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- Thu "Dean Riohmond," tho finest of tho Lako propellers, was Imriied on Thursdny ïnoniing of last week. The passengen and crew wcro all saved with tüo cxcoption of one. - Ilawkins, the Mormon eider eonvictctl of bcing " too much marxied,' or in otlier words of aduitory, bas beun flned :■')( and genteneed tu duranco vilo ur throe yc:iis. - "'N'hy 'IVxas went Democratie" is tlio heading of nameroua articlos in tho Radical papers. The reaaoa is very simple : bccausc the Demoerats were tlie moro numeróos. - Mr. MuCoriaiok, of Chicago, of mower and rcapercelebrity, . haviiig lost .$7üO,000 ín tin; late fin, will 110 doubt be wHling to admit that firo is the ehampion reaper. - "There is authority for refèriing the Origin of man to tho donkey, becauso it is recorded that on a certaiu occasion l!ilaani's ass spoke, which apes never did." - Two Gorman, ono Swodish, one Scotch, oue English, ono Frenoh,.and ono American expedition are bouud to see tho Polar sea, which will be i-cy. - Tho Board of Supervisors of Saginaw County have appropriated tho sum of $10,000 for the relief of the gufferers by the late fires in that county. - " Is charged with a balance of $200,000," is the way the Itadieals are annouuL-ing, abnost evury day, tho thioviug and embezzlemente of officials. - Chicago is expected to be an El Dorado for the next six months for masons carpenters, workersin iron, plumbers, and woikingmen generally. - One of tho Milwaukce sowing societios has been thned, and it took just S6V u minutes for them to destroy a neighbor's character. - The Cinciunati Enquirer wants Hon. Thomas A. Scott nominated by the Democrata for the Presideney, andgives several roasons therefor. - Jacob llosenzweig, tho murdorer of Alice Bowluby, has been sentouoed to sevcn years hard labor in thu penitontiary at Sing Sing. - The best pugilists sucecod in running the Arkansas Kadical convcntionsi tho same as thcy did at Syracuse. - It is reported.that the Mississippi has been getting " high ; " which is very wipretty in the Mississippi. - Tho more you havo of somc thiugs tho more you want. It isn't so with the present administiation. - Cheek - asking a man to endorse the course pursued by the Now Yoik Radical State Convention. - Grant is said to be the most táking President we ever had. - Regular trains now run from Holly to Detroit via Wayne. - Disgusting - the toudying which Í3 being d;no to Alexis. - The snow-ball season has coinnienced in Yermont. ■ - The United States has 409 incorporated citics. - Seward is to write up his tr.wclo. IX has been ofton said of President Giia.nt that hc: cüuld not makc a public spooch. Now this has been proven a fallacy, lor while in Portland, Muine, the other day, he spoke tliu followisg olojuent words : " I have a vivid reeolloetion of visiting your city six years ago. This is the socond time I have been in your city, and ;iiu Diuch pleaaod with the' rece)tioii here, as wo.l as :it other places I have visitod in your State. If I do not oftenor than I have heretofore, I hall not make many more i.jts here before I shall bu quite in old man." Can not the nation poiut with pride to such an executiver Did ever Buch words of eloiiuencc fall from the lips of anotuer President 'í And yet a few illiter'ate persons will insist that he is not " eddicated," retiued, and Intelligent.


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Michigan Argus