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1 II. MILLEIÍ'd INSURANCE AGENCY, IJis Comíanles all sound, and business movmg ou as usual. Home Insurance Co. ofNew York. Thfl (bllowtng telegram haa been reccived íit tilia ollku : New Vork, Ort.l' t.h, 1871. Tho Jïuard has jutít rftdlvcil uuaiiimuuely t lili up c:i'it.i! t $2,500,000 00 at tho earliost practical moment, wbich will restore oaraMetatonatrly fu'JU MIL LiON DOLLARS after ia)iu all CUicatc" lossee. CnA-?. J. MAKTIN, Prcsiclet. Contiiienlal Ins. Co. oíIN"e"vv York, Oive notice thiit it will hnvo a caeh capital uiiim palnd of $1,000,000 00 oo afterpnyingChlcaco losaos. City Xii-e oí ITai'tf oi'tl Conn. Pnys aUlossoB, find bavo a puftk'iuut capital uuiin paired. tlibernia of ClevelandLooaea 950000 in Chicago, and iucreascs tlicir capital tu $500.000('. II M1LLEN, Agent. ypTWACNËR IS NOW READY FOR TUE FALL TRADE navin' Kecciveil a Ltrga Stock of FALL AND WiNTER GOODS, 1NCLUDING OLOTHS, CASSIMEKES, VESÏ1NGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and ÖUALITIES, WHICH Hl Wllli ou tcrms to suit. AIso a full line of READY-MADE CLOTUING AND Gents' FUKNISHIN G Goods. IO353J3T STYLE. ALSO LAMES' AND GENTS' MOROCO O SATO HELS No . ïl South Main Street,- East Sidc: OALL AND 5EE THEM. IVIIjLIAItl WAG5IEH. Ann Arbor,Seiit., 1S71. T ü S T It E C E I V E D ! HÍULEY LEWIS luvc recclved a nml wcll-sclcctcd Stock of New Fall Goeds ! BOUGKT POR CASH, All ol wliioh inuat, bc solil insirió ofsixly rlajrs to tnttke room for Sjsoond Fall stock. Wc can show onr customers lbo 33est Kip I3oots ever brought to Uiis market, both for men ;tllil loys. CALF BOOTS CF ALL GRADES. u have tlic exclusive sale of J. M liurl's fine Imnd-made workconceded to bc tho beat work to weai in Llie inarkec Our stock of LADIES2 AND MISSES' WOBK IS COMPLKTK, We htAfG Ilic fj-i-i'iHiiv. sa!e of tlic llriegdóilsof K C. Uuii.dt New Vink, and Heynolds Bros?, 01 1,'tira. W guarantee cutiré satlsfaction on th!8 work. 1334 QOMËT11 ING KB W 50 Main Street I LOUISWxLZ, GROCER &CONFECHOIÏER ll.v.s A LL STOCK INIIIS LINE, ANI) UII.I. l'KuMl'TI.Y SKKVIj THE PUBLIC VVITII BDGABS, TEAS, COPPBS8 BPI0E8, SYRUl'S, CANDIES, ETC. Parties Supplicd WITII CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OP TUE BESTfQÜALITT, ANO AT TOS MOST LI15E1UL TEUMS. CALL A-lNJIi SEE ÏÏIIMC BEFORE PÜRCHASING. 1 :.;:i ii ..-.. lÜYSíÍJIASS' PBESCRIPTiOSS"" loouratelv and c arefüll y prepa3ed BX ! B. W. HLL1E fc 00.,DSÜQOI81B. OPENS FALL TRADE WITH A (ME Al COMPLETE STOCK OF FAS111ONABLE GOODS ! EMBRACING ALL TnK N3WEST STYLES FOUND IN TUK BA8TBSB AND EÜHOPEAN MARKETS. I Otter Strong Imlncentents to Furchasers of Dry Goods, 500 Yards of Mark Alpaca at 25 and 30 Cents. !'.( (Joods for (tic itloney Ever OUrrcd In Ibis City. 400 Yards All Wool Einpress Cloths and Frerch Merinos at much Lower Prices than one Year Ago. -ALSOPlaius, Sattke.ns, Cashmerks, Poplins, PlAIN AND FaNCY SlLKS, 1.ADIE8 and Cuildren's Furnisuikq goods, hosiery, &c, &c. IN ADDITION TO MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER SOME NOVELTIES IN LADIES' CASHMERE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES WHICH ABE The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market 'l'lir Aiiovc. I'urmiiic ;c; ln-M Cellcction of Ooodfl Erer Offcrcd in Ihis il}, are (o bc sold at ï'riccü Lowcr liiuit the Lun -si. C. H.M1LLE1V. ANN ABBOB, SEPT. 15, 1871. 1339m3 READ THISJ I AM NOW TKEPARED FOR THE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE THE I,1II(;i:m AND Finest Assortmcnt CLOTSS OF EVKKV DESCRIPHOH EVEH BHOUGUT TO Tilla MASEBT. KVERÏTHINO ' NKW, A.NU STYLISH FITS WARRANTED. ALSO A LJHE OF GEXTS' EWmWM GOODS ! EVEK"i'B OI3"2" W1SUINQ FALL AND WINTER CLOTHLNG ILL FIND IT TO Til KIR INTEREST TO (JALL ON JAMES BOYD, 131Str 84 üaiii Street. BOOKS. BOOKSJ J. K. WKI5STKR & CO. new kook store m:au the i:I'l!KSS OFFICE." LOOK T0 VOlili I.XTKUKST AD CALL. BOÖKS. Go to R. W.ELUB & (JO's for chotee Wines and Liquor f for Medical Purposos . 0Y" 1 Bttbëcrtöira to Peters I I KI Ir Mlisiwl M'inlhly :■-■■■ VA Uug thi-ir Ö-jafc forlón Hitiii tivo r"tf n pieee. ft i'h.n-f irtao hnro i( wen ■ 1 I ilis Musical Maguioe II I íhoaia send SO f r fï I I Mmpleeopy . The mtmic ! l - I I I"V ll:iy. 'ïliomni, KniTrfl S kV-l, Penley. aiu'. btbei '-' poiralirwrltcT. Tmii imfk Domkcn tor A New School 4Ocnts. foui lun-k nami.. i-khk,ks. !■,■;,.: :;v,..i:gt 5ub' Í7.6O per (lozen. Ctmlains. . ■ v V )ïir tn'uhuudrcduuw.'tiiil 1 1{' I V buniiiirul suiif, dnuts, ite li II' i I by Will 8. llays. H ster, Thomas, etc. Bverj I T ft iinr; it} duw, frcfh, and JL I sparkling. Oontantt and -. ■ ■ P opi-cimon pses sent free. I 1 1 ampleriiiic niaiU-il üme !j I S I of pontage to teacbsrebr lsJÍllLiJHKJ 5 centa. Liberal terms foriutroduetiou. Wwrtli of M'4k' for %3, Añilrcea, J. L. I'KTKKM, 599 Broalwy, W. f. Tfachcrt Mndlng ui thtir ordej-fi for $.o worth o ciih vlnltn ave.iib &u1)scliption to Petcsj Huilnl Moutflly. I3L5tf Finost Assortment of Toilet Goods in th City, by i' ■■"■■ ' ' ' .... i ' A VALUAliLK STOCK Olí Grain Farm for Sale. Tlie abovo Tarín ís tUoated in the Towiuhlp of Dexter nud Piitnam, Livingston nnd Wafhtenaw c.innn.s. Timi mi le from Dcxtor, niño miles from Ok Isc-u, tnd livu milc from r'lnokníy. Ü onula Fivc Hnndred and Twenty Acres. It i s wcji watared ad jilenty afttmber. Abont outhuif undcr asood cnltlratlon. TcrmB of snle ea, .- nttlt monr wlll 1 miuiíod on ftmt -paymcut. I' s- If uutíildBiwn, 1 willlcasc sixid fnrra íf ( ,lIlUUc.,l,,r,.UuJiuJ. (i.W.C0OKR. l'ostjiticeaddreiií, t'iuckuey, Mich. 1345m.v TTUilM FOK SALE. THK BBASBL FARM. SltDttad three mlle oortb (i Aun Arbor, conlalnins olghty acres, ihirtv-livc acTM taproTO. thc í1naco woli ürtíbered. Solí niM n.l nimirpaMed tor With Hnuly & Co.. oot of Woodward Ave . DftroK. Detroit. Mj:. Mtll, 18T1. 1-w pjJOPLE'S DRUG STOriül R. W. ELLIS & CO.


Old News
Michigan Argus