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SHAXESPEA&E DIDS'T SA Y Fo sensible (hen, and put it on. Anti eovor up your luitlcss c uwn ut thal i Tcrry. renleriiBL. And lic grccs to cover up suc2k croivns i sí -s gloort ii SilU lEfit a eau lv ;urcliii.Ncd ti tlic í'ií j'. ut iïi vftry 'Lou prico of !5. Sering if Ii! ;í" i lïir. .ri; und. sec. The tonie piinciplo in Barr'8 Ayue McJicine relieves ebility ptoïiiptly. ÍS SILKHÁT8I ■.Ts-si-s wliat E. J. ju::s;;.' offcTS 16 !i;iï wenring; public. (niilif y nd t'aüliionablt-. Sillc I ls lor S3. o. 7 South .lluin strect, cunt siili-. riuin diroctions in EngUahimd Germán are givcn th Barr's Agüe Medicine. Bvllngton. Lonvinirtne Ka.t nd :irrvnnt Chicago or Ininnftpolii, liow phall we reach the West ? The eat Liue ís aoknowUdgcd to hc the C; B t (J.. oinedtosr. ther with the B. & M. R.iilroad by the ron Brklpeat Iljrliugton, nnJ cslled die Bnrllngon Roate. The main I'.neof the Route running to Omnhc, onnects with t'ie !?rct l'.iclric Roruls, nod furniK o dftj the leadiuK route to California, The Kld Ie Hranch. ppterln; Nebraska ut riattMnonili, pisscs thronga Lincoln, the FUto Capital , and wlH . thia yar he flni.-heti to Fort Kcarney, forinlng the shortest route acrosa the Continent by over 100 liles. Another branch of the 15. M , ñiversiní; at Red Oak, blUisto a lino rirnnin- down the .Missouri tbrongb St. Joe to Kaneas City, and all Kansas. Passen.zpra hy this route to Kansas, pee Illinois, South [ova, and Miéxouri, and, by a eli;ht divercence, can see Nebraska also. Lovers of fiae rtewa ehould remera'ocr the I'.nrllngtoa Somte, (brltstowni " hlgfa-gleamlog from afdr"- lts tree-fringed streams- lts roni;h hluffa aiiii txuarries - itscorn-oceiins ctretchiuí; over the prairies furthrr than eje can roftch, Land buyeis willbe snrc to remetnhrr it, furthey have frieHds raons the two UlODWind who have already botight farnie from (ieo-S. Harris, thoLiind Commissijuer of UicB. &M.H R at Burlington, Iowa.or amongthe four thousaiid home-M and pro emptora who lastyear lile I claimt in the Uucoln land ofiite, where " Uoclc Sam i.. ricli enuugh to 'ive us all a farm," A olnll is an impoísibüity to one taking liarr'.s Ague Mediciuu. ■ - -4-ê -mg+. +m Boiinly (o Soldicrs. ThoBewhoenlisttdin 1831 on the aral cali ofPrcsdent Liuco!n,aiid who werc houorably dlectaarged oeforethe expiration of the term of their enllstnii n: . are eutiiled to $lufl oach, as bounty. AmlauldicrsenlUtiug underact of Jllly 4th, UU aretobeallowedthe aupald instulinente ofboontj Ifthcy were dteclurgei bj azplraUun ofservlee The above classes should make application to the undereifined. 4!arch24th,1870, 1-iO-nt JOHN N. GOTT, Bounty auj Clalai Aunt. Boldien of 1812, who servud sixty days, are cutltlet'. to Pendón, and should apply iinmcdiately to John N. Gott, Uouuiy and I'eualon Ajent, nn Arbor, Jlicii. Invesi ons dolbï ju Iiuri'o Ague Uedjss( and mie thecbil. DETROIT ADVERTISEMENTS jVt íiiuvAM iiACiininsv depot. G. S. WORMER & SON, Dealers in nll kinds of Wood and Iron Woiking Bítfcütncrjr. 99, 101 & 103 JEFFEESON AVE-, . DETROIT, MIOH. A iüt(i ri::is, liuporlurs unü Ü6ftlorsin FAKTOY C3V-OO3DJS, TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS . HOSiEEY. LACES AND TKiMMINGS. asd m miytof miHi ov Children's Caniaes, Baskets & Sleighs. No. SOaud 83 Wooclward Ave., Dctrott. OIIIP ÏOIB Flour ancS "WJfciGiïi TO GILL3TT Sc ÜSw.LX. ijETEUri'. gOAranttt blghcst príced, iminolíito 8:ï1cb, nud prompt rcturu. Liberal Cash advances. ro sHii'rut'i of VTe are prepaied to ofTor ïndnccment to fhippora of vfhcat not snrpri-scd hy those ff mv otbex hooafi, UbvM.'il iiilvaiuep, prompt attciuion and qnlck reJACOB BEELON 8c CO., Oó Woo :br10j;e Stretit, West, Detroit pRAIN ÜUYRS COX IGN I-T to JOHN H. WENDELL & CO., DETROIT. We gnnranifc prompt pflla njid immcdintii reuma We nrn nblo ut tll times to placo car lot of 'muy Whitf or R"d Wheat to advantae ïf shipped u throatrb lino fíirs. We rtifer to all B&aha and Comraerclftl Apntics, H r.RTAOES ANP SLKIfínS MANITA' Tl'nriï AN'D DEALKR TN Carriagea, Bitggiea and Slcighs, Cor. I,:iïr.l &. Cas strcetn. A large Mi"ffmffnt of KASTi'.RX and ITomemiule Bnqgloa Garríales and Sleighs on liaud, or ttnfshed tv ordr. An Examination of Stock and Prices Solicited. TOIIN' PATTON L ROX. ü Manufacturera and Dealers In Carriagos, Buggics, Sleigïis, &c, The flnest aesortmnt in Michigan. Estnblishcd n 1R42. FAOTOP.T COïlVER IVOOpitniTiOE A T1H Tr.VPïl ST3EET9. Repsitory, C2C Jcfler6on Avenue, Detroit. P. HITFJVAGITl & CO,, 213, 215 & 217 Woodward Avenue Detroit Wf! have a completo nssortment of tho finest Fmniture, and other irrtul. A cfill from buyers ia ap-llctted. We ftre fully nble to puit all as toqnality and prices. We mamifucfure most of our lnruittire, and can gnar.intec eatisfaction. ' AM SKI.LTXG ALL STTLES l OF HOUSEHOLD FTJTtlNTl TTRE wenty-five per ont los' tlian any otiier house in Detroit. 1)0 uot fail to vlsit my 1 uriulurc Warerooms. josrr. w. smitit, 50, 252 and 2Ö4 Eut Shla Woodward Avenue. 7AIX AXD WI"TF.IÏ STOCK OP FI.NK T WHITE AND liOKDEKF.D China ninner and Tea Sets, Some, vnrv fino in coldra; ntso fine Cttt Olaas : ;ogen. Bnüth fc Co's. flne riated Goods; Ivory nd Rubber líanrtlcd Cutlury, Larga stock of stand, racketftnd Uangtng Lampa. &c. fcc. for sale at ow prices bj . MrCOIlMICK, o Michiiran Ave., rppoite Now City Hall, Detroit. vf EW ERV IN SEWING MACHINES1 lhe New Wílson Unrlur-Pecd Sewing Maï'n'1 inakRS the same stitch as the Sinter, iiowe, nrt all othev hlgaprlce Lock-Siltch Hachlnei, It - tlieir eqaal in nll, mul superior in raany reipocts. akin:; the premi mi in the rttate Pairs of l'Tl over II others, RoldSSOIesfl than any other flr-t-class nachüica. Warranted fiv yeavH. SuikI for clrcnlars, H. CHBNET & SON, Gen'lAg'la 1T2 Wii dward Av„ Detroit Ml-h. tl. DOVeHJBBTY. Manufacturen of PICTURE J MIRR0R FRAMES CturoinoS} I',i:rr;ii iiip"% ;íe!í1 I'Eiotos. At Wholesale. 2S7JEFFERSOÏ AVKïlS, liKTBOiT, JIICH TiiEononE sIglek. Munulactürci of LOOKINÍÍ-QL.VSS & PICTURE PRIMES G.IL Rasewooá, Walnuí and Ornamental Mouliiegs, lmporters of Looking Glas PlateBj (hromos, aDd Kngravlnes. 84 AtWnter Ircct, lïclroil. f AY & ADAMS, Lj .Muiiui.icturers of and wliolesnlc dealer in rrjRE white wine, cideu aNu malt païinua VINEPtA E'S 14 Atvrater Htrcct9 Woat, 1"43 üutroií, Michigan, fi OLD' I ' M ITTT'St BRTANT & STR TTON BÓS iF.ri Usiv tnsrrTi Dkthoit - Bueiuess pramically Lught after the ConoU l; Hona yslttm, the only nu; and prjK-ticii! yr-tom lor LllBSlrntlng real bn-úe-'ri, requiring JianUs, Mtirce. BugIdsm Ilouf'S, (lHcfH, ilonrd 3f Trutle. etc. No iuïili'tion evtr ook :i prtmium for ]ï okk6ejdoL und KusiueífS 'ractlCfl tliis lattUaüoa. and any :ipsertion to ïeoontrary In falffo. i'K-asc tuldrcys as ubuve for lApen and docuüU'nts. iHALLENG-l-I wili place $300 In tho ■J hrtUiN nr 'íiny raspo ntrtblfl pnrty whewever any tilllard Tnbio mannfactnrerlii wlïUugto t64t tho raiírits or bla Bllllard Tables, as t d irahilitíi, exact r )■'; -nni ■■; i n mei .(!■, CtiTTf.ClH9% nu I ffKÍcHMU of í(,tii'jw% lie vt'iiturins; a likc ninnunt on the decisión, nrt 1 fnríhíT p'opose that, the winner plmll riiposo Í th mnncy m D by ivina it fur som:: charitable jurjioee. C. SCnULKNBURG, Iínit.rd Tiible Manufiicturer, LKjtroit, Mlch. fAMES ,T1C:N":KS, [Estadlipoed 1S14. ' Dealer ÍU all kltidK of ÏACHINERY AND SUPPLIKS. Auto, Ar. ent ron hail's r.VTEvr sinx'in; jiachixe. 9 Atwuter Str-ot Eat, Iwtwcen Bates nnd Raniilph Streels, Det-oit, Mlch. ia:vhbi:i-i., UifH & vt:., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS and MILLINERY II & 11 Wnchvard Avenue, corner Congress St. etrolt, Midi, PSBSS A BPEOIALTT. II. MILLKN'ri INSURANCE AGENCY, lii Companies all sound, and business moving on [lome Insurance Co. ofNew York. Th following telegram has been reccived at tlii? ollice : New Vohk, Oct. lcth, 1871 Tho Board has just resolved uniwiimousiy to fl'.l up capita] t $2,500,000 00 at the tarllest practical moment, wbich wlil restore ourassctatoueirly FOUH M1LLIOM OLLAKS aftcr paling nll Chicago ssis. HAS. .1. MAIÍTIN, Prceidoat. Continental Ins. Co. oí IV e w York, G.v k notlce Ihat it wül have a casn capita] unimpaired of $1,000,000 OO AND SURPLUS OP Sl.O00;000 OO aftcrpaying Chicago lossfig. City Fire of Hartford Conn. Puyo all loases, and have a siitllcient Capital Duimiï'ïircd. liibarnia of Cleveland' ..")(),()!):) in hicaj ■, and ncreasoa their capital to t ,",t;(). ((()(■ JJ.II MILLEN, Agent. Finest Assortraont oí Toileí Goods in tho City,by


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Michigan Argus