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A Movement For A National Divorce Law

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Herulil Wnsbinsrton special. A riithor reinnrkablo movoinont has béep pul on foot bere by Jtts. Ajinúral Dáhlgren Mr. General Sh'erman, and Other 'lkdié vho uro taking an active part in OppbsiHg womaii sufl'rage, tho écheme beina pothing loss than to completely outílank tho suffragists of the Tilton-Woodhull school. Theso ludios do tioí beHfeVe thnt tfce Consütution as it iiíi-.v rii'iinls trivfS to woiiK'H tliu right to vote, and tlny :nc iV'tcnnined to deprave the others of their Bo-called sixteen,th umendment by oeoupying tho ground themsolves with au amendií mt providing í'.ir .i uniform systi m of divoico. Their principa) argumeat iti foro bftUstoew re ia, that if t'no oourts in other obligod to recognize Indiana .1, though tlicy aro gnneral'y öbtAinecl by Eran 1, the tribuna of that Sjiate vii-tu;iiy abaerb the whole divorce business of the country, and imperil the property arid maiil rightg of every woman froiii Máine to Cahfortiia This th y think, makes the que.stion onc ot su. ii haitiana! ijnportende as to requin tha interference of Congross, under constitutional Bafeguards; and they desire tho coustitutional provisión they aro soeking to be catíod lh "sixteenth HBBndmenti" ïhcy are goin; (0 vork like real high-born ladies to encompaas their enda, and deaign having the uaeaaar first iutroduced into thfl Benate rothea than the House, since tho form9ris a body óf much more decorum than tho latter Wbat is more, Mr. Truühbull is to bo asked to take oharge of the amendment, hoth as chairman of the jwliciai-y committoo, and as the bost and purest 6f the ore of the United States. Itisoelieved that this measure will seoure, foi vim':n, all tlio rights thuy ■ in public uffairs. ani tii, 'in the wronga ot' such pernioiouslog islation as is the rtisgrace of Indiana [ánk idovement of Ühe suffiragiste bj appropriating tieii faworite amandineñt ,1 Btroke, and on? tha will put at rest thé agitatiou of a quea tionwhich a tVw nniliitioiis womon,b; driviag Lta best friends into obscnrity have mdè diBreputableJ lt is not in tended to make tna amon Imnit top radi ,.i!. and Lt is only feared tUat it niay bo defeatefl by the proaiotera of so-callod reform overloading and killing it. A lively gorimmage amtaag the femsile pohticianS is (■■■■!-■ 'trd, :1,. til.' BM cannot fail to add new features to that reraarkable lobby in vrhioh womoa ptoy I such varied and important parts. i


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