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Railroad Connection With Pontiac

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Tlie Pontlac peuple, desrlnL a botter out!èt for the producto ot' Oafcllnfl aml Lajeer countles tlmi thcy uow Iiavc, seem uixious to bave railroa.i cooncctloo wiih Ana Albor, aow tlldt Aun Arljor is tolera' bly certalu ot conueotlou with Toledo. A ■ui n spomleiit of the U afeite, speakhii; of Ij Toledo, Aun Albor and Norlheru, suys " the pcople of Pontiae árid vieinity aré wllllllg tu furmsli thcir pro portlon o!' tlie neeessary iiid tO Uiiild it fioin A mi Arbor, tía Poutlac, Oxford a. ni Lapecr, to Buy City, thence along the lakd Lo .Mackinutv, to counect wílíi tlia Northerú tfaclflc." Nuw, tiicrc is no reasou in the world wliy -Vuu Arbor and should not be the best o:' frleuds. We belleve they aro- i. i fitct, we are alinost certaln that P_u.iiiue is belttr djsposed lowurd Aun Arb"or;thau oor Bister oiiy a few miles east of us In uur owii couuty. We thercíbre estend to PonUac tliu rigist liund of fellowship In anv railroad or otber euterprlses tliat might ha to our mutual beuelit, and would really liketoyoto Pontfac " vvitliont change of cars," and WiUl huil' the travel now rcquired. A raiiroad counecting the two places is indeed no small desiderátum, iiüí, hotivlthstandlug all this, we teil our Ponüac friends, írankly, that the route proposed by the (Juzetle correspondent is h.ardly possible uuder existing dreum s'.ancos, a company bcini; u.ready orgao iod and siillicicnt caiital subscribod lo complete a roatl from this city to Comuna. The route from Toledo to Ságlnaw via Aun Albor is alinost a bee-liiie.wliüc IfPontlac, instuad of Owosso or Corunua, were ínade ilic point of crosbiug the 1). it M., thc ro.ui Would be toolccidc;lly of thc " ram's lioru' oi'ik'i'. Itlsttfiue country in Oaklan.l and La peer coii.itirs,1 and a better outlet for its prodaets is somly worüiy oí consideration. A railroad from tliis city lo Pontiac would plac tUe latter in more direct communlcation with Toledo tliau it now has, and coultl be exteaded any dcslrable dlstauce througb Uakland, Lapuer ,ud otliercoun [f the people of l'ontiac are iDCllned to ïot upon this Buggestion, and work with a tvill lo secnre a roa. I. we feel sure that Aon Arbor will do her best lo aid them ; but so far as concerns tiie otlier I'inJK-t, we lliink ic seems quite iinpracti cab!e. a very laro, but i veiy ririitiod nnd appreciative áurlictice agsenTbled lu the Presbyterian Cliurcb lasi Tuesdaj uveuingj to lisien to recitatious ofofigiual poems by V:i.i,. M. CaiLI.kt.)n, editor oí' tho Detroit Tribune. None present, we thiiik, regivlled tlic nvestineut, and the eotcrtuininent waf certalnly worthy of a better lionse. Thcre, perfaaps, a littie sanienesa aód uioaotouy about the. dclivery of Mr. (SaruïTOS yet owe couid butler uuderstand the drift, aul pith of hls writliig, a Iit l.sUnir,' t) h;s -Tiie Editora' i.u'-!s," provoked much ïnjrtlmeut and lauguter, aud was probibly the best read joem of the evening, whl!e "Out oilhnUld lionsj ioioXlie N"ow," Vi pronouuccQ by many to be the best in point o! ]nor;t. The Free l'ress correspondent says that the crowd threatened to lynch the niurdcrer Waííxeu. This is a niistake. BucU 0 proceecJUig was simply sugested, but uo ilireats vvure mul.:. Uinging vroutd be 1togetber too mild. The worst punishment tb it coa'.d be Inlltcted apou hlia w.uld be t!et hini live. The meinory of the crime would be the best glbbet, his conscicuce the best executioncr, and four prisou walis the best black cap. Oiie by on-i the Chicago gapers are re vivlng and Onding tiieir way to thc editorial fablps thrJugdiopt li.r c.mi-.try. iirt ■.■eerived by us ivas 'l'ie Adoanee, mach reduced in size, but uevertlieless ehowlug n, dis.osition lo iive, and although hávMg lost ccentfüng is bjun;l to never "irive up Uu ship." Iu two or tin-e. : weeks it topes, to atlain its usual diniensions. - The obstados surinounlcd by the Chimuo But niay lie udged by tlie Ibllowiugi "Our losses have been heavjr, and we carne out of the lire with our mily and solitary possessloo - the daily and weekly mail list. - and with that we beiu a;; liu." And the dbw i'vst is as fine a looklag.sbett as the old oiKi. We have always regárded this paper as one of' our best exchanges, and w the proprletors Uod speed with thelr resarrctad journal. - The Jtailwan llttiew, publishetl by D. C:. BROOKS, well kuowu to ni.iny of our Auu Ari)or pcople, isn't to be blulfed oll' by one lire in -which was d.troyed, and inlsèos uut one issue. Tïie ibllowlug la tue reasoa glveu for reappeariog: ''ilaviug lust fevdrythlog, I repnbllsh it simply on the basis pf its ij„jd til." And the "jood will" of every person nu n si el in raiiroad IntelJLjeiice should be shovvn by forwardlng fZ 00, the sabscriptloo prtce for one ycar. Address, D. C. IJhooks, lü )3 Prairie ave, Ónicago, l!l. - 'J'lii: Ldlie Qorporfü - truly littie now - s ffnttfi and propósea to cóuttuhe i;.aght agalust sin audevil doers, an.l nays: ■'Wc have, both editor and pubüsher, just as '.ir.ive lieirts and willink hands or this goofl work as ever befort, und all that wc ask s that our fi-iends will stand by in iiow, auil Thc Litlic CtorpraJshall rise from thcmKes,Itroiiger; better, and iribre attractlve th:ui ever." - '(■.' Wêttètn Jïarqi and the Tuung Fo'Je's Rural, lost, everythlfig but. Uisrr sul) scrip tlou li.sis, and seod a Plru Extra, say Ing1 that witbla one nionih lrom the ilie they iriirnd to bé'oiït ügaln iii.tb.eir vjUI lorin and st yle. The terms will be tu: saine as ionucrly. s,' and (J i. , - . liv, :,. AU who subscribe now will uid in he)plu tiro two Jourual8 tn getttug-on ilu-ir :,,t. agoln. The Akoiis with the Western Hard $3.5$; with. the Toung Foik's Rund 2.ÖO. Address H. N. F Lkwis, C.lieigO, III., or Detroit, litü. As wlil bc Been by referyice to tlie proocottiugs dT ttie Board of Supervisors, thls couiity lias been redistrictcd. Havlug lost one represkaíatlva in the State Legislatura ly thu in-w apportlonment, the county will beUlvlded hilo three distiets, as follows: Iñrst J)isCrict - Townslilfi and city ol Aun Arbor, nuil townshlp and city of Ypsilunli. Popolatlon, 1.0,778. ijecoml District - Townsliips ol Superior, Salem, Northfleld, Webster, Dexter, Lvndou, Sylvan, Lima, Scio and Freedoin. Popalatloii, ]'-l,2 1. Thinl District - Townsliips of Augusta, York, Pittsfttld, J.o.M, Saline, Brldgewator, MiiuclKsler and Siiaron. Populatlou, 15,450. The Brst district will undoiibiétUp gtveja Hepublican álajority, wliile tlie other tvvo will pi'nbably be carrled by tlie " un'.ciriIled" Deinocracy. The Rcv. J)r. ÜASKKia., pastor of tile First Baptist Church, is to coinincncc a serles of Salib.itli evenlug wímpns, or Ipcinres, oí] " TI:.' .Mental Trutjis ofChristianity," neit abbatb ovcnini;. Christlans lio ivould Lave broaijcr and more 'ntelllgenl witvvs ou tluse vital lutjects, and tiloso dcsirous of knowing the trutli uj)on tlu"n, wili l'uul it profitabla to attend. All ■iré welcomei. House of worsliip o Catharlne streot, betvveen Fifth atid Dlvlaídn sti'irls.


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