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DELIAJ3LE INSUHANCE! Nortli British and Mercan tile Insurance Co. OF LONDON AKD EDINBURGH. flIARTEUED 1800. Capital $10,000,000 in Gold! The American Managers of the above Coiopany have r-coived the folio wtn# tclcyrani from the Lon dou Board i 66 Subscribe Fivc Thousanü Dollars f ov i Wtt-,iv. o suf fferers-settle uil Sosirs promptlyIriiw ut tlirc' Anieric:ii: itsscts v il 1 MOt be tOUCUcd.' Springfleld Flre Ins. Co., OF SPBIXiFIELÜ, MASS. Capital 8500-OOO. Th6 lOMSfl of this Company, hj the Chicago flre, will be prinptly pctlled oy cash payneDts made by the Stockholders. ïcHvin the Company wilh tlieir capital unimpnired, lurge asöetfi, and au uniuterruptfd tusiness. These 'ompuuiea are tound aud rellable beyond an Aoabt. Kitíks taken iu the above Compaules at adequate ra tes, II. D. BENNETT, Agent. 13tCtf VJXATKOF MICHIGAN, FOURTH JUDICIAL CIRCUIT. Tho terms of the Circuit f'ourt for the Fourth Judicial CiXOolt for tlio yours 1872 and 1873 have boeu fixed tind apxxiiiited by me us follows : JACKSUX CÜUNTY. Ou the ihird Mondays of Jiiiiuury and March ; the Rccond ïonday of June; aud the flrst Monday of üctober. INGHAM COXTNTT. On the second Monday of February, and the fourth Moudtiys of April, June and Uctober. "VVASHTKXAW COUNTY. On the fourtli Mondays of February and Hay, tlu; second Men luy of öupteiüber, and tlio fourth Monday of NoVmber. Dated at Jackson, Oct. 2Cth, 1871. SAMUEL liUiBY, Circuit Judgc Assossment PfotlceOnice of the T , A A & Northern Railroad Co. ï Anu Arour, October Blat,A. D. 1871. S Noticc Ís hereby givca that tb8 Directora uf the Toledo, Aim Arbor fo Northern Uaitruad Company have dtisigr.ated that part of said Corapauy'a Hailroad Hno lyin lo the County of UoDroe, and iu that part of the County ot' Washt naw south of the II uron river, in the City of Anu Arbor, for eePArate cn-tmetion ; and tliMt at 8 incetin',r ol tho lïoard of Director- of eaid CoiQpany, held on the thirtieth iustant.éaid Board of Directora Óld, by resoltition. vequirc theeubscribeis to tho capital stock of said 0 ixouany realdlus 'u tue Couuty of Monroc or iu the County of Washtenaw topay, oa or belbro the thirtieth day of November aextat thoofticcoi the Treasurer of fiald Company. in the City of Anu Arbor. an iastallmeut of ten dollars upoi; each ihare of the Ciipital Stock f said Company taken or hehl by them rcspcctiyely, for the purposc Tcommencing the construction of aid Railroad upon tho división of said Rail road liue thun desinatcd ; and dld direct notice ''f such assessmeat to bo pnbli.shcd iu each of tbe oawepapers prlnted In the city of Anu Arbor. All suinw herotofore paid to aal 1 V'ompany upon or tov:irds any such BtoCfc, will bccredited And allowcd towarda siich aateaamont. Bv order of the Hoard ot Directora, 131' E. W. MORGEN, Hecretary. AFFICE OF THE SPRINGFIELD Fire & Marine Insurance Co SpRisoruLD, Mass.,Oct. 25, 1371. To Our Readers : As many of the compaetea havo been decetvod i" the amomit of their Chicago L(te9. we at this d:iy to ninke the foliuwing atatument, which wc Enow to be correct: Assots at markiït valuo $1,077,000 Chicag los es not over $10,006 All other oatstandlng loases 47,2-0 497,250 $ 67U780 This will cive na our Capital o f $500,0O eiitire and ïarplufl af 479 .789, and we expect a Salvado of Bi Chicago. Oor atljusterst are paying alllopssea at Chicagu iu casb aa (al a they can be unjnsted. Oor Directora and Stockholder are pledxed to pay t" the Corapany pro bata outhöir Stock 335[Kwwitbln thirtydays as a Reservo &aln9t all out standing rlska fn accordance witfi the láwa f M#asüChnücttK and Nw York Thib wiH glve 08 Capitai. and -tPi.UBOf OTcr g!)OO,OOO aftel payiug all ontetandlng losses. Thla pata as on a ftrm flnancial bas:?, and we bhai! expect a larfje incrcüHe of business at your hnnMe, on good and dfisirablc propert, at largely i u creas - ed r.attH. Your eflbrts n nur behalf at thu tune, in this directiou. will be appreciatcd. Select your businoM wlth great care, and avold ïiard and undestraille riska as beretofore, and olease be particular not to rfve ua too mach In ons riek or !caiity. Ilopini; for favorable report- from time to time, we reruaiu joura very troW. EDML'ND FRftBMAN. Pretident. DW1GÜT H SMITH, Vicc President; SasvoBs J, Hall. Secretary. II. B. BK XIV E TT, 134Cw4 Agreut, Ann Arbor. JgAM. B. REVKJVAÜÜH KEEPS ONjHAND A. LAKGE STOCK OF OVAL AND SQUARE BLACK WALNUT AXD GJLÏ FRAMES ! OF ALL SIZES CHEAP. No. 30 HURÓN ST, jyOTICE. TheGERVAN FARMER'S FFRE INSURANCE COMPANY. of Waoatenaw Oonnty, Micli, wil] hold thcir nnuiial mectini; 111 the School House, lu Sclo, ïuiir tbe Gorman Chiireh. on the (rut Monday of December next, at 10 o'clock A II., to elect now oiliccrB and propone other thJngs. Anu Arbor.Octobeï SAh, 18T1 13-MSwJ LEWIS FRITZ, Scc'y. yyiiEN yoü want FINE PHOTOGRAPHS, GO TO SAM. B. REVENAUGH, o. 30 1 1 ui-on Street. POR SALE. Onn New Trttd Power for snle OIIIÏAP. Al ■ nn excellent Uraft Team. Warranted ia every particular, by I846U N. D. CiOLE. POR RENT A ÜESIIIABLE STOitC ! And CELLAR. Also one Fine Front Koom ovpr their Now Store, No. 16 Muin St.. frum Auguat lst, It."l. Bnquire of lSfUUf G.W.HAYS. Slipt. pAMïLIES w 'ifliiin; to be siipjilicd wlth miI.K rcanlarly, wil] picase leavc tliHr oidera for the same at my office, cor. Hurón and FiftU etrects. lMOtr N. B. COLE. ÜÜUD, FAITÍFUL MAN Wlth hi Wife, who ftre williug to work, can flnd (■■:iiy enplojmoDt thcyfar throngb. ly iDqaliing it tliis oii:c A niíin who ïiDilcreitanfis and nuciefl lardenin. nnd a ornan who understuuds doiug llousewoik. and uoae others need apnly. ia4'itf OifiOPLE'S DRUG STOxvi: R. W.ELÜS& CO. A.3KTIT ABBOR DETROIT ADVERTISEMENTS IVTICHIGAN MAl'mSEÜtï DEPOT. G. S. WOliïïÊR & SON, Dealere in all klEdi of Wood and Iron Woiking Machinery. 09, 101 & 103 JF.FFERSON AVE . LETROIT, MICH. GUODLTZ A ISUOTlIFIl, , Importers aud Dealere lo ÏT'-A.KTO'X" aoODS, TOYS, YANKEE H0S1ERY. LACES AND ÏRlMMINGS, ANl .MANCFAOTTBKRS OF Cbildren's Cari iages, Baskets & Sleighs. Ko. 80 and 88 Woodward Ave., Detroit, CHIP VOUIi TO GILLETT Sz OECuñk-XjL DETROIT. We guarantce highest prices, Imnudiatc salce, and prompt returns. CTT" Liberal Cash advanecg. ryO SlIII-PEKS OV WHEAT ! Wc aro prepnred to ofTer inrtucements to shlppers of whOAt tuit rarpa sL'd by those of auy ottaei house. Liberal advftOCes, prompt atteiüion mrl quick retuino. JACOB BEES0N & CO., o: V7oo Ibrldge Btreet, West, Detroit GUAi.N i!i:vi;i; cox ign TO JOHN H. WENÓELL & CO., DETROIT. Wc fiiJirimtec prompt palet and hmnediatc returns We are able at all timee to place car lot-i oi f.iiii-y White or Red vvheat to advantgae If ahlpped In throuííh line cnrs. We refer to all Banks and Commercial Agcnciefl. OUERIAaB8 AND SLEIGH9. hugh jöxïisrsoisr, MANl'KA' :i;r2k and n;:Ai.Kr. Iïf Carrlagcs, Jiuggies and Sleighs, Cor. Tiarned .' Cas streets. A larp;e assortment of BA8TERM and Ilomemm!; liuKie8. Carriagcs and Sleighö on Land, or ñnished tu order. An Examination of Stock and Prices Solicited. JOUN PATTON & SON, Manufacturero anfl Dealers in Carriages, lïnggies, Sleighs, &c, The flnest assortmont in ]ïichigan, Established in 1S12. ÏJOTOEY COKVKR WOOCBtlDOB AND HKCSII STKEET8. Kcpeitory, 220 Jcffereon Avenue, Detroit. IURNITL'IÍE ! P. HUFiyAGÊL & CO,, 213, 215 & 217 Woodwnrd Avenue Detroit We havo a complete assortment of tho llncst Fin iiiiïire, and other pradna. A cali from bnyers ia BoHclted. We are fully able to snit all as toquality and prices. We manufacture most of uur lurniture, aud can guarantee sutUfattimi. IAM SELLINQ ALL STYLES OF HOXJSEHorjr fueniture Twcnty-five per ceot les? than any other house in Detroit. Do not fall tu visit roy t'urnitnre Wareroutuü. JOSII. W. MITU, 250, 252 and 254 East Side Woodwurd Avenue. FAIL,t AXD WISTER STOCK OF FINE VVI11TK AND HORDEKKD China Iinner and Tea Sets, Somc very fine in colars ; nl30 fine Cut Glass ; ttogers. Smiih & Co'8, Jlne l'lated Goode: Ivory and Kubbcr Handled Cutlery, I.arno stock of Stand. Bracket and Uátaglns Lampa. Ac, Ac., for sale at low prices by L. McCOKMICK, 1U IDchtgao Avo., oppojite New City Hall, Detroit. EW EEA IN SEW1NG MACHINESThe New Wilson Undor-Peed Sewins Machine maküs the sarar .siit-li m the Siuicr, IIowc, and :i 11 other high price Lock-Stitch Machines. It i theirequal in all, and superior in many respects. taking the premium in the State Pairs of 1SÏ1 over all otbeií, Soldí201ess than any other flrt-clas8 machines. Wurrsnted (ivo vean. Send (br circulan). E. CHENEY & SON, Gon'l Ag'is 17-.' V7oodward At., Detroit, Ml h. TUH. II. Dr;iIUKTV. Mauufactiirers of PICTURE & IR110R FRAMES tú romos, I'.iísr;tv3ií". and Pilotos. At Wholesale. 2S7 JCFFERSOÏ AVEXIE, DETROIT, !HICH rHEODORS SIGLER, B .Kiitiicturei of LOOKIX(j-C!LASS & PICTURE FRAMES GJt, Rcsewoij, Walnui and OrnamEntal MonlJiags, Importcrs of I.ooking Olass Platos, Chromos, aDd Engraviuirs. 34 Atu'silcr strect, Detroit. LAY Sc ADAMS, Manufacturera of ncd Wholesale dealers in PURE WHITE WINE, CIDER AND MALT ranam VINEGA U'S 14 Atwntor streef, Wchf, 1343 Detroit, Michigan. fiOLD'l'MITH'S Bryant & Stratton Büs" iks- t:Nivi:nsiTT, Dxtboiv - BasiiK-ys praetitUly tíiiisíht alter tliü Coít&ttog Hoiist: eysli-ra, Ihc only truo and pracEicnl syst('in lor lilmtrating re;il tmsincífl, requirinj; Banks, Stores, Uasiness Houaes, Onleen, Unard Df Trade, ote. No iubtitution ever tnok ti premium for Book-kecping and lij-inuss PraoÜce over this iuititution, and any nssertion to tliccoiitrary is falsc. PUase addresa as above for impera and documeuts. Cü ALLEEN" CJ-Ko- I will place $500 In the htnda of auy respcmsible party wtuMicvt'r any Btlllard Tabla manuTacturer fa wtlling to tert th nnjrits of Iris BilÜnrd Tiibles, as to d-irubUi'i. exact ir 'k'H'inxhip and stylet coriv.ctness and fpticlcntti ■ u.-hi--st he vent uring alike amount on the decisiou. -And I iurther proposc that the winner shall dispose of the money w. u by givinü it for some charitablo porpoao. C. SCHÜLENBüRG. BilHtrd Table Manufucturer, Uutroit, Ulch. JAMF.8 .TICISrKS, [Establimied 1854. Dealer in nll kinds of MACHINERY ANI) SLPPLIES. Al.gO, AOLNT KOR HALL'S PATENT SHINGLE MACHINE. '20 At water Street East, between Bates and Handolpb Stri-ets, Detroit, Mich. pnPBKU, tlNN &. tU., DEALERS IN DRY GOODS and MILLINERY LIt it 118 Woodwud Avenue, corner Congress St. Detroit, Mich, DRESS MAKIXG A SPECIALTT. Q H. MILLEIÍ'tí INSURANCE AGENCY, II Is Companlea all sound, and bti&inos moving on as usual. Home Insurance Co. ofNew York. The followlus telegram has been received at this oüice : Nmv York, Oct.lCth, 1S71. The Board has just resolved unanimously to fill up capital to $2,500,000 00 at the earliest practical moment, whlch will restore ouraeectstoncarly FOUR MILLIO DOLLARS after payin; all Chicago losses. CHAS. .1. M.UtTIN, Presidest. Continental Ins. Co. of TVe-vv York, Giyrg notlce th.ntit will have a cash capital unimpuired of $1,000,000 00 ANDSURPU'SOF Si-oooooo oo afterpayinjj ChlCftXO 1pk"". City Pire of Hai'tiorcl Conn. Paja ftU lof-ees, anti have a sufllcicnt capital unimIiüre]. Hibornia of Cleveland) Looses S50.000 in Chicago, aud iucreases their capital to ioOO.OOO. C. II MILLEX, Agent. Finost Assortment of Toilet (Joods in tho City, by jyEAD THISJ 1 AJ! KtfW PREPARED FOU THE FALL TRADE ! I HAVE TIIF.I.AIMillST AND Fincst ilssortment OF OF EVFP.Y PE3CRIPTION EVKR BROUGHT Tü TH. 8 MAUKUr. KVKHYTUINQ NEW, A.ND STYL1SH FITS WARRANTED. ■ ALSO A LINE OP GENTS' FöftNlSlSfi GOODS ! WlSHIXO FALL AND WINTER CLOTHIÑG WILL FIND IT TO TÏIÜTR INTEREST TO O ALL ON JAE1ES BOYD, I31Stf 21 Main Street. yfVl. WAGNER IS NOW READY FOR THE FALL TRADE Haviug Iïeccivcd a Largo Stock of FALL AND WINTER G-OODS, lNCLUDrNG OLOTHS, OASSIMERE8, VESTINGS, &C. of the BEST STYLES and ÖÏÏALITIES, WHICH HE V1LI. MANUFACTURE on terma to snit. Also a full line of EEAÜY-MADE CLOTHING AND Gents' FÜRNISHING Goods. ALSO LADÍES' AND GENTS' MOKOCCO SATCHELS No. 21 Sonth Mnin Street,- East Slde: OALL AND 8EE THEM. , 1VII.XIAM IVAGNEK. Ann Arbor,Spt.,18n. TTJST EECEIVED! FIILEY %LPyiS liive received a large and well selected Stock of New Fall Goods! BOUGHT POR CASH, All of whlch must be solcl inside of sixty daj's to makc room for our Second Fall stock. Wc can show our customers the 33est Kip I3oots ever brought to this market, both for men and l)oys. CALF BOOTS OF ALL GRADES. We have tbè exclusive sale of J. M Burt's line band-made worfc - conceded to be the best work to vu:ir in ihe market. Our stock of LADIES' AND MISSES' WORK 13 COMPLETE. SW We have the exekutv sale of the fine goods of E. C. Burt, of New Vork, and Rcynolds Bros., ot Utica. We guaranue entire satisfaction on this work. 1334 BOOKS. GOOKSj. b. webster & co. new book store m:ar the " express office." look to your entebest a.m) (all. BOÖKS. i Go toR.W.ELLlS & CO'ê for choicoWinosandLiquorr for Medical Purposes .


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