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fljSlNESS DIRECTORY. :,ok the lookalitch No. 7 AnnÁrhor. 1840yl En'irn' f. l II., Proaecuting Attomry. .u Arbor Tunfe} "ul1 iWol ach week. „,," owrto 'M' rT SCHKIIDi Doalera iu Dry Goorla. )l6wèiCrockcry.4c No. 64 Sonth Maiu öaBISHALE, TT. !., Resideñce and Offloa ] " i corner William aiia ihouniso.i birocte. W ce tours 1 to .. i2H ÏII'IIBAÏ, Roofer Fire aud II .. .' !'ro'. Pflt and Composltlou Qravi-1 i oís Dal on tu order and warraiued, Bsldenceun jis'wa Street, Ann Artwr. T'. EILI A' PO DcoggisU auiJ dealers [ii !aP;iiiiá, Oilé, Ko.ii South Blaln Street, tiirbor. 1 ü. Ai SKSSÍOXS, Attorney and Counsellor Jt liLÜw. Itiulr iranceAgeul ConMidi: ud Collccilon of tlaims pn.mptly at ii liberal ter nu. OIBce in Donnillys' -;, scain, Huronatreet, Ann Arbor Miili. ir H. Í4CKSOS, Dentlst.ancQMCpi to C. B. II 1 I'. .;■- OffliX' coi ñ f Main Hlïd ;.'lll-oi: Btreetfl, :-;■ n: R. !!!:: lV , An:i Arbor, Mhetics admiuiatercd if rtquired. ir F. BHEAKCY, M. D Physjctan and il . s ïou. OiliCf, at retJdenot! come? t Mamui División Slreety lirtU (tuor cüL oí l'ujiy'i Auu Arbor, Mlch. n i, Í0H.X 8ON, Dealer In Hata and Caps, Qpijt' Fnrulehlnu Oood, d. s J Souti Main --eet. Ann Arnor iiich-, CTHKKLASD WHKDOK, Life and Dlbvlunnuw 'inif. aud deulersiii Hcal Btwle. jireon Ènron Sïrect. [EHIS C'. RI.MO. n .ir ín Hardware, üoüae r'Qc:ú hiti "GooÖBi Tin V'afe,&c. . It'alu reet. B.4OI 4: AIti:i.. Déniers in üry Ouods Gruriui, 4c. Ku in ïouth Maiu Mreet. Ana Irtwr. CjUWSON v SON, Grocera, Profiajoj a mi l, 8'i deaiere Ín Water liae.LaiiU J'Ja4'jr, küíí i'!ai?u;r l'íiris. 2"u. 10 Bul üiryu alm í(J.'lIi'.l.n, Wholesale and Hetail Dealer ■ i:i. íL ■tly Made lothlng, Clotha, (ifsiineres, md üeDtv Furultihiu.4 (o' de. Ko ■ y tluuíii Iiib Sttet. H.'I. V. ,!lt ín H-ady MaiW'ioth ■i Inj. t'futM i i- .'■■ rea VestlngB, Hats, Caps íl -ouin Muiu street. i1!, UOííi: FISKE, Bookeellera andStaM itical L.iw und Ciilk-ge Text lio k, iatecl Misctlluueouf Books. No. 3 North Main cfipf Ultitk, Aap Arbor. PWWiY & I.EWIS, Dealere n Boo-e. Shoes, Wtfn,Slppers, &c. No. a J2ast Huruu t-truct, Ui irlwr. I A IwTcHKEyEU, ÁTTORNEY AT LAW ! Ott i:h K. V. Morgan, Kif t side ofCcurt IIousi' %" 13Í1 J. P. SCHAÈBERL J , Tticberof Music. G'ce iMtrucUon on the PIANO, V10LIN ANO GÜITÍR, Jli oScf, No. .'.7 South Hato strecít, CMoorc's gj.orat thc rerideaee or the pupil. PIANO TUNIiXG, "leijMia]ty aud agafootloD cuaraotoed ( fiOC KEttY. " IttigSWAEJB & GR0CERIE8, J. & Donnelly, ,'yjl"reltrge stook nf Crockerj, Uliwwnrc, 25".llei7 rocenes, 4c, í,c. all to bu IMilUMgallylowpricrs. 0 13 East Hurou Streot, Ann Arlmr. _Jjg'f J. & I', DONNEJLLT. [ohng.qallT" DEALER I1ST FSESHANDSALÏMEATS, LABD, 8AO8AGB, Etc.. i i thc market. 81 Saat WaUngtoii atíeet. "orborsept. 16th, 1S69. (S85tf J W. BRuss, Mmi'ihctnrc.r of "HHIB8 BUiClEg, LDBBER WMMM, VUifl W16OS8, CCTTEB8. ÏSS""!"5 "ithe bw" Repair ■wglye perfect swi-faction. 69 s uili Jtnin -!ÜL_____ l::i::v 5fles' Buggies, Wagons, '"fiii ,'''"s"f cvcry Btrle, miule ofthe best dmu Hor-hodfl and Re'', OwtfR. Depot, Aun Arbor.Mich ü- B. POÏER, ÖENTIST. 1:iithe34VINGSANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. l!l jeraciBns M tba latlnd Teeth tSnJ nME" wit CARE. 3tJRPA35Ep FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE ttmse artFfÏcïal teeth, 1""or1)WVKEACHINnlvII)UALi I 'e prptr ,{,,_ ,haTtf.0l0T. firmvttiond - - - ____1"1 "' t'-prettion. 1244 C. C.JENKÏNT& "KANDOLPII WHITE, M. D. DENTI8TS. HER OF MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. AU peratins peiformed in the Most Thorough and Scientiüc manner. N aÜ!US Xi(Iu Gas co"statly 011 hand, ■alDUtered wlth perfect safety. LIVli ÖEE81 PEATHimB ?"íon hand and f,,r sale by PgÓPLJB'S DRUG SÏOKE! I R'W.ELLIS&CO,


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Michigan Argus