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Greeley's Progress

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From the Columbro O.) Joiinial. Scpt. 30. Tho groat and good Greeloy, who yestcrday published the most remarkable progresa ever made by a plain Republioaxt dressed in a bald hoad and a white overcoat, was extremely fortúnate in having so competent a historian as Mr. Cummings, who has rcportcd tho daily sayings and doings of Mr. Gre.jley on tho routo, for the Uinoinnatí Commercial and the New York SbotHdek. Three pictures of this almost royal progress dwull in tho meinory. Ono is tliut of the s:go at the feast given in bis honor in Chicago. Cummings has caref ully gathered up the nugKcts of wisdom that feil from his lips as the festive bran bread and thc inaddenin ljowl of bUiok tea went round, and has placed them on record. It was a memorable scène, that of the farmer of Chappaqua inodestly putting away the urgent solioítatíons of bis friendo, and yiulding slowly his consent to bo considered a .1 candidate. Cocsar aud Soymight havo learned a lesson from it hitory of Time had come at ns the öther end lirst. Tiuu v:c. havo tho Reene whero Mr. G:eelcy mot a largo company or' the unBophisncated red men oi thu forest, and gavo them familiar 1 s -nis in deep and other agrienltorál wisdom, wilh olj i i v.itions on a pfotoctive tariiF, ad the :idvantages of going furthor West. But the most touehing spectaelo of all, moistened the oyes oí the beholderí somewheie up in Minnesota, wbere, as Cumutings saya, "mothew brou'ht thuiz babea to the groat and good Givclcy to sed." The 'sbmin hoád, su-elling tvith baptismal v,;tíiTi..:i the brain, beamed like a gloriñed billiard ball, as he took the little ehildren and blcssed theui, and advisei ih ir, "d- u you, go West and t.y írrigation." When ti 10 noxt 'historical painting 13 execute-d í'or tho United Statca Capítol, let na have, instoad of sueh absurdities as oto" and ""Westward tlio Course apire," and the like, somo such picture is that of Greeley telling the abjri jííik 8 what he: knows ftbout ií;nning, or Greeley with a pioneer infant iu uij arms, and surrounaed by tlie motlier3 of Minnesota, eách with a tear in hei ■ye and a triangular napkin in her hand.


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