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A Pleasant Game For The Family Circle

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BU RIED OITIES, A city is said to bo burieil when the letters tbat composo it oocur in their proper ordaí in a sentence, but concoaled either as a part of some longer word, or, better, as some iortions of different Tvords. Thüs in tho sentcnce, ' The beat themselvea err ofton," wc have the city of Thebes and tho Germán city of Buis A very ploasant game isplayed by eaeh of a party in turn, either writwg or speaking a short eentence containing one or more buried cities; then all try to f')lvc it, and tho first one who succeds counts one on his soore. The pi :yer who fint wins ton, or any other numbtfr agresd apon, wins the fíame. Another way is foi oach to set to work at burying cities on their own account. Lot the group about the centre-table talie B list ui' towns in givon country State, and sec which can bury the in st,and the mos! succeasfully. A groat daal of art in bury-ing cities oonsii , tliuin come in naturally, and in a 30rt of connected narrativo, lf they are lugged in, the work will have an awkv. aïd appearance, and thoy vill b? diseovered, The oitiea ghoald be generally well known, thotigh it will do to have in one now ü'l then more obscura. We have obsorved also that occasiou:illy some provinoe or island will slip in among thc:n. Of'oonxse any other names may substituted instead of those ot' citir tor instance, rivers, isUmds, anthors, generáis, or even the names of persons pres ent. In the following passage thero are burii id more than forty oities, and in one placo theíe are to be found not less than seven witbin tho spaee of oighl words : Othera may write ia somber linns or to a liuimaous gtrain, maj s;iy their say or keep it to thembolves, may write for salo merely, or vie to mako their wares the best they oun. To nobler juissions are M' oalledj a worfchier wc remsmbei tever. We searob tor bnried cities, owning post-haste the dobt our sense historio owea thereto. Over June raised y isternight, and over heaih oíd as time, lo ! we go to tli land august of tho far Coliseliin : oï angels have ]ity ! to where war's awful rage, oh art for devils ! culininates in death. Not by htcamer, with crowds that jam her stingv cabins. The wrath unteuipered of wïnds or wave-; v do not brave. Nicely all on donkeys we are mounted. To cheer us in tlie morning, musio, or in tho evening, whon we quit out work. So from out the deep ar:s ; the buried cities - where to be found wc give to each a guess. .


Old News
Michigan Argus