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Nheriifs Bale vrATEOFAiiiUhi.w, County of WaiIrtaMw, ss. O By vii oí' a writ i ■ n ianuod oui of trad : a Mal of thoCHreoii CornH tor the oountt of I Hiriu pm,duted the tw nty-ni tl l:iy o .Maii-M, A. !. ï 171, au 1 tff 1 . itd de livcied, atfuiimt the pootte, ctfsttvte, I.mi-N mm mi nta of Willen) M. Brbini, uefuii luimed, [ did, on the twentr-nmtb i;iy of SJCorch, A. D. 1871, forthe miul ot ffoo ■dl (lie righl '■■''■ m : Inti i i .. ■' (Vilïfnni M íi i in 1 lift fbltuwíng '"sniti rOttJ ■ ? : All of Iota No. lom-, íive, six, aoven un I efeht, filbtóekbnc :. tu lliu VlUg1i of M me ie : ■ i piso i htanu1 hwenl m iri . r oí lenta, Bonthwcj1 qnnrti r of m i ►ectioii e [uorter of na ion ten, ni] ín towu (piar south ol '. bU ol the beftvff ■ hip aii'l riUnge of Vtonohefitei', countyof Washtennv, and Btate -i Vtiolugnu, ■ 1 shüll expone ibr sale, nt public nuction, to Ider, ni the snnth aoor 'f thp Court nn Ai ■■ i .i . oi i ;■.,■ 23 i day of November, A. D. 1H7I BtlOo' loi c -. .M. oí s:ud clny. D;ttod, Aun Albor, Sopt. 20h, 1871, MYfiON U'KIïIï. Bherlff, ttlo By Jobtin Pobbbs, Under-Sliflriiï. Chaneuy Nofcice. rpHECIBCÜITCOI i;T for theoouutyof -VaUil tcmtw. j ii ( íhanoery. MAEY PEAVEY, Comploinant, ) s. [ MARTIN !,. PEAVEY, Defendant. ) It sAtifaotorily appenring to thñ Conrt by tha ftffliluvir o M ii y Peavej . . od by theret irn of the Hheriff for the County of Wasutesaw, on ;i Bubpconn iBsned in tho above cause, thnt bhe rasidenee ol u irtin L. Pearey, the dafsndant, 'm onknown, and that Üie Baid lubposna oould not b K-rved upon the snid dofendant by rcaeon of his absenne, añil of bis vrherenboutfl bein ■ i nknown therefore, nn motion of I. Craracr, one of the complninant, i ordered tlial the defendant, Martin uppcamnot in thia caufe to be enteréd witiiin throo months trom tlio tlit publication. of this order, and ín case of hia Rppearunce be n anwot to tho öomplninant's bilí b and n oopy thereof to be served on D. Cr.-uner, onc of Uie nolídtora for complainani nooording í t ■ -■ and pi-ftctioefl oi the court, und n rtefaull thoreol tbal the Báid bilt Ih takin aa oonfned; and it is turMieronlevrrl, Umi. wiirl complninant, vithin twenty daya oaoM a oopy nf thia order tobe publiahed in in Michigan Argta. and that Baid publicafJon continue for tli" term of thirteen BaccaasJTe vree] reek, or tlmt the pnil complainani oopy of thia order to bepersonally erved on the defeñaant at least twen ' y day.i befor the time above pre cribed forhia appearoiMe. Oct. 17th, 1871. Xt. BEATTAN, Circuit Court Coauaisstoner, Wasbtenww County Miolii :m. I. Cramer, 13.15 One of the Polioitow for ComplnÍDant. Chanoery Rale Xotice. IN PtTRSUANCE and by virtne of the doeree of the rirouit Conrt for the Comtj of Washtenaw, in obanoei y. in the oase wberein ( Feorge 0 l'-ic, ree i ■ i of 'l'ylrr & " , ia complainant, and W iliirxm 8teQEarriet M.'lofi rieaand ECoxurHaU are d fendmis. And jí' tlic jiuljrinent ui' the Snpreme Court ïn ,;iil causo, the ondetftiffftBd, one of the Circuit Cjurt Commissionors for the ' ounty of ashtanaw, wilt wil at publio auotion, to the biffhest bidder, atthefroni door of the Cuari Èoiiseinnie city of uuiArborin sjii:l county, on the ïfitlt day f December next at noon, tho (oUowing '!■ oribed Ianda and pranisesi vi.: AJJ that certain pieoe or parcel of land Lying ftnd boing in the Cotraty oí Washtenaw and state of Michigan, known and loser i lx ui as followfl : ' The northwest quarter of seotion tbirty-ix, and the cast half of the northeart qnarter of gection thiity-flTe ín townsbip one, south ' i tiiLi'c foor east, or bo ninoh of Hild ljmds os iiüiy be Buffleieilt to suti.-ly said dccrcc, with iutcrcst and costs. Dated, November 2d, 1871. RICHARD BEAHAÜT, One of the Circnit Courl Commisionera for Washtenaw County, MicMgnn. HlRAM J. BKAKF.S, Solicitor for CoinyJainant. 1316 Mortgage Sale. DÏJFAULT havin been mide in tho conílitioDí of fi mort",i:'. -lotiü A,B ntley, and SaKih lien ley to P ter ShulicTH, k earing date ibe wft day f August, one thoasnnd eiht hnndred and -.-- tv elght, ftöd recorded in the oflice of th Rñííi :. r of Deedd für Wftshtenaw County, MichlAti, rn . eierenth day of Ansfnst, A i. ifiS, anr rocofde "n Itbw ■ ' of mortsAgeft.nn page ;ï6 on whicli mrt giige therc it clalmed to be dne nino hnndred 1 tí' vciitv onc dollara nmt thirty-four centa, aiïd ili - y dollars asftn attófney fee as pr vldedin eaïd mortir:ii:ti. nud o suit or procutMlinr at hiw having been Inetltnted to recover the debt aecnrd by si I Bfoge. r iiiiv p-u'i thwreof; ÍTotlce i therefore hre hygiyen, that by vlrtoeoftbe power of sale conInSAid mnrteacè. anti of the si itnte in neb cuse mri'li1 and provldedi Uw Raid mortgage will be forecibaed by n Rale f tno aald rflorttrflged premlsea, towiti All t bat pieoe or parcel of limd lyinfj and befngin the twnshipof Northfleld. In the Connty of wsjbtettftw, and Ptate of Mfeblin knoWn, bonnded .nntl descrlbed jip folio wa, to wl' : tbe northeast quaricr of the eontheist qnarter of sectlon miinbcr üftocn. townsbip No. one p onth of r&nge No sïx eapt accordinffto tne original survey, contniinnir forty acres of lanrl, more or less ; which sale wül be at public auctlon, to ihc hlhest bidder, at the Boutli door of the ïTashtenaw Counfy Conrt House, in the Ci y of Ann Arbor, in Raid County, ftliat bein the place of holding the Circuit Conrt iu the afores ai (1 County) n Satnrdfty, tïio twepty poventh day of Janaftry, a. r. one ihnnsand elght hnndred and seveoty-two, tit teu o clock tu the foreqooq of tUiit day November 2d, 18T1, PKTEIi 3HTTLTER8. MortgnjE. LawRbVob k FnAZEtt, Atty's for Uortgagèe. ITEAR YE! The "Bar" not being a Monkey 'iSN'T ONiS OF DAHWIN'S PROGEWIXORS ! BUT WUAT OF THAT AS LONG AS E. J. JOHNSON! HAS A Firi.L STOCK OF HATS & CAPS ! FOll SPRING AND SÜMMER ! ! Hls STYLE H1S (iOODS THE 33 HE S T 1 AND IIISPRICES THE Z3 ssbb: .jül. mszfm ra Alfo a fn!l line of Gents' Fnrnisliing Gmn Cali and examine ble CHIPS, l'AI.MS, STKAWS, I'ANAMAS, and LKGHOUNS, l)uloru purchasing. 7 South Maia St., Ann Arboi. COMETH1NG IV EVV AT 50 Main Street! LOUIS W-A LZ, GROCER &CONFECTIONER HAS A LI. STOCK IN HIS I.IXE, AND WILL PK'MITI.Y SKÜVi: THE PUBLIC WITH SUGARS, TEAS. OFFEKS SPICES, SYRDP3, CAiiDIES, ETC. Farties Supplied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SIIOKT NOTICE, OF THE liKSTSQUAMTY, 4N1) AT THKMOSTLIBERiL TUKMS. CALL -A.]Cri3 SEOB ÜI3Sr BEFORB PURCHASING. 1330-mO. jVTOTIUIC. Tlm nra lortiiddcn lo trust my non John V''t ■ ii my account, a I simll pa} no debts of lis coutrncting. B'reer.rnn. Aummt 23,1871. BjB" ilAKMON VOI.I.AND. ! PHYSIGlAfiS PRESGRIPTIOSST u:(a"RAÏKLY ANi CAREFULLY PREPABED BY 72. W.ELL1S & CO.,DRUGGIS1B. Druiu CoinmissioTi;r's Xotice Koticc w hevé v ■. iv n thut the Drain i of VvosbtcnHW ",,■.,.'; v.iü beul ij K. i i the Towii i b üil pouniy, ..y Ñ"oveaber,1871, ut 2o'tlo k p, ..;., ton ' i . cavutiou und couat i ncfl iov of u druis ■ 'ion ■; i i s running went and aouth acrbsa iands ovni ú byJotui 1 wiU . ! -n on rhelfth i I. ut whioh tii Khibit niítjis of the above proposed drain und : roela oflai hercbv, nnd theamt ad Rubdh isions of l!i" above pi dntiti bj ■ . . anchdeinafruct, und to th f cio nud Wi I .,mt of sucli drain i.. . . uiviive oflbrpd, v. !■- sucn apottiottment should'be i AunArbor.Oct.3ldt, 1871 DAVIDM. FINLKY, 1848 Drain Cffm.c Keal Estáte foi Êïaie, ClTATEOI k In ! !■■ I l i;i ch [Toban, det{. boni's i"" witb the wlfl ttnnexed of snid t.ii' tton. .iu!"")f for Ihe county of "■■ naw. on the flftb dav of September, A. 'l. 1871, there will be old ut public vendoe, to tb hig] i Of Ann Arbor, i:i the county of Waabtencw, tn Wednesday, the flf teenth day oi , A. D. 1871, :t tt;n o'elock in the forenooñ of that day, [subjeci ' nll encumbi anc ie by morteage oi the death of snid doceAsed, and ■laomih i ipi, the following deecribod rea] estáte, to-wit: A strip of land, ijoinrr part of lot fcwo in bloek two north of range four, in the city of Aun Arbor, deseribed au tornmencwp at a jwint on Ann si wrst fVorn the soutbeasi turner i. ad roniraU 1 wüh the '-.- line of laid lol sixty fcef fco the ronr nd of tl. anid lot, theneo cust one fooi th parallel to -N I line iixt) '. ■ fo Ann street, t! the north ïne of Airo street one fboi to tbe ing, indudinK the werf half of the brick wall now - ■ ■ land. September Kth, A. D. I ■ I ' R ' ;.i:kkny Adminialmti r ri botu non 1341 with the will aiim Eea] Estáte Bor Sale. OTATB OF UICHJOAN, county oí Waslitenav, se. Tn ' I Joanna SniviBon and M iboney, minors: Nottce is heroby given,tiba in pursnance of itn order frranted to undi i ffnnrdianof theeatate ofsaid minora by tl Judgeol r the county of SVaahtenaw, on ndday ofOctobet, A. D. 1971. HutowÜ] b gold -i public n nd i I dder, at the sou th door ol theCouri Soua in the rit] o in tbe conni f of Wa ihtenatv in y:ti'l ñtaíe, on v. day 1 won! y-second day November. A. D, 1871, al ct íti the forenoon ofthat á ty [subje I J- all tbnDOOR by mortprair. ■ itíufC ;it tbe time o1 il thi followinff describí 1 ren] to-wit: Lot si-ven In dook five, Ormaby .v ■'.-, dition to the city of Ann Arbor, luaoid coxtaty hik" Dated Odobcr, 2d( A. TX 1842 !.; k i: OTLE, Guardian. Real Estáte For Sale. QTÁTE OF MICHIGAN, countsof , O in fcho natter of tl ■ nek, minor: Nt.iic is hereby grven. thni in pursuam ordö Rranted to the undereigned guardián o] . tftti of said minor br the Hor. J i the county of Washtonaw, on the sr coud day of October A. I. 1871, there will ! e lold al ; ublic ■■'■ i in the city of Ypeitanti in rheonunty 'it Wa I in s.iia State, on W hdayoJ iber, A. t. 1871, at tenoclock n the forenoon of thftt day (subject toall enenmbrancen by mortfrogt or otlií'i undiviiUi ofooch of the folïowing described r-nooIb of real astate, to-wit.: I 'ï iri oj ia the rillago (now city] oi Ypsünnii ín said eounty un i State. Uated, Ootobcr 9A, A. 1. 1871. EDW RT) KTNTí, GuaHinn. Rea] Estáte for Salo. ÓTATEOS1 M1CHIG .Wt County of í 0 ín tbe matter oi the estáte of John O! Bnrkhardt, Scni'ir. deoeused. :, ice is hereby given, thu( in purRuunceofano to the undorsigned, adi ■ i -'. oí Probatofoi naw, on thonintbda; . D. 1871. thero will besóle at public v ■; ; . :,t he soutl duor of 1 tío Arbor in the County ofWoabteoftwin suid. State, on Ti the twcnty-eighth Úayof NTovcmlor, A. 1. 1871 o'cloek in the forenoon ofthat day subject to all encumbranw.s by tnortMp or otherwisí existing at ïht time of the death ofanid deoeaeed, and ul.-o subfed U therifrhtof dowerofhifl widow therein), tlie followini descríbed i';il eñinto. íd-v ít Thenortheast quarter of ■'. w, y--Mc, in tovzuhip ni!; sou th of rangí ttve eael hn eaíd Btáte. Eïcepting and reservinf tlit'rt-tioin tlu north twelvo acn a l'ai.-il.Octoberüth, A. D. I WT'Kí, MAXV, 1313 Adminibtrutor. Estáte of Mosea Rich. QTATK OF MICniGAN, County of Vnshtcnaw,Mt oí by an order of the Probate ( ouj I i tadeon tbe twtnty-tliiitl d) ■ . D. 1871. sil tnoatiha : m date wewi alknréd íbr crédítora t pniseut tlioir claima afrainct t'ic estáte of Aloses Rich, late of said coün-, flec . I thai al] ■ of sai 1 dtiOfttsed are required to i thi ir el ■ ite Court, ai the i OfÜoe, i:i tí Cityof Ann Arbor, fot einminatíon and allowanoe, on o twenty-third aay of April, ai tt, and Ihfti such cinema will be heard befo Probate Court, on Saturday, tbe thii ber.andon Tnoaday, the twentj April next, at 10 o'oluck fn thc forenoon of each cí" 1 bose days. Dated, Aun Arbor, October 2%1, A. T 1871. IintAM J. BEAK vi Juago of Pimte. lie of Frederick Btabler. STATE OF MICHIQ -N". County of Washtenaw, m. '. B Bfl BÍOn Of . ■ ■ ! ■ ' i 'liimlj of Waahtewttw, hohicn a1 Oiñco.inthi . un 3Conday, the tbiriietb duj :■'■:, in Ote year bne thousond e%ht hundre ■.., :;y-one. .: , üir.uii .7. Beakes, Judge of Pr In the matter of eetate of Froderíck 6 i! ■ uusedL tCnrgai ■ íeninsr, EaCecutors of the I conté ñitocourt and represent thut thcy ore now pre, i tti'.-ir iiüii account tasuch Bx Thcreupott i i ordered, thcit Monday, tlie twentyday of Nov) a b r next, at tan o'cloctc in tbe and allowinur Uoh account, and ihat. i!( and heiia at láw of Baid und ull othet persona ntoreated tn shid estáte, are required tu appeav at a session of aaid Court, then to be holden at the Prob ín the City of Ann A l 1 ■ ■:, iu sai I Oounty, tixtd . ií' an theic be, whj . lloweO : n! it is further osderod tfaal Baid Bxecutor tn de jpettdeney of &aid acoount, nd the hearing thereof, by cansing a copy of thia order 1 be pubushocl ïs tli ■ ■ wppapeT prlnted iu i tbree auooaasive veekapreñon day of hearing. (A h . H1IÏAM J. BEAK l.'Mi' Judjreof Vi bate. te ( Christopher MoGuire, Sen. . TATK UFMICHIi Vïf, County oi Washfc i At a seasion of tho Probato Gotírl for the County of W;ishtenaw, lioidtn at the Probate Office in thí ciiy of Aun Arbor, os Uondñy, the i Ovtobei ni theyeorone thouaana eight hundí . -i !!.].-■■ oi Probate. Iu the matter of th ■ 'hristopher MeOuire, ainistnitoz of said estáte, comea iuto i'"-. - m piepered to rendor iii ni attiuoh Alminist.ratur. . lay. the twenty-aeventh da} ín líie forenoon, be assi rü''': fox exámining an i allowiag suel) account, fUid tjiat the heira at law of so - aid alí other v i ï required to id i -mvt, then to be holden, at the Probbi Office, in the city4 of Ann Arbor, in ráid 'ounty, and show cause, it' any th(-n be, why the aaid accouní should not be olloved: Apd i( is further ordered, thai said Admtñistrator give aotipe to the pei-sons tntereated Lnsaid oatate, of tíie pend said account, and tliu hearing thiTcof, by ouusing a copy of Ihis order to be publiahed in tne Michigan Arptts, a newspaper printed and ciroulating in said County, tiuree suósetaiTe wnki previous tosaid day of beoriog. (A trae copy.) HIRAM.t. 18 tr. Judire oí Trobate. E Benxíeffeta Wagner. S'l"A'ii;oi-' MICHlOAii, County of W aahtanair, ae At a soasion of the Probmte Courtí Cor üi1 County oi' Waahtenaw, holden at the Probate Office, inthe city of Ann Arbor, oñ Tuesday, tbte twevfcy-fourth dayof October, in the year oofi thouaand cight lmni - -one. o1 ate. In the matter of tho Estáte oí Qeñrioxta AV'agner, . Ldingand fllu ion, duly verifled,oi Mary F. Miíey.praying thai Jai maybe appointed admimntrntor of the éstate of said ñ ipon it iBordorediThal ICon lay, the twen tieth day of Novembei nezt, at ten o'clook in tbe foro&oon. [.■ l tu1 hearing oi' emú petition, and that tïio )ifñs at l.iw ni s.ud déCCOSéd, and all üthfï pci"son ínteres teU in - lired-tó uppeai at a Boaaion ofaaid Court, toen to be holden, at tbe -, in thc City of Ann Axborr and -' w causo, i f any tnerebe, why the prayerof the petitioner slumld nol be :"i'.itití.'il ! A ud it i. furthex ordered, thftt aaid petitioner give notice to the persona [ntercatéd in su id éstate, of the pendenéy of aaid petition, and thi tharoof , by oaunng a-OQpy of Ürfn order to bí publisbcd in (.lie Miehxoan Argus, a newspaper nuil ciroulating n said üounty, throo aucoessivi previous to sajd day of hearing. (A truc copy.) . HIRAM J. BEAK l.iiO Judgf Éstate of Piilmrr Elliolt. STATE OFMI0HÏGAN, CoantyoíWi! . . „ A asesslon of the Probate Court for the County of WaehtenBw, holden ál the Probarte Offtce, fn tbe (.'itv of AnnArhor, on Tnaaday, the twénty-fotirth ay of Octobor, In the year one thousaiul slght bnndred and seventy one. Present HiramJ. Beákee, Judgeofírobate. In the matter of the caíate of Palmtr glltotl deceased. On reading and flllngthepctltlon, flnly varlfledof Parmento Davis, prayína that a certain intninn nt now m filo In thls Cottrt, pnrportlnff to be tbe last w] and testament ol Bflid flecefteeai mny be admitted to Probate, and that hc may bc tippointi'd fix ccutor there if, TherenpoD ii !■ ordered,that Hondny, thretwentleth day of November oexb, atten,o(clockin tbc forenoon beasalgned for the hearing of said petition, und that tbe leñatees dje visees ana helft at law of sald deceascd, and allother persons loteretted In üald estáte, are reqólreií to appenr Htaesstoo of laJd Court, tlien to bo holden, at the Probate I In the City of Ann Arbor, and show cause, H any there be, why tbe prayef of the petlttonvr should not bc gr&ntedi And it fa further ordcred, tbal satd inerglve notice to the persons intérested In Ls:üii tature , of tii-' penrlenoy of snid petttlon md thi bearins thereof, h] can ofthla order tobepubllsbedln the McMgan Aryu% o oewspaper prlntedandcirculaingln aaid Coontj ( tb ree saccoss[ve weeks previous tosaid dny ol hearing1. (Atruocopy.) HIUAAI J. BEAKKS, 1345 .lu.l-c oi Probnte. ' ' - GotoR.W.ELLIS& CO'f foratrictly Pure Drugs and Medicines, Paints.Oils&c. Esteto 'f J,.l;„ 7;,.v„,." OtJiTE OP MICTOGAN, tíount ofV i iw, liolden ut ll.e ]-,,,i. ..,. . ' ' - OuètliOUMM UUiirf1'titui1i,ei) j t llintmJ. Be-Uu, Jadranf p, , ':! ■■- of aá3s ipon H i-i irrdered.thal Monda, ,,. ,al touoSS'Jif S ' ' l I ''Uit 't) .,,■ f"?"'"! at the r . „ ,i„. (■„"',, w to hlt Biiow cm.--, ir .„.y thore be, why the „r ' AllS "e, of ifie jjcml. ,,„ Jhli oi-Jert. I Estáte of Agstha Alber 'TA li.iAX, noimtyoMVaAu. At ii scsnion of tli i'r of Ann Arbor, on Eridafy, tfi t,ïiMli' ? ") in the year one thousimd tiniVt h-cïll? ■om. 6 n"wn J Keent, Hilara J, .;..„of p . On readifig and fflhg the petítíon, dul Tw„! ■' ' U; Alber, praying tlmt n ertmn „T". nowmffloin thiscourt i.m-jwiiin t be tlS?"! ■ doceascd. inny I. „ÏT ■ 01 - other u'iMj"Wi 1:1"v '"■ Imiointratoi tl e wiM ". Tl"' . I.toI. thot Jlonday thi.t_ '"-■■ ol next, t tra icluciuTÏP'M rnwi foi the hearing uf ,i,l .„ï.1 ■ and btirsut Iuvící -J" oeitK-d, and allotlim i ■ betó1 Arlwr. if ny there bc k u praycr of thp ititi. ,ot be trant J ' ' rther ontered, thnt aid petiüonoi 3LÍ the pi'i ■ .; n i-üid (,.stll( petition and Uie hearing . ■ lerto be published ■ gat, ii n.-' . spaper printed and rareulatÚMinJaÜ1 ty.tni'cesur. irtviou!to . (Átniecopy.) HIltAJI J. BEAK "Z. 3l"'1 ' rmbfc Estáte of Hancah Lyo STATE OE Ml.' ill(,AX, (,nnlr.,1'tt-J.,,,n vl-'Vil ' P"llte CoitfwtbfSS11 Wiuhteniiw. holden at the Probate oía ,5 " of Ann Aibar, on Friáay, the turentii t,1 Oetobsr, m tho onc thouannd ciglit hundiïï' üt, Biram J. Iio:il:cs, Jud-r of rrobm. In the matter of the éstate ut Hin,mk'i On reading and flUn the petition, dnlynrilrtj Tbereupon t. is urdered, Oiat Mond' n, , Ueth day of iforember iiext, at UntfdoSÍÍ lorenojn.beassigncd for hcarhu-of tu, m ■"■ ' ' ' -■ i;' of ;iid deceiiaetl d?ï pearal ourt, thc-n to Lebitt '5 1;' "f Ann ri use, if any ttcre bc, Vhy the ■ mntcd: Audi n ive notiettfclÜ! in ui e rato, of the pendency tion, and the hemne; thereof, by . o be pubUahed in the JftcAtyaii itm , 1 nnd circulating in aiM coiatt iw ■accesmve weeks iroviouB to iid dny of : (A ti-ue copy.) U1KAM J. B Estáte of Goodyear- minor. STAT] EGAN.CpontyofWuhta-, lession of the Probnte ('ourt for tke Cmii of Waahtcauw, holden ut the Probate i Min Arbor, on Siaturday, tin? twi i eiir ono thouaand mlt dred . . -une. Present, Hirum J. Beakeo, Judgo of Probate. matter of the usUite vi hailea A. Garito1 lülfe iiiul flling tho petition, iiilv re-!M I y.iir. Guardián, pr.iym tht'he m ■ i to stil certain real estau l'::.nisirjrwa mioor. -■, ipon it isordered, Jfonilny. tlietweiril I ll: ■:'": Notíb ■ k in'theforana.h I l for the hearing of suid petition, trad thitw I next of kin of fjaid minor, and all other pcrsOMa. I ested in raid lsiiíp, arerequired to nniir atamn I of said 'ourt, f hen to be holden at tíic Trotee Oh I ín the CitT of Ann Arbor, nnd show cause, f in I ■ ■ thi prayerol the ütioncr ílosldii E ited : And it is furthei orderol, thatuila. I titioner give notice to tlie next of kin of mH aiw I and all otl ■ intcrusttd in saides i'ion. ainl the nirüisthntrf I a copy ..; tliiü order to I puUisW nú "i Aryus, ii ncwapaper, priiit',-(l nad cimlitiif I ta soid county, three uucv -.inmuaU day of httuisg (Atrneoopy.) HLEAMJ.B1 ISI Jiidsc o; I'rotiï I Estáte of Jane Bti OTATEOP WTCHIGAN lonntj ofWutoilt i O At ft scüiou of the Probate CfouftforUteGont) ■ of Washtenaw holden nt the Probalí OCre, íd ní Ann Arbor, on Wednfoday. tklmtjMí rOctuber, in ta .iiumdeigbihiiidred and seventy-one. Preaeut, Hlrara -J. j-'i -Ae..Juc?eol?toaie. Tn the matter of the Éstate oniut ïr.ggt, deer:! On reading and (llingthe petition, Hiram Brfggs, prayluthat L'híirlcRlí. WilU, oihcr tnltable porton, m;iy !■■■ Adtninistrator or the e t:itir of faiil dcceíí]. Thcreupou It Is ördored, that Tneodaj, the tm:;first day of November nexl alten ocïock in thelifr noon, be asslgned for hearing o titn, jiiKi thai the heirs at luw of mi ie ceosed, and all otherueraunintere0te 11 ■ rcff lireci t" appear at a eesfelon o'saidCoit then tn be holiluu at the Probate Office, i:i City ot Ann Arbor, and how i-:inself niiv tberttt . why the praycr of the petltioner slioülii ne(tt further ordered, tlist uüfi Uonerglv notice tl the persone inieiesteó in ui f.-,[ .i .of t.h pendency ofsaitl petitlon nDd I-? hcnrtntf thereof, by causinir a copy oí tliic order lo jj hep'abltehed i:t tn Mi hisn- Argur.á nevippt printed and circnlating in xiid Connty, -JimkccasWí weeksprcviooe to sniil (].-) cihe (Atraüop;.j lURAJi J. bkakií, 1H45 JudKeofProMeEstáte of Leiand Walker, lji'at:: qf Michigan, county of wmmot i Ai ., neraion of the Pr .1 ateCoart to ■ he Prubiite Oth I ' city OÍ Ann Arbor, on Wedncsday, tlic day of October, in the ycar oue thousand flip ■ dred ;m3 BCTenty-o&A, ■'.. UiramJ. Beakes, Judge of I'n'Kiic. natter of the estáte ot' Leland Wjlta(■■■:i---d. . , . On reading and Qling the petition. diilv """ Minerva A. VValter, prayjng thai I i.ivW rarto ■Mitedii Iministrator of the catate oís . upon it ia ordcred, that Tuesdny, tp-etiwTflrotdny of Novembcl next, ai leno'docktawl -he tuiuinsof s;id piQEl that the heirs at luw of said decew ■ ;■".? 'J peai at a session f saiil Court, then to be n"" Iflio . in the Oitj Of Ann Art," cuuse, il iiny t.hire !;, why the prayi rui tiKi; I erahouldnotl And it is furtlK' ? I iüonqrgi va notice to tlie per ested in sni 1 estáte, of the p n len J ol ud pw and the roof. by cansing a W order to lin the Micl,::n, Jrjw, " pnper pi-inted and circulntinfr in said rauw.1" dn)' of litii.if(A tmecopy. I1U.AM .1. BBAK1 lb-15 Judae rflw" Estáte of John Lcwis. CÍTATE OF MICHIGAN, county nf "irft";!; l 0 At a session of the l'robatc Conrt fojj."" I of Waahtenaw, holdenal l'rui:itr 0! I city of Ann Arbor. on Saturday, Ui day ol October, in the year one thouanaFw II dred and sc-iit ane. Prc-sent, Hiram J. Beakes, Jndgeof Pr. t. f; In tbc matter of the estute of John I" 01 .ii il. ,. .' Eljphotel LewSa, Exeentor of tlie last tei-tament of said deceaaol, oir.iesinloCoun" rertents thüt he is now prepored to remlei lu " eount aa sueli KxtH?utor. .■ ïherooupon it. isordeicd, tliat5Ionday,thotlowi dayofKoveml todj in "vJSJ u:ú for examining and allowing 8U VT and tliiit the U ■ "r d, and all otli.-r i'. ■; JjjmCH tate, are rehuir '1 to appear n' ;t sessioii uf ! j, Uien ín bc bolden .it tne l'robatc Office,! 1"JjIj I i.n Arbor, in saiid eounty. nul sh.w ' there be, why tho wiil account sliraiM ?L ' I And il la fnrthft ordered tlintsa tor give notiee to the peifHlifi intcre.-t ' ?0.frw. tati'. t the pendoney of aW nccount. ■ J Of tin3 ol"sl published in the Michigan Argnt, ".""tt print. l and i-iirulatinu' in Said county_, w"1 '.ís previous to ukl day of heannff; _- (A tiue eopy.) Hl R A M 3. B;AV1 i;ü J udïC ofBj, Estato of Ülrich Koe for. _ STATEOPMICIIIOAN, Connty olff' m of the Pfübate C'oitrl f"r : of Washtennw, holden al the,, City of Ann "Arbor. ou w edítela. "c e '", , ci uiy' of October, in the year one thonf1" htindred and seventj one. . .. Present Hiram J lieikes Indgeof PrW In the matter of the eotate ofllc0 decea-ed , Rosina Koeder, Execiitnx of the ISSIr".1 il, come ": representa th1 siie la bdw prepnredto ""■' final a Execiitrlx. tuñt TherenponltioOrdored.thol Monday. tneiw" day of .N vombor oext ut ten o'cl.rK '" ' iurf ooon, le assigurd for esamining ■'- sucli acconnt, and thai ilic l'"-'''1'1',"' ,1 ' md heirs ut law of said .Uv.i.-e: . ithcr persona interestcd ii. sniil ■W' ,i' oappear at a session of mM' " ie holden at the Probate Office, In 'c ,',,W DsitldConnty and show canse, ''aV,ii lie.why tho eaid account hould '"'K1ttftfi And it Is further orderfd saw t nve to the poraoni intcrestrd iQ 5 -get'l f tlie pondSDcy of said acconnt. nij'i hereof. by canslnfc tt copy of ihis rdf 'rt-ii' lehedinthe Michigan Sip, .-■ "e"'sl'lp',ii!" ui. 1 clrculntlng in .-i!il Connty. tnre vreks pMvtona to aiddnyol '"'Ilrn'í!v,riKEÑ f.,,rcoW,) ig. CommissíoncTs' Xotico. , tJT.VTKOl'MTCIHfiAN.i '.niit k Tho undei-sisneil, liainji been'y Probate Court lor uuid ominty, L Com?riS5' eiTO, examine and adjust nll claims nul j ,11 i-t m nüainst thewtatcoi Mary ■ . i f .f sin.l o hcreby f ■'" jP nonths from date an aBowed, by ov.le; .r M mte Conrt, Un ereditors to pn'smt uinl theestato of Biiidde. ", uW of ,ii:n' 7,?SwllOíJ ,: Deooinl r, and Xuesday, the wll""rh ( Airil. ii. x'. at ten o-cloej A. days, to reoeive, examine, and djnst n'w nf Dattd, Ootobet 16t A. l ll. . i-ao: suiNKY REYN0LD8, Com CUAIU.ES BOBTËSOB, I


Old News
Michigan Argus