1S71, at thc samo plae" and of dT. MYKOX WKBII. Heriff. Hy ffcotge W. Brown, üepnt tbcriff. OctobttM, U71.


Old News
Michigan Argus