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Estáte of Agatha Albor. SCATBOF .MH'MItíAX. rouiity of WusMcnaw, m. A a i ssionofthe Probate Couri for the county of ...iw, holden ar the Probuta office, in the ei! f of Ann Avi..v, ou Friday, the twentietli duy of Oc'uKi-i. in tin: yeur onothousand eight huudred and ■BV -:.l J -:)IiO. . Hiï.ini.J. Beakee, Judpre of Probate, In tlio in.iit'-i ut1 tlit; eetate oi' Agatha Albor, deOn readinj? ml filinfr the petition, duly verilicd, of John. M. A,: ., pruying that n certuin instrument nowon iii ; in thidcoitrt purpoitimr u be the laai will and teitamsnt of smd deoeiwed, may be adtniitcd to pxbbate, and thal ! i some otlior suli ibl pi reon, i:u% b ; ■; ini. il itidministrator witli the will uuncxcU o -til [' -.LMid. Thcwup m il is ordeveil. that Mondny, thn t wontieth day ... n . ..■,:,'. i 11 -'. ut t.iï d'oIock in the forelusigned tbi th hearing of aaid petition .and that the !■ :.:ii'- s. deviseea and beira ut law of üid dcfu i-e i. ana .Ui other persons interestcd In aaid astuto, ■ uppcuL' ut ;l -.■s-ion of said Cowt. then hfonal tfheVrobute OtHce, in the city of Ann Axbor, and show oaiue, If any there be, Vhy the prayerof th petitinner should nol v .■ Rranted: And it is íuvtnti tr]-n-l. t i,.it rs.n.l jH,-tiÜoij nul ice to the ppTvona intorested in satd estáte, of we pendenagr of u (1 [►rtition iimi tbc beariog thezeof, by cau.Hiug h popy of oiili-r to bc pablishefl la tlii. Michigan Arifuti n noWspApor priutea and (ftñolating in Bfud rounty, threj imnnfjwiYO wocks previous to Bfud day oi hoai(Atniecopy.J tO&AH J. BEAKÉB, 13 15 Judgc of Probate. Egtate of John Beyer. OTATK OF Ml'MlV'ïAX, County of !WiuhtDAW, sh At ,i s v-í;,i, ot tiifj Coort for the Countv o Wali:'i)av, lioldeti at the Probate OflLcc, in the City of Ann AvIjoi', Ou Moiwlay, the twnty-thivd day of 0 . ín thu yuiir ome Üwuaamd t.ííiithuiidivd and seventy-one. : If irum J. Bciilct!, .Ttide oi' Pnroate. En tiiü matter of the catate of John Keyer, dcqmw d, OnveAdfng and filinii tke potition, duly vcriíicd, oí f'athitriiu; lU- t, pT&yibg thai Jofan UUUQT may Ik: .1 ndminUtratoc of tlie eaiate ot &uiJ deThévenpóil it i ord'erodVttwft BCandAyí th" Hrenti'itïi duy of .j :m!' i ti. vi, :it tin of cIook In the fovonooa. beasalgned for tne hearing ofeaid ictitiout and that tlio luiir ac hiw of s.ii i deoeiMed, and all other p tb At hitttqrtefl in boA3 estwte, are requirod to appsar ai. a A Court, tln-n to bo tioldcn, atthertobate Üifico, ín the City of Ann Arbor, and show otase, if any there be, why fihe prayêr of the petitioiuv abouid nol be mnüted : And it is further orordered, that iaid petitumez jíivc notíce to the porsens intcrosted in flaíd estáte, oí' the pendency of said petit ir ui, :.nil the heavtue thiveof, by cantsing a copy of tt:is order bo be published in tli: Mithigan Argu$, a newa pn rpiinted una airoalating EnsalcE County, thrce sucoessive nroelu piuvioua to Btái day ti hearinj?. (Atruecony.] JttiaAlJ Jf, BEAKFS, 1345 3fa3ge&l Ptobatv, fcáíe of Palmer ElLktt STATÍ OfIaIOHIOAN, Qonnt} r v;tlii.udv,ps At a seion f i v Pvohate ConrJ foï tlicTTounly of W;ishtenaw, hokim ar the Ptfbbatt OWce, in the City of Ann Arl)tr, on T:io.s(liy Ilie twenty-foirth riuy ut O(t'iln;r, n the ycar 011& thousand cight hnndrrd anrt Beventy onc. Present Ilinm J. tecakcs.Jndgeof Probate. In the QtaUer Of thu estáte of Palmer Elllott I. On readin .ind ftïïnx the petition, duly verrfied f Parmenio l)vi, pntyiuir that u certaia iustrinmeitt mnv ju iilc in (lii Cdtirt. um ïortin bc the ia%t wfll iii'l teal iraeni of puid deceAsed, muy be admitted to Probate, aud that he may be íiji)oiiited Executor tlMMf.'f, hereapoii ir is rdered,thal Monday, thetwentifth day of November nxt, atten 0'clock.iu the foreniMjh be asaigried Ur the heárlbgofDaid p'tition,nud Lhe ltjy;ateuB, devlseM Mld helrs at law of s.iifl dece&sed, and aHo-thej: persopa luteret4 In said estáte , are reqalféd to appeiir ataessloaof sïi'l Cemrt, tben to be holden, at the Probate Offlc. in the City of Ann Arbur, and liow cause, if uuy there be, why tbe prayer of the petUiouerehoald notbc grantcd: And it i? fttrther ordercd. that aaid petit om-i ■ üivf! noüijc to thti penous intorested in saidestate, of. the peiulency oí said ptitiiiou and the ht'uriiu thcroof, by caning a topy ofthis ordor to hri pnhlrsUrd lïi the VichigMH tttffWft j DtCTFSpapQT lr i""i and crrcalaHnjg in naid Count5,three guccet8Ive week urevíona to eaid day of hearing. fAinwcoprO HÏEAM J. BKKKS, 1.M5 Judiie oi Probate. Estato of Hanuah Lyon. STATE OW MI0HÍ&AN, Comaty ofWaantewnr; . At u .seioi oí' tlie Probate 'uurt fox the 'wMy dl WxJHeiiaw, liolden ubthc i'robt OltLet.,. i;i the f.'itj fïf Ann Arbor, on Kriñay, the IwcnUctli day ot O . in tLeyeur onethousiind eitfht hEHnlred nnd .sc'.iiin -nc. l'n;-tiiu Ilirain J. ISenkcs, Judgeof Probate. In tlio muttcr of the estáte oí Hanuail Lyon, ■ On reagina and liimg the petition, duly vnüïed, of Elïzaboth L. Read, pTuyng th;tt 8añruel IÏ. Kead, of Yn ilitnii ;ii)ixjir;ttdadininist,r;itorOf tb eThereupon it is ordered, that Mönday, the twenti:t!i day of November next, nt ttn o'cloefc m tïie forcuooit, bc fi9sigm.lL for thchcarinfrof -said petitie, and that the heirs at law of said dccciiüLti, and all other ponone inteiested in said estáte, are required to nppcar ai a aotafon of aaid Court, theu to e holden, t the Probate Office, in the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, if any there be, why the prayer of the petitiouur ölitmld not he (franted : And it is further ordered, that Bfñil pfttii ioBBrelva notice tO the persons Intezosttd in sjiif L latato, of tïie pendency of said petition, and the heoriug theroof, by wniiing n copy of this order tcbc published in Áfieñi'ffan Agnf r newapapur priitteil umi circulatïng m ■■ , thxee Buoce4ive weeká picviou to boU dny oí hcstjbg. .v krueoopy.) 111UAM J. BKAKES, 13J& Jwí[íeof Probate. Estáte of Goodyear - minor. ST T", OP MICHIGAy, otratyof Washtcnaw, si Ata flemón oi tbe Ffrobato Comí tor the Connty of "WasJiíeiuiw, holil' i ut the Líbate Office, in ttie City of Ann Arbor, un Saturday, the fcwenty-flrst day of October, in the year onc tbotUMXUl 'úfWt htnidred and wvi-nty-iwe. r ;r, Hiraín J. Beakes, Jndge oí Probate. i n liii' matter i; the ostato oí" haría A. (oodycnr, minor, On.reuding &nd flling the petítion, úuly voiitic-d, 01 Jobn Goodyear Guardian, prnylifg bo mriy be licout'il to sell ócrtaltn real otate beloning to suvd minor. Thertupon ít idoxdcrectrtfait Momlny. tlic tweiriiefft l:t i i ' Ni-1. -nitK;r aoxt, a( (n nVlonk in thofareñoon, be í for t lie hearing í" said uvtitaoa, and UinA tíie nest o ! ín ot sid ninor, ana nll othor penoonintcr estwt i'i y;ul estáte, aro rfcquii'cd to appcaí ai n session of suid Conrt, then to be holden ;it the Probute Kfflee, in the City Of Ann Arbor, mil ihcnv SHlilü, if Miy there be, wh the ptayer of Úie petitioncr Bhonld nol be mntod : And it í hsxthot orden 't. thúi raid ih-titionergive notiflp to lite nt-t oí kiu uf said zoinor, mid ailotherperaonvmtereated in stüdentatfi, í thc pendeney of unid petít on, ánd tito henrinjr tlieteof, by íi copy oí tiii oiíl(-r le be pubiJsUfld in thè Alictugan Araut, a nowdpaper. printwl and circtUatine iiisaidcoauty, threc saoosivt week yrcvioui to id diy nf hearing. (A tmaoopy.) 111 UAM -T. HKAKKS, lü-lj Jttdge of l'robitíe. Eötiite of Juut! Biiggo. DTATEOF ttlCHIQAN Conutj ol WnihtWinw.fK " Ai ji jcsivu o( thc Probute Uoiirtfor theCount] of Wahtcrraw hoMen ftt the Prbntr, OlTIcc, In Mu Cityof Aun Arbor, on Wodneffrtuy. ilir tw.Mi.ty fluh dav of Oct h':r, in ttieyoar one Choaa&lid tílfiht boadri-d ?ii(i oventy-ono. Proseo t, i 1 1 : l t . i .). Refl%ei.Judgo of Pronto. In the niíiUer of lite Elnle uf Jane ïïrige, deceaeed On reartlñ and filinthe pctii ion flnlj vcrifícri.oí Hiram Brisas ptftia( that cirit-i-s i. WaUáoevo uipo 1 1 t 1 1 v r euilabtc sktsoii, my he jippoinicd Ainini-ir.-ttor of the c laíe f wlü deceaseg. Thoivupon it i ordered, tfcwt TvMday. W'-ntyfirst tiay of November noxr. attcu'ckKk in Ih forodood, be ftsslguod fwí tlie heoriae oi eaU petl ti' n. nnd ihai i?re hcirs ir. law of soM do ceatedii and al) otiierperfonsiatonsted lusftfdevtate. arereanlred to appoar al n sasloii of snid Court. Muil t be holden at the Probate Office, In thc City ot Ann Arbort and show canJelf any thorebo, wliy thc prayer of the pefilt toner should nol bc granted : And st fatfosther ordcrefl t!mt vajpetl Bonutclve noCtce tothAjecont) In efested in palfl estati.ofthe pendewer offsald ad thc lifíariiiLMÍuTcuf, OyoftHÑMfl cH"y ofWk# orrter to be.publlshed In tne Vi 'vi" Argvt.ñ nowspnper. printcrt .-uid cirrnIrMhïL' in ml 'nunty. thic succBSlrévfeekPiirevlont t aaWditj c. hetrimr. ÍAti-Ufcopy.J lilUAM -T. RKAKKS. 13-ü of Probate. ChancLiy Noiioe. mHECIECUIT COUBT for the countyof Washfi. twuT, in Chanoexy. MAKY PEA VET, Cvmptonumt, MARTIN L. riCAVEY, Dcfrndant. ) ItsAtiafaotorily appeariJJg to thia Court by tho aflidavit ut" M;iry 'i; .tli1 roinjiïainaiit , and by Üietoturn of the siierül' lor thc County of Woahtenai?, mado npon ;i subpoma isaued iit the above cause, thui tenoe ol irtin L. Peavey, the defendant, is unknown, and Untt thc wtkl swSjnt-nu oonid not bc siMVid upon the uid defondaat Vy reaao& of hin aboenoe, and of hia whereabouta being nnkium n there!-:,■, on mution of I). Crunior, one of the RolidtOTB for coniplaiuant, it Ís oidored that tbedSaaondant, Martm L. Peavey, causo hia appeayanoe ín tbiacauHto lt ontered withjn three inonum i'rom tb ■ fliist publicotion of this nnler, and in msc Of hifi Apearonoe hc ia answer to the oomploinanta bujb to be filed, nnd a copy tluTcot to be sc-vvecl on D. Cramcr, one of the soliritors for coraplainant, coordina to thn rulos and pnictioefl of tb court, and in dcfault thertff that ; bilí be ta-fa-n as cónfessedj and it is t'urtlier ord.'i-ivl, tltat s:iil: i-timplfïinnni, withln twent.y ilnys oanw B COpy of this order to be published in ín the Hit Wgan Argu. and that Baid publioatioD continue for the term of thirtcen Baocessrre reeks, once v. i i-k. ir tiiü' tbB Wild fompHiinant 0AQS6 ■ copy of tiiis ocdw to bo peeoonaUy sorved on ti. ■ floffü'lüiit: at Itsist twpniy d.iy.s befurc tlu; tiiuu abuve , ,id fbr ïii-s npjiearance. OcU 17th, 1871. R. BKAHAX, Circuit Cowrt Commissioncr, Wnsiitenaw County Mirhijran. JX Cl:.-:i w, Li i j ot the Solicitors fr Complainavt. Real Rstaíc ft Éfele. 1 11 the matter of the catato ni' tihin K. Bflifan, Iteeased. Kottee bereby giren, thal m ïnirsuaoön (f on ordter nmttct te the understa ■ ■'. Exequtor oí 1 . . ■ .i .■■ " - ui rtotonoBifc iy the non. Judge nf Pro av tor the 'ount y of WawltÖzHkW, on i twnityhird day of Octobèr, A. D. 1871. there villbe sold at Public Vfemdtie, lo the hierin Bi bidder, at Httrre of il iyd As Itiotlier, WylTHn ('entrr. in Wie C'wintv of íVashtenuw ín said state, on ïV tithireeath day óf leoember, A. ï. 1871, at one o'cïock in ke aftArnooQ of thutdriy [sutnol to nll eaoomlMwaoefl Aj-i existing it the time i Uic ]i'a' h ot sfüd decensed, and olao subjoci tothe rifrlit of 0 LOTttBa K'ruin u witlow f NjiUimh Bedcpr, ' d) tho foHowing dosciibed real ostatiu wit: ; mu :hv. i st qnarter "f nolion i woiifT-mw. ra townhipitVOBOuth if raiii' three Ciint. containinr 016 iuikIhhI and sixty ocres inoro or loss, in t;iil State. Aisoa paiTel of biiifl oommpneing on tho etui line of aid Dorthweft qunrter on the Bookor road, huí i milini then towardfl Byli an Center twentj hnfnt. thenoe sou Mi dghi ohains und twenty-flT inks to Bblke nftfl Bb O rlu-mv wobI filit chnintt md twcnt.y-ih"o links lo thiw of bc-iimintr. ' atning Fueteen and 50-100 ncxoa moreozloaa; and ireelof land oosunenng al th northwi-st oor.irr of tlii. soutliw i-st oïitirtt! ■!" tlie nocthonxt íjuairr of sai 1 66Cl ion f wi-nty-ni. 1i'it: t w rntr chaina Ín enjrth and eight ohfdna aml flfty links in vddth, o o öninfl Berentoen acres, twiag land kjni (o be a tai of i he oi fénn formorly owned iyy Jtc]t] l-riy, llil tho HUIUB Bfl i OU viyiil h dPOd fVoin Olivo Tirlu1nr. Li er and wife( ' ctobet rkh, A. r_ W7, toÁnid Oilvin K. fieer. reoorded on pttflrá 22r f liher 04 of dvedc, in Cao oilico of tho llegister oí -;ii't Counl y. Datod, Cctober 23d, A. T. 1R71. WESLLY EÍLUCIfAKT). 134td ËlBfOUbBt. 1 ■■■■■ ' ■■w- npiii H. Cohen's Column. AT THE 3STEW lien stn ! 47 SOUTH MAIN STREET, You can now flnd a large and complete assortment of Ladies' and Children's FALL AiD WINTER BATS IN" A.JL.I STYI.KS, TR1MMED AND ÜNTRIMMED. Al8o a Full Line of RIBBONS, LACES, COLLARS AND CUFF3, IL siery for Ladies and Children, Glovesfor Ladies and Children Ladies1 Made Under-Garments, Ladio! Knit Uiuler-Garmcnte, Lfooj} Skirts, Cvrsets, Madam Fotfx Corsets and &kirt Sujjjorter. HANDKERCHIEFS In plain Linen, Ilemstitdi, Luw-. Initisï, Mourning, &c. Plush for Cloaking, Sffk Velvctsfor CloaMngs, Velveteen for Cloakings, Yelvet on t?ie Bia$r all color?, Velveteen on ihe Bias, all shades, lïilboiWy Velvet. Buttons and Dress Trimmings. Jaeoiict Edging and Insertion, Towels and Napkins, White Tnmniings of all kinds. Jaconet, plai, strips and olttck, Kamsüuk, plain, stripe and djeck Suft l('inUlit'd C.'.inihi ie, Bwiss Mnsiiiï, lmliu Twill, i Victoria Laivíi, l'felujp Lau-ii, Linen for Sirirtiüg, Tarktans, SHIRT BOSOMS. ■Gerroaiituwn WooJs of every COÏÖit, Germaiitosvii Balmoral Yarn, Xnittiiig Yarns, Gent' Coltóre, SnspMiders, Ilosuy, Neck Ties, and llandkercliiefs. PERFÜMEEY. Llair Oils. Cologaes, Bay Hum, SoapSy llair, Tooti, and Nail BrusLios, Pocket Books, Albums. Jet anti Shell Jewelry. Bracelete, Gkve ad ílandkerehief Boxes, Woolen Goods, NUBIAS. Worstod Slijper Patteros, Embroidered Cushron, imd in faet evei-tli-iiig usually kejfc iu i iiröt-cla6s Millinesy aid ïiincy GioOUs Store H. COHÉN, 47 South Main St. j lStöml i DETBOIÏ ADVESTISEKENTg yLlCHIAN WACHIIVER1 ni,.,,., ; G. S. WOKJIElí & soíí, Dealers in „II kinds of Wood ana Irou Machín.,,, 99, 101 & 103 JKFFHRf ON AVE UETBOiT, M1CH. n mn.iir. brmtiikrT N VJ. Imponer uod Ucalfr' in FKTOY GQOtl lOYS.VAE.NOnOHOSHV-? si Bt:i:s ■ Childien's Caniages, Baskets & S]ei v No. 8O and H2 Woodward Ave, b-iroit CIIII YOlK Flour ewaci "Wl! GILLETT Sc lïuft.LL We guarafilee hfghest prici-j, immrcliate wie, Jiromct returns. CJT Uln-nilCasl. ulvaiici'1'1 '-O MUPPBU OF We are preparad to offet Indncemanta U hin nf wliont uot .-urii.i-f ;d by tboseof niv othi-th I-ílicraladTaBccí, prompt attcution "auJ „(.ï""' JACOB BEESON & CO., U Wuo.ibridac Street, Wert,!),,. i BAIN BUYSBJ ÜON lii.N " JOHN H. WENDELL & CO DfiTTBCtV. Wc pnsranlco prompt fales and linmeiilni, „ lunis We are Wc al uil linies to piare car i„ ruucj WOlto m Sed VVlicat lo udvautgae tihJ il) throUL'H lini' f ttrs. ' f.'l We reftr to all BuiiRs aml Commercial Agenda iERÍAGES AND S[.RIf;i!S ïïXJGi-ia: Joi-iKTsoisr, MANII-AITiriÏEi: ASI) HKtl.H. IS C(iri-iiffs. lïugfiës ml SleUfa ('nr. I.nrncf' (ui -ilrcpt ' 1 large a."' rimmt. of KAS'I' ■ HN i!i4 jj, tirade Buzeïes Carrlagcs anö 'Sltlib ou um.' fiúihft (1 [ order. " An Exaaiuation of f tock and Prices Soiicifed. toiix patton a mv, J Mannfactnren and DchUtb (n Caniages, lïicios, Slcihs, kt, The ftjiett assortmciit in Micblgan Ksubtistttf I -I..TO1Ü civuMiR wnoiiinn)E Ámd bewh smtn, ïirp pitorr, i'vo Ji-flV-rniD Avenue, DeUoü PTJÉNITÜBE ! i. hiüvhxgeij & ro, Nos. 213, 215 & 2Í7 Woodwsrd AXïa'Dttrti We have a complett afs'rt:nput or the flnr. Kmnltnre, and othemMflpe it cali from ijonn j sottcKPd; We are fs!:v able te. Kolt all ns tnijiMü-, and pricca. We maonractnre most of our mroitu, and etm nnrtintee satisfaciion. t AM OF HOUSEHOIiD FUKNcren Twentj-live pe cul ! llinn uur othpr h'iK Detruit. iJo uo'. i'aii K) visil my Kuraituii Sr'.'rooitts. JOSII. W. SlTTff, 25, 2W Siile Wooihfard Ato L'AÏ.I. AN Mi.MCK 8TOCK OPÜsi T WHITB AND BOK DEBED China i. inner and Tea Sets, Soie vpry tfpe in colore; alwr Sus CiKGtwRoyera. Snriih i Co"i. inc; thtted (Jbodt:Iit and RivïjlK'r Hnodled Cntlery. I.nri;cstuck ofiu( Bracket arxt tfanglng Lampa &e... Ac , for sslt il fowpriccsby " I, H , t Olt U1CK, 10 Miclilgau Ave., opiiofite New Uity Hall, Detrait ]EW ER. IN BKWINO MACHINES . Ihe New Wilson Huiler Peed Scwia fc chfoe tnakea the same wtiteh asr the sinuf'T. Hfite and a II other hlyh prlce Lock stitch Machinr. 1 i their fcual i it ;I. i%nd 8npcrhr in ma:iv rrjpttu. Ittkinu fluí pi ctu;;.j;v ii, State F:jíi ofltl orer ftll oilHTii. SM -ju 1 thau auy dïli.-r flrulM ui. i' iu n.. Warrant' 'i ;'.v ■ vc:ir-, Kend Tur i-irtnlmt E. 'll!.NV.-l & SUN. öciliis-tt ;-fi Wii .iluart Av., Urtroil llirti joiix n. ici (;hi:iixy. Matfofactarera of PIOTUIIE & MIUKOIÏ VUW CkriiiDon, Knjir.-ivinffK, uud VhatM, At Wh U'-ale. ÍS? JEFFERS AVT.Yl'r: WEriiOIT, MlCt, pSKOLOU ffsctore if LOOKÍNG-GLA.SS & PICTURE mB G.lLR:sEW3.],Wáir,i:l 30 j O-mtmíj Ma&ty Importen of Lockiug Glam Platos. Chrunw i 34 Atwatrr süict, Ut-troit. LjW & ADAIVLS, IfaDoTactnrcrfl of :n ! wïiolesnle cirulerjin I'UUi: WHITE,W1NK, CIDEIÏ AND MALT VJN A E!S í-í Atuatcr sírce, Wnt. , I :: Drtnilt, Micbisít, OOljl] I'MITH'S BRA-SrtraBf inkssUnh i? iv, Ijrtsuit - llti.iiitiss pm:iity Cairght iftor il' Con! li g Honée sys -ni, iheoilf true and prurticn?tysteiT for tlllIHll illllfl ntflMÍ n.'fs, reqpiriug Bank, More?. Husiness Howf, íVHrc. Bovl f Trrvle. en. No iintlitítíoo errf took ft prcmiu.v Ier tf ok ko--lnir aiul Basim PrncWtcovo' ihis ú-. litr.-tion :uxl ni.yiiwrñosW theco.itr;u_v Is ratao. l'i ase adUrow as auove for pipen udrtcwncmt. (IHALLKNOR-I 11 place JíCJ in ' hftndfl ofanj respin?! ! ■ ' rtv whcuevcr uf fflíiiWll T'oMO Oiiliufscüircr i w'ülinïio tt m-.Tits or bis Bllftard '1 ables, :is t" dirabil luMotí, he reaturtng aliko nntnnn', on lUéefisi'in 1 1 furt iEr i" uposo Chat Iho wltincr s:iall dipw I of the mi'iioy w. u ly . ivi: it for ff-ime charinW parpoMj C. SGHTJLENRl"RO. Billiird (RkUrUmulaeturer, Detroit; ich. JAMI'S .rENKS, [KstauiisbidIW. Dealwln ;ill ku.icí ACHINEKÏ ANi) ÍSirPLItS. Al 90 AGSXT r(Ml HALL'S PATEJTT sm.v. ,1 , .MACHÍN'?-OAtwstcr Street i:-t. :-■;■. -.ü-.I Riir . Stroets, l).-i-iiii. MKh. (KASKPSEMJL, U)M & CW., DEAfJOBfl :n DRY GO0D3 and MILLINERÏ Hl Ai 1W W'iodwrtrd Avemro, comer CoD;rco i Detroit, Mich, DRLSS ,VJKS; a }';:riALTY. AN ORDlNi-NGB to Amctid ■' Am Ordlnana & I tiTc t ría Prenlion oí Fin ." Si.c. i. !i; t ordaineá by tho Muyor, Ircuráer' Aldermeucrf tlieny oi A lolluws: s.rtiun ■ : 1 1 j - ordinanc cntitled "An (■ naneo Mtetiyt i : tñ í nnfinlt'íi by uuevtiug nord " bemfltfBj ilir ürsf lin . mu ;,s príiited, ti.e vw f " witinwit pyrmiaáon of Ibe ' "ommoo 'ounoili''''' ' s;iitpr:iim abolí etand and road ns t'olluws: & I 1 siiuil not be Uwiui íor any pernou lirn-;tftfr, i outpormionkai ni Comm(m Couacil, toerectj )la.c any i.uililiiijí ur part oí ti building or nnj"" wiuaiv noi nn aúy lol ftontixtg on Mam rtw$? ■ : betweeu N'ortlj bUM mid üielCkHF Ceuteal Etailroad in íia faty si-ii buildáí8' pturt of a boildiag éhull be constiucted ii ítf,f brick witli paií 01 walk ui t .. k ipe piftteiill"i at lcas( ten i' ., il tbc wnw Ü$ l'voï with mefal or la'', uní if cov i ■! with to tbeu at least two fvet (i'joríti that uutliinf , ihnü 1m oMsti uní BBprtMwJ Uon vithin tfae Hmtts aforsosaid, of tty p ding of wood which sh;ül noí le moro tbna ei?!" sqnttre, nor of any wood hous fot kccpiDg .wíl st ing wood whítíh sbnll not seo i tweaty l-t üilcC . ■ i-r.-" in height, iwd txrolvc ! ■ t n wiÖfc 'f ay brn which shnH execed twen i y tota f el in l.=n?tl1' .-i'. vu ïect in jriáth, and twelre U t in beiftW J1 ■i mmon sarfacQ oftbc gToundto the top of'? plnt, witb roof nol to cxcècd one quarlcrpitJ aich smAfl ■ dhonM, or lmu II?T "■ U fiuot On, any streel oor bo km thaní1t el :'i"::i the line I h owi' vJ : more Airnmie mh-!i vvwt-hou born lítr nllofved fiíJmut $uet confetti v nny oof . pi"emisea occtipiod ás one ti m aa n t . '■ No biiniÏS! FíO .■-!■■■!!. 1 iU;')íl' : -' '-i "'[. Bbtüibeumdor occupied,for nny puqxw ''KifPti prore detrimental ta be paltó: i.mlth. or I: ""?!'; to tho Rdjcininfr oocupnnt orto the public Bhnll '!l fiontína ounnypj the public streef of vúd city " h litn Uiirty lat-t tivai tbc liue theicof. jOll RENT A M BS I K A BLE STOK E ! Aiirl ii.i.laü. Atoo w FniBt Jionra rhelrNow Store, No. 18 Main St..frum Augi'" is:i. Baqulrc f . 1S80U fi.W. IJAYS.S11P CONTRACT ÏO LET. The ui'i.'in ■; ramndttce will rcci n'flJfii house, to M iiv„(i Town oL Iiadi. 1 bol iimttwi No. 2. ' . .Ju, I speciflntftniTcnn tx1 setn t MhcIi & Bdimw VTiI and tha proponte 1! willi Hiem, np to N"vl,m.?n (). f. sW'KAl 1 , L' ■" s::i'ii.n:i E_gL : . I .■■. i! K ui'r ___ -r; GotoR.W.ELLIS&CO's forstrictly Pure Drugs anft Modicinos ,Famts ,Oile,&ff'


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