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Sight-seeing In Colorado

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Though not nou " the ft y " wo suppose that wo aio in duty bound to rodeem our promiso and toll tho Akous readers something inoro of our journeyings in Colorado. And first, we will take theni up tho BOULSER CAÑOX. As already advised wo went up tliis canon from tho village of Boulder, whicli is located in the valley jvist without itThe entrance to tho cañón could scarculy bo porecivéd froin any distantie by an untrained eye, as tho mouutains or foot-hills on either side of the oreok are in such closo proxiinity that until noar approach ig made there seems no opening, and tho road thrcatens a barred terminus. And just hero it is woll enough to digress, and remark that distances in tliis región are very uncertain and deceptive Denver is twelvo miles, by an air line, from tho base of tho iirst range, yet appears but three or four miles away ; and the house of our friund in Boulder, scem'ingly in tho very shadow of tho tain, was a good two miles in the valley. The atmosphcre is 80 clear and pure that a stranger is led to attempt walks whioh provo as tedious as one of Westoíí's trial trips - to the newspaper reader. However, we were soon within fche canon and winding our way up the Boulder. And up is the correct word, for in following its tortuous courso tv distance of 17 miles we increaso our elovation from 5,530 to 8,067 feet, an average ascent of 150 feet per niile. Once within the canon the scenery is new and wonderful, bold ad grand. The creek- a streain. of ice-cold water, melted or dissolved mouutain snow, puro as crystal, and soft and swoct as the dew of ruorning, a " thing of beauty " to the eye and more tompting to the undogenerate palate than any goblot of (so-called) nectar browed or distilled by god or demon - flows noisily upon onc side ; now over huge bouldcrs, noxt around masses of granito which, by some convulsión of nature, have been cleaved from the niountain's side and precipitated into its bed . here á deep and quiot pool, refleoting the rays of the sun and disclosing all thehues of the rainbow, and thero a fll of grcater or losser height. In these oforesaid pools the beautiful and dclicious mountaiu trout are said to hold gay and festal revel, but not being an adept in the art of angling nor skillod in the lore of Izaak "Waltox, we did not scek to disturb their sports nor tempt them with " a ñy." Upon tho other sido rises tho mountains : now at an angle easily scalod, their sides covered inore or loss with a growth of hardy evergreens, hemlook, pino, spruce, and silver-tipped fir ; and thon almost perpendicularly and to a height of soveral hundred feet, the tenacious and never-say-die-or-givo-up-the-struggle trees growing out of scauis and crevices a way up their sides, where no inviting or nourishing soil could bo discovered. And across the creek the samo mountains and ""ÏTOlf" UW ílWCJ"flftf!ái utra urou wuif - led to cross tho creok - by a vcry rustic bridge - and blast Lus way through tho pöint of rocks around which it (the creck) curves. Here the mountain recodes, leaving room to meet a carriage or wagon loaded with lumbcr or ore from the sllver mines further up, or for a toll-keepor or wood-cutter's hut; and, again, not a foot of space is at the disposal of the everwatchful drivor. For a few rods we travel on in tho bright and warming sunshine, then we both feol and soe tho approaching shadow, instincüvoly gather our outer garmonts about us, and pass from summer to winter. On the north side of the road our friend discovers, stops the carriage, gets out, and pluck up by the roots a green and healthy strawberry plant, in full blossom ; on the other side - within six foet, but "benoath the shadow of a groat rock " - we gather a snowball and offer it to the lady to whoui the strawberry plant had been presented, with the suggestion that she take the two home together. A few foet further off we could have secured an icielo from f our to six feet long, numbers of which wore hanging from a projecting rock. And this near the hour of noon in a beautiful mid-October day. About four miles up tho the cañón two lateral cailons come in, and thcre is a sufficient widening of tho valloy to permit the erection of a sawmill. It is proposed to continue the Boulder Valley Kailroad up to this point, deflect it to the right up Four Mile Creek, across to North Boulder, and by a circuitous route to Middle Boulder, some 13 miles further up. What will not man attempt. Six miles above the sawmill the North Boulder forms a juuction with the Boulder, and through a deep set, narrow caüon, up which neither road way nor bridlo path has been cssaycd. Some eighty rods above tho junction - or doublé or treble tho distancocountingtbe climbing - as a very boautiful fall of 20 or thirty feet, and a Bhort distance abovo - these in the North Boulder - a second fall. Four miles further is Castle Bock, an immense tower of bald and ragged granite, which has not boen scaled or measured. Tho road nsmks it on three sides, affording uiany divurso views. After passing tho castlo a herd of deer is started up, but the fleet-footed animáis soon discover that thero are no guns with the party, mount a bold rock upon the mountain side, and gazo at us uutil distance or an intervening point breaks tho sight and the charm. Three miles above Castle Rock tho Middle Boulder comes in, and here are signs of lifc, cultivated fields, a storo, tavorn, two orthree residencos, and a sawmill - barring the sides and roof. Hore, also, MessrsBreed & Cutter, proprietors of tho Carribou Silver Mine, of which hereafter, are erecting and will soon have in operation a mili for reducing their rich and supposedto-be inexhaustiblo ores. Tho mili is to have a capacity of twenty-flvo tons por day, and is so constructed that the stamps aro below tho receiving floor, tho ovens bel ow tho stamps, and the tubs still lower down, making gravity do the work. At Middle Boulder our route leaves the stream, and the road winds its way UP THE MOUXTAIX side, and in a distanco of 4 1-2 miles we make a further elevation of 1,100 feet, the averago ascent being 250 foet per mile. No longer do the waters of the Boulder make music by our side. On tho ono sido it is uountain slope - upw ti'il, on tho other, ïmmutain slüpe - dotontcanl, and BOOD it is Eurthex down Lato the depths below thnn upward to tho heights abovu. And so narrow is the rondbel that tliere is buta marginal lino, over whioh to go wuuld bo to tako an unintorosting roll. Tho olevation ij 110 w gooh that tliero ij n perooptiblo differonce in tho atmosphero, and wo soon notioe that tho honesfoel thoohange and toil s they ascend. But ap it is, now takingto " a siding " to Let a meeting toaai go by, uow out and lifting the carri:vge in aid of the Bahie object, and now tryiug a long walk to roliovo the horaeA At a turn in the road ws look upon the diatant " Plaiiiá," revorsing tho view of a previous diy whon we looked froni plain to mottntain. Soon wc discover whero tho minor has boon at work, und Iho hillside ia full of prospect holes, over wliich aro postod thn naruos of the iiaeoverer and cluimnnt of the " Orampian " lodo, tho " Roarer," tho " Highflyer," tho "Ilumbug," or such other name as fancy has dictated. Horc is a platoau broad cnough for an cxpcriinnnt, and a lown has boon plattod and chriMtcnod Cardinal, dopendeiit ujiou tho wcalth of undevelopod minfis. We atopped horo on our return, and from tno " Trojan " - gold bearing lodo - secured a fcw spocimona. Botweon Cardinal and Oaribou, and away down ia the valley reached by a neck-breaking road, a mili ig beinj orected for experiminting in ores, But vre inust hasten. Wo reach Ccribou at about ti cclock p. Sí., and confesa both to enough siht-aeoing and exoroise for a singlo day. The next morning wo visit C.iribou mine, sti.ll highor up the mountain. Upon thia lode three shat'ts havo been oponed, 100 200, and 220 fout det-p, oonneoted by drift. About tliirty inon are now workod, an.l it is oxpocted to put o o;io hunJrod na soon as tho mili down at ths MidJIo Boulder ia completo!. Tlio propriotors aro now shipping ores to New Jersey and Wales. Tïiis mine, 9,107 feet ftbova the sea levol.ispronouncbd one of tho two best in the Torritorios,and roports informed usthat tho two fortunato diseoverers sold it ull tho way f rom $100,000 to $500,000. Wo saw large spocimons of its oroa - tbeMin.9 tht ■were on exhibition at the prodoliag State and Conrity Fairs, whioh s-.ayod $,'3,0O) per ton, and we " heard tell " el far richer specimen, one of which " tho sorter " shoírod as a pockot speobnon. In all tho hills adjoining are prospect holes, soine o: wkich promise wcll. From th mir.e the riew is a grand one. Blow, and at tha right, a siunll bnt protty " P,rlL " is soon beyonl it a mountain raises ils íiead above ' titnler lino, or over 10,000 feat, and by ascendinc a littlo diatance the snowy rango is in full view and within a dozen miles Tho day is a beautiful ono, the air is ex hilorrvting, and tho wholo scene one we shall long roraember. Too soon comas tho signal for a roturi trip, and wo aro off down the moilntain ohaaing the Bouldor down stream, gotting new ri.iioii3 of tho boautios and wonder whioh were only partialLy disclosod inth upmird trip of the day boforc. Tho Bouldor Caiion is pronunced one of th rudost in the Territory, and tho " oldes inhabitauts " assured us that we had fair ly " samplod " Rocky Mountain scenery certainly hare led us to seek othet swwu pies. Anotlier week wo may continue ou notes. Iïf accordance with a duty imposed b; 8tatute, the Board of Superrisors, at thei recent iossion, redistricted this county fo Represontatire purpose. Tho new apportionmont giring the county three in stead of four mombers, it beoame, o courge, necessary to muko an entire new deal. The result has already been given to our readers - aoe ARötra of the 27th o Octobor. We refer to the matter now and here to expresa our dissent from th way in which the duty was dischargec The district3 are not to our liking, and, t our mind, not what they should be. I was, no doubt, legitímate to constitute th districts with a viow to politieal majori ties, and if they could hare bcon arrangec naturally and without a sacrifioe of othe interosts, so as to make them all Democratie, wo should certainly have bee well ploasod. But as only two Demo cratic districts could possibly be madeas the action shows - thoy should hav becu made in better shape, and withou yiolenoe to tho first principies to bo re spectcd in doing snch a work : that is, t contiguous territory and identity or liar mony of interest. It certainly was no a happy thought, no matter with whon it ongiuated, to put Ann Arbor and Yp silauti together. Tho constitution pro vides for an oqual population " as nearl"as may be," yet these two citie3 and towns havo an excess of the roquisit quota of 1,954, and will increaso faster in tho noxt fivo years than all the rest of th county together. Bosides, only corner ing, they are not contiguous withii tho meaning of the constitution. Bo yond this, it is a burlosquo to put th two citios, with their diverso and con flicting intorosts, into one district, and while social relations - -nevor too agroea blo - may not be disturbod, politieal evil can only result. Then, tho inaking o this monstrosity of a district rondorec necessary, to use tho mildost phraso, a quoer shaping of the othor two districts and a disrogard of the " convonienco contoinplatud by the organic law. Part' ende, in tho long run, can not be sub servcd by suoh straincd effort, and w aro confident that soonor or later th moinbers respousiblo for tho aotion in question will seo abundant causo to re grot it. The nows from tho oloctions held in the several States, on Tuesday last, is no cxcocdingly gratifying - that is to Demo crats hopef ui of victories. New York went Republican. Majority claimed anywhoro above 20,000. .Sen ato - 24 Ropublicans, 8 Demócrata. House - 90 Republicana, 38 Demócrata. All to slaughtcr Tammany. In New Jersey, Parker, Dcmocrat, was elocted Governor by about 5,000 majority Logislature Republican. Massachusetts Republican. Figures o no account. Wisconsin and Minnesota ditto. Maryland Democratie; Virginia Con servative. Illinois Republican ; Chicago " FireProof." Detroit Republiean. Thero may have been other elections, but wo have n't studied tho statistics. - It evidcntly ian't a good year for Domocrate.


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