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New England Uneasy

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New England lias now made a fair tria] of the bloñhing of protoction and is able to ostitinitii the advantages whieh protectivo legialation has given to hei people. The shipping m'erobant of Boston fincU that ho oonnot buy foreign-built ships because enlightened Radical legislaúoc )i:is forbidden him to ! 80. Tlic sliiu! buildcr of the Mystic or of Maine ■ . ; build because a probibitory duty out. the mati rialsforshjp-buildiug. 'L'hc manufacturar and tli r {mi that thoy aro torced to pay sixtv-Iuv oente more pet ton fot fuel than the} aeed pay weru thü bitumino'is o! N :--i-uti;i iillnwcd to enter the mar Icet oh equal tonus with the anthracito o' sylvania. The shoeinakerfinds that they are "protcclcl" l,y .1 ]aw whtc I ces them to pay a tas of nyarly 100 per ! cent. on the laating u-rd by thera, aimiii ertox bfSOper cent. in gold od rubbei goring, and sti I ' ;cs on hidc;s and leather. And the woo] d mftnufactnrore flnd that theit Bhare of the benefit of p?oi tection is, tl ; y ui' paving 1 1" peí cent. duty on their fine importad wool, and on the aveágo 76 percent, of thé (rhole cost of the n dutiés on tho inatt;iia!s ; whil' Wio Cüia . ireigu fabrica are admiïtt'l at u, duty of 35 per cent. only. The avotágG New England Radical, who has ! ieve Ihat l.e le i' li .um n: ia ibrcad lu pay two dollars onder th.j " American system " where hu would pay but orm an intelligeïii revenno tariff, sluw to be convinccd of his enbr. Bui in tnrnthep iIdrainupoai bia ( kat foroes him to look al i m to listen to protectionist tüeori'. There is i feelingofdi tion with the pi tariff which daily grows-gfci'OHger in the Niiw Eugland haart. The wooli.-n insot ofactnrers rovolted a ayo, and are now opcnly demanding that -the pi exorbitant dntie i on wo 1 should bn modified. l''or.r handred ot' the boot nivl sSos makers of New K.' have v.nitfd in a remonstrance against the "protection" which ruins their business, and the 11 idical Btate Convention whioh raettntly met at Wöroesterwaa forccd by the olainor of the inoroh sbipping interest to pass a rosolution cialli r.g upon Con;ress to repeal the navigation law y nso of foreign ships and the proliibitory duty on ship-building mataríais, which readers ship-building iuipossible. All of which is signiiiennt as showing svenNew England Badictela admit the tolly andfailuroof proteotion. Nevertheless thny need not fancy that their rcsolutions and rem will have any effect upon the party, Th Radical leaders imagine that Massachusetta and Maine must voto with them whatever may be the unpopularity of tlieir tariff blunders among the JSTew Englan 1 p!e. They will, thereforo, never abandon their protectivo policy so long as thcy' can liopo by its nieans to bribe the ironmastcr and coil monopolist; of l'onnsylvania. The New England manufacturera and ahip-buildors must Ie made to pay tribute to PisnusyU a.iia monopolists, and so lon; as they folLow tite (eadorship of Radical trictstera they may rely upon the certainty that their remonstrances


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