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The November Magazines

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A little shiver runs over U3 as we rend November fipon the magazine covers, for ït reminds us of the ncar approach of Juck Frost wilh hls shivering manners, and chilly airs: - Tliose who think tliat investigations into the life of Shakspeare, and criticisi upon his plays are orerworked and barre tlicmes, vvould do well to read "Shakspèar and Ilis Times," which forms the leadln, nrticle in llic Bciteiio Magazine for Tiovem ber. Por those also who can appreolat íuch a combimitiun of ihstruction nwl en tertainmciit as is pfescuted by no othe peiiodtcal, it vvmild be well to examine the table of contenta lor this mira'jcr. ïhcj ïrtll flnd such articlc as Modem Qeoloj;y and the Musaic Account of Crcation Cathay, vvith notices ofTravelers to tha Couutry;an admirable and appreciativc essay o( William Wodsworth, and another On ihe cliaracter of C'leopatra ; the con clusion of Danviu's Descent of Man Secret History of the Loire Campaign ; The Opium Trade with Uhina; Food Kconoinizers; JI.Thiers; Burns and Sir Waltei Scott; a continuiitioii of Patty, and a short story, The Street-Sweeper of St. Hoque, by the same author; and copious Editorial Miscel'any. The mnnber is embellished wilh a fine portralt of Beethoven. E. R., Publisher, 108 Fulton Street, N. Y. Terms % 5 per year. - "Thirly seven Days of Peril" 8 the title o.1" au article in Scribner's for November, ivliich is an extraordinary bit oí antibiogiapliy. It detail tlie wanderings of Triiuian C Evcrts, who was lost from the Ycliowstone Explorlng BzpedUIon of 1S70 ; and iives a interestlnjí account of his desperate eflbrts, as also of his curióos mental halluclnatlons - themeut;il ragariea o a starvina man, with ntimerous III Q3 trations. Auother well lllustrat.ed p.iper is Mr. Richardson's description of'TbeUn barriog of Heil Gate." Ttaera is also a cliaracleiistic sketch from Miss Phclps, author of Otiles Ajar, entitlcd, "Not a Pleasant Story ; beinj; puMfH from the vate Hlalory of a Public Nuisancc," Tiie other papera are: Prlacüla; liallowecn, or Chrissie's Fate; Too wisc for Love;'' Low Life in Nature; Wilfred Cumher mede - chaps. xi.vni- j,r. ; The Riglit Not to Vote - first paper: The Two Mrs. Senda mores - cliaps. i-iii.; ïhe Clubs of Parla; Topics oí the Times ; The Oíd Cabinet, &c, with Waltlng, Albatross, Out of the Depths, Moma Pliuebe, From Oca to Sea, for poetry. Tilla numuer commeaces a new volume, and the publishers announce uuusual attr.ictions Mie future, Inclodlng a series of papers by Mr. Gladstone, Prime .Minister ofEngland. $4 a year. Address SCBIBHEB C Co., 054 Broadway, N. Y. - Tiie UaHiolic World has; Authorily in Matters of Faith The Houae of Yorko- chap xv. ; The Stigmata and Ecstaslea of LonlM Lateau of Bois d'Halot ; Tl;c Legends of Oisin, Bard of Erin ; Lúeas García - ni. ; The Liquefaction of the Blood of St. Junuanus - m. ; The Wayside Spring; Valentlne ; Troe Faith The Place Vendóme and La Roquette - n ; The Dolllnger Scandal ; a Ghost Scory of the RevoluUon ; The Reügious Movemeutlo Uermany; Tliu HoDQtalu ; Color - its Poetry and Prose, &:. $5 a year. -Address Law&bnos Iíehoe, General Agent, í) Warren Ötreèt, N Y. - The Allanlie gives the opening pages of its November number to a scliolarly coinparison ol'"Tennyson and Theocrltus," by Edmand C. Stuudman. Celia Thaxter follows with "A Tbauksglvlog," a short poem in the longest kind of metro. "In "The Budlams of Stamboul" Dr. Goodell gives a graphlc sketch of the treatment of the Turkish insaue, showing pretty conclaslve ly that it is not Ubrtfetlana alone wiio nial treat those who are bereft of rcason. Mr. IX-Foresl stiil continúes his "Kale Beauinont." "Wateh and War.l,"' by II. James, .Jr., is also contiuued. "Wayside Pikes,' by Clarence King, is a racy sketch ol'soine individúala from the ch;s whlcb Coiouel Hay ha.-, dmgged into literatura. The remalninjj contrlbatlon are "Tiie Sphlnx." a poem by M. E. N. Hathaway ; "The New Lijjht," alao a poem, by Cari Spencer : "Tl. e Wedding Jonrncy" - contlnued - by VV. D. Howetls; and "Our Wh spering QaUery," vviiicli is rtlll devoted to DlckeilS. "Recent Litciuture" closes the number with critical notices of Tynilall, John Jlay, William Winter, Stoddard and BlgglnaoD. ?4 a year. Address Jas. R. Osoood & Co., pub Itshen, Boston, Jlass. - Aiiiong tiie "Lidies magazines", Arthur's Hoau bos, for twenty year, maintained a high rcputatioii. The November number now before lis is very attractive. The two enirravings, "The Children's Offerlng,"1 and "The Puppies' Nursery," the last a doublé page cartoon, are works of mcrit. The fashion pages are full of new costumes, and the literury depaitment rich in stoiies and articles suiied to all reaJera. In tiie unnouncemcnl for 1872 we noticc, among othcr attractions, that "Pipsissiway Potte" is to í:ve a ncw series of "Othcr People's Wiiuhurs." Everybody is chnrined with "Pipsissiway" Terms $2 a year. Three ropies for f5; 4 copies, $6 ; 6 copies, a:id oae extra, $10; 8 copies, and one extra, $12. Publi.shed by T. S. Ahtiiuh & Soxs, I'hihulelpMa, Pa. F:om the same, the November number of lite CJuldren's llour, pronounced by the press every where to bc "one of the cholcest of ts class," and "enough to drive a six ycar-old crar.y with its many dellgfats," is already on our table, as charmlng and beaiuiful as ever. It contal 08 the prospectus lor 1872, and we recommend all wlio wish toput in the hands of thcir little ones a magazine that "speaks through simple lorms of language the highest truths," white it fascinaes ts young readers bv Kweet and tender stoiies, to send for it The price is only $1.25 a year. - Godfj's Lady's Dook, alwnys the first to make its appearance, Is bright and shiningasever, and promises good things for the coming year. It is an ever welcome frlend In the house, and nn almost indispensable article for the ladies. While it is pletèefte with fushion and other platr s, its contenta (lnd general reading. Now is the time to form your clubs for 1872. One copy, $3 : two copies, $5 ; three copies, 17.60; four copies, $10, etc. Godcy and tiie Aiigus for $4.25. Address L. A. Godey, I'hiladelphia. - Tiie Galaxy, always interestlng snd entertaining, is not beliind time this month, and has a table of conUnts that will not (all to iustruct, which is as follows: Mas ter Euslacc, by Hem y James, Jr; Barbarossa and Bismarck, by Anue JI. Cranc Secmullcr; Popular Fallacies, vi.-xii., by Cari Bcnson ; A Sicilian Mldnight Madrigal, by Howard Glyndon ; Reminiscences of Lee and Jacksou, byj. I). Imboden ; The Pike Poetry; "Vxr Nobile Fratnim"- The Two Newmana, by Justin McCarthy : The Eustace Dianonds, chapa, xn.-xv , by Anthony Trollope ; At Evening Time It Shall be Llltht, by 11. E. Warner ; Adniiral Farragut at New Orlcans, by GthteOD Welle Daad; Ought We to Visit Her? chaps. xxxv.-xxxvii , by Mrs. EJwards; Love Song ; Possle Poll, Scientiflo Miscellany, Wood, Carnmt Litcraturc, The Galaxy C'.ub l{ooin, and Nlula?. $4 a I year; two copies $7. Address Sueldos & Co., No. 677Broadway N. Y. The Lastteí JieposUorjt, for November, is a capital nuinber, and has n tableofcontents varied and interestiug, fully up to the standard, ifnot in excess. It lias a fine eugravlnf oí "Oberhoffen on the Tliuner Sea," and a pottralt of JIrs. II. C. Qardner Profust in illnslrations, aud beautiful in typograpby, it is a magtzln weii worth the sobscrlptton price, $3.50 per anuum. Address IIitchcock &)Waldkn, Ciucinnati. Ohio. Froin tlie same, Ooiden IIcntrs, a magazine for boys and girls, mul cvery boy and girl in the land ifould bebetterand happier f thev coukl possess it. The November number lias a tabla of content ttell BUlted to the clas for whom it is ititcndcd, nnd is profasely Ulnstreted. $2 a jent, Addras as above. - The Herrttd of Ileallh, "advocates a hlgher type of manhood - phjrslcal, Intellectaal, and moral." Tlils nn:nber conlains forly or iifty articles excellent for sick or well, aniong whicli are : K.irly and Late Hours," by Rev. Chas. H. Brlgfaamj au article on the management of chUUTen by F. E. Abbott, nnd a letter from P. T. Jaman) on his bealtb and habit.s. 2 a year. YooD & Hoi.Uhook, pub'ishers 13 and 15 Laight St., New York.