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Q# H. MILLEiïST OPENS FALL TRADB WITII A LARÍÍ15 ARD COMPLETE STÍICK OF FASMIONABLE GOODS ! mcBK&onra au. the iqwbst sttles FOÜND IN THE EASTERN AUD ECROPEAN MAüKSTS. I Offer Slrong Iiulucements to Purchasers of Dry Goods. 500 Yards of Black A[p;ira et 25 and 30 Cents. Best (ioods lor liie .floncy Ever oaered ia Ihis City. 400 Yards All Wool Emjjress Cloths and Frercli Merinos at much Lower Prices than one Year Ago. - ALSC- Plaids, Sattkexs, Cashmekës, Poplins, Plain and Fancy Silks, Ladihs AND ChILDHEn's FuRNISIlIXQ Goods, Hosiehy, &c, &c. IN ADDITION TO MY LARGE STOCK I OFFER. SOME KOVELTIES IN LADIES' CASHMEEE, BEAVER AND CLOTH SACKSAND BASQUES wnicn au?: The Most Stylish Garments Ever Brought to this Market. TIic Abare, loriiiinif llic Ricltcst Collcctiou of doods lOvcr Uffcred iu iliis City, ure to be sold ut lriccs Lowcr tliaii tUc I.n-.ns!. C. Il, M1LLE1Y. ANN ARBOK, SiTT. 15, 1ST1. 1339m3 LOVËJOY, TOBACCONIST ! Deals in both FINE CUT AND SMOKING TOBACCO, SrmiT, Pipes, fec., AT y O. 7 E AST HÜBON STREET, Next to the Express Office, JlIVH akbou, itiicii. " VALUAULt; STOÜK OU Grain Farm for Sale, nbnvr firm Is eituateii in the Towiuliips of Dcxter and Putnnm. UvliiKtton nnd Wihtenaw Conntto. 'icn mllM trom Di x r, nln miles from OholflM and iive miles from i'iH-i-kaoy. It coniaius Five Hnndred aiid Twenty Acres. It is well wstered nml plenty orttmlicr. Abat onc. halfander a x tul cnltlvation. Term-! of si1 ■i liitli' mmii'v uili ba reqatred on lir.-t payment P. 8.- lfnut shl eonu, I will lease r:M farm il' I can lïnd Ihe right man. . W. ('OOKE. Postofflceaddrcss, rinckney, Midi. lS.14m3' GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'f forstrictly Pure Drugs and Mediemos .Painte .Oilp.&c. $25,000 WORXH OF FALL AND WINTER CLOTHHSTQ Tí Gilí Away ! 'O. OHElNtACtls; S. SONDHEIM IIAS RECEIVED THE LARGEST AND BEST SELECTËD STOCK FALL AND WINTER GOOBS f.xt's FiKisnne coods, , CIIILDREN AND YÖUTIIS' (MITO TRUNKS, VALISES, SATCHBLS, &c, &c., &c, THAT HAS EVEIl BEEN nilOtTGHTTOTHIS" CITY, WHICH HE WILL SELL Cheaper than tho Gheapest for Cash. ALSO A FINE ASSORTMENT OF CASS1MERËS, CO 'ATI 'S 'GS, and VESTÍNGS,WHICn IIE WILL MAKE IIPTÖ ORDER IlV THE BEST STYLË, AND WARKANTKI) A FIT OP. NO SALK. S mfí iM ■ rihers to Peter' I I i'V IV Muskal Monthlv re irctJ M J( Uqg Uijlr M-..ic fof less than two cents a fiecc. T II Tliose 'lm hrc i't en I I this Musicnl Mniuiue 1 jsho-jld eend 3i cent? f r a' pvL c B 'saniplpoujiv. illusie ia -7-1 '■■ Í I i'.v - - ■'■:i':ii:ih, KinL"" t '' I I H ikl, I'i-rsiov, aui! other J2jV - ■■ - mi nlarwrllrf. Twi) bak nTimberï tor t NewSrluml Cook.nj l!lwii:s. F(ii r buck luimh. . p,,8. , r.-;:: - ?7.50 per dfzen. Onnliiint-: . ■ irpi oyartwobnndndnewanmT li I V bcautii'nl (ongii dnt8, etc li 11 I 1 bj Will S. Uny8. Web-i ster, Thomtis, etc. Evcry I T f% hiii'.r U ncWt frc?h. and JL I % sparklinir. Content; and n.i . . fi. specimen ptisce sent frec. I I Sample coplea mailadlree il il i ft I ofpostagoto teachers for 1llilJilJ. KkJ fin cents. Liberal tarme fotiutroduetion. Worth ofMttsicfor S3. Addreo, J. L. PETERS, 599 IlroadAvaj, '. Y. Teaclurr sendintr us their orders for $0 worth o' m'.iptc can claim a years siibFcription to Petesi Musical Mohthly. ' 1826tf SAM. JJk UE7ENAIGH Copies Oíd AVBR0TYPE8 & DAGUERREOTYPE in FJEST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRBD SIZE. ! P1IÏWCIARS1 PRESCRÏmÖNs" AOCURATELY AND CARBFULL Y PREPABED BY Ji. W.KLL1S L UO.,DRUÜGIS1S.


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