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Board Of Supervisors

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Thursday, Nov. 2. Board mot pur.suant to adjournment. Called to order by tho Chairman. Roll callcd, present a quorum. Journal of yesterday read and approvcd. Mr. Qeeï presehted the bill of Dr. Cheever, for making post mortom examinution on tbo bodies of Heurietta Wagner and Osoar Wagtier, $10, and moved its ailowance. Adopted. 35 Dr. II. S. Cheever, post raortcm ex nmimition, 10 00 10 00 Mr. Geer also presemed tho olaim of G. H. Brown, .turnkoy, for attcudancc on i:k in jail at night, for $39.00, which, on notion, was allowcd and ordered paid. 50 G. "V. Brown, turnkey, nttendunce on Mek hl jail, 39 50 39 50 Mr. Arms moved tliat the Supervisor f Superior be instructed to levy a ditch ax of $104, as par .statement of Drain Cotmiiissioiier. Agrecd to. Mr. Fleming presented the following :iims, and moved thoir ailowance as ;ated : 7 John HügVes, witness, 1 16 1 10 ihn Hooney, '■ 1 10 1 lii 69 Stephen T.Hurdy, " 2 41 2 44 )0 Thomas Wurdell, " 2 44 9 1 1 )1 Gnm Uofbtt, " 1 10 1 1" J u Uliam Uwe, " 2 32 2 32 ■ s .hi son Palm r. " 2 G 2 50 01 Adr.ii. , '■ 2 6i 2 ij Adopted. Mr. Smith, who was absent ycsterday, sked to have his vote recorded " yes " on ie motion of Mr. Yost, fixing the salary f County Superintendent of Sohools at 1,350. Mr. Cook offered the follcwing rcsoluïon : Kesolved, That the Comtnittee on Per )iem Allowfti.ce be instructed to report 8 d lys atten lince and 3 traveling fees iíh term, and five days attendance and nc traveling fee for the June term. Mr. Shurtleff óffered as an amendment, lat tho committee report seven days per iid one mileage. Mr. l-'l 'Miiii; mu.-,-,' í'. i ablo, v. ii:i :i '.v.,s lost by ihn. foliowing ote, yaas and naya beiug called for : Teas -Messrs. Fleming, Shurth-ft', Geer, mita, McCullum, Yeekiey, and Chaiflan. Says - Messrs. Arms, Cook, Forber-, dranger, Lazelle, Leonard, Millard, 01ptt, Oaborn, SagA, Tu my, Wall, Wilsoy, Lis, Wynkup, and Yost. Yeas, 7; :iy.s, 16. 'l'lie question recurring on the amendnent ofl'ered by Mr. Shurtleff, tho same f;i.i adopted by tho following vote : ! ■ '' ■ ■ Geer, Leonard, Millard, Hum, Oleott, Osborn, ■ hurt■ü', Tuomy, Wall, Wesaella, Wynkup, Yeckley, and Chairman, ■Messrs. Arms, Cook, Fleming, 'orbes, Qranger, Lazelle, Smith, Wilsey, nd ïost. Yeas, 11 ; oays, 9. The resolution of Mr. Cook, as amendd, was.then adopted. Mr. WaU oll'ored the following resoluion : Resólttd, That the Clerk be instruotod ii insert in uil County Orders, "Iteeeivn)le (er tases at par, after the first day of :i üiber." Adopted. Mv. Geer movel that a committea of tiree be appointed by the Chair to inestigate the matter of defioiency of tho Jitch Taxea for the past year in th 'ownship of Saline. Agroed to, and the Chair appointod as uch cotnmitteo, Messrs. Geer, Arms, and Cook. Mr. Shurtleff moved that tho janitors, ohn II. Davis and James Atkinson, be llowed 2 per day oaeh, for services endered. Agreed to. IS John II. Davis, .ianitor, 22 dnys, 44 00 44 CO KI James Atkiuson, " -l " 8 00 ït 00 Ou motion ui' M"r. Arm?, thö Board adouined until 2 o'elock p. M. AFTERXOON' SEÍ-SION". Board met parsuant to adjournment. 'alled to order by the Chairman. Eoll lied, present a quorum. Supervisor Cook oalled to the Chair. Mr. Wynkup offerod tho following ros luiion : Resolví ■', That the thanks of tliis Board are due, and are hereby tendered to our ühairnlan, our Clerk, and our Reporter, 'or the faithful and efficiënt manner ' in which they have disoharged their sevcral luties in rtlation to this Board, during ia! present laborious session. Adopted. Mr. Geer, from special committee, made report as follows : Your committee, to whom was referred the matter relativo to the defloienoy èi the Ditch Taxcs in the Township of Saline for th: past year, beg leave toreport that the Supervisor ot said township asoertain where the defleienoy oocurred to the county, and levy the same upon the property of said township, in accordance with the County Drain Commis8ioner's Report for the year 1870. The aniount of sueh defloienoy, as asoertainod by your committee, is $480.78. All of which is lespee tfully subinitted. Wm. Geer, ) i ; EB ('ook, Com. tí. C. Ai: ms. ) On motion, the report was accepted and adopted. Mr. Wynknp moved that this Board adjourn sine die to-morrow morning at 11 o'cloek. Agreed to. Mr. WaU, lïom the Committeo on Salaries, mado the following report: To the Ihnvmhle, the Board of Shtperviton of ü ' 'ounty : Your Committee on Salaries of County Officers, beg leave to make l'urther report, nul recommend that wo raise for Saliiry of .Iml'.'n of Probate Ihe snra "f $1,9(10 nfl " " Prubiite Kci','il f-r. " ' " 000 OU P. WALL, Ch'n. of Oom. On motion the report wasaooepted and adopted. Mr. Ghanger moved that the expenses of publiebing the proceedings of this Board in tho county papers and in pamphlet form, be paid from the County Contingent Fund, and that the Clork be directed to draw necessiry orders for the s:tnie. Which motion prevailod. Mr. Tuomy, from Committno on I' r Diptn Allowani-p, rftport ai follo-.r : Your committee submit the followinp; report, and reoommend that the sums bu illowod to the different Supervisors of the towns and oitiea of the Coun:y of Wnshttüiaw, fot tho June and Oütojei" sossions ; i I IjIJL 4C" Gcoriii' C. Arm, -821402 - 98 40 08 Ciiok, - - 32 40 2 40 96 00 I I i'k neming, - ;j 48 88 96 ' i ■ : hua Forbes, - 132 i i 9 60 M 00 9f 8d 471 WUliant Ooer, - - ... ÏS N'Miuni Urnngtr, - 82 M S 78 96 00 ld] "C 17:! Eliiu Itn-iv, - -;■_'■ 72 jj ; u ïmj sa Tl (;.■!. Lnzolle, - - 32, S)2 5 .'■:' 90 00 101 '■-' 47.1 Kobrrt 1'. I.conard, - 12 1 24 M 00 86 21 176 David T. MnCollum, SS I 24 % IK) [77 Wn. Millmd, - - :;i in ; n : 178 Fatrick O'Haarn, - Is2 1 21 W OOi ao 21 [f9 ■! D. Olcott, - - 3ï 50 1 36 180 Win 11. Osliorn. - s; 100 o 00 Ufi 00! 102 00 31 Jam Saga - -gj4i 2 40 96 00 H8 4 ri W. Bhnrtleff, '32 S4 1 -M 60 oo! 97 41 [8J Ebeneier Ëmitb, - 33 1 1 ■: P 96 00 's 1 [84 1'atrirkTnuiny, - -ÍS 16 96 96 00 'jO va 485 Pütrick Wnll, - - ,32 4 2 4(1 'J6 HO 98 40 i8(i Wn. E. Weuelb, - .■!■: lot c 48 96 00 102 4s 17 David Wikuy, - !82 10 9ü Wt 00 96 SIC 188 lsiiiic Wynkup, - - 32 30 2 16 % 00 98 10 B9 W. I. Yfokley, - - 85 56 3 5B 06 00 MM 190 Ieo Yoat, - - - 32 40 2 40 % 00 is 10 491 urnu Thatchcr, - 32 72 1 82 96 oo 103 32 Total, - - .... . $2,473.04 All of wliich is respectfully submittod. Patrick Tuomy, John D. Olcoi r, E. P Leox.mld, Committeo. On rnotion, tho report was aocepted and adopted. Mr. Wall msved that tho Committeo on Apportionmsnt be iustrueted to loavo out tho itom of old county indobtedncss, as returned to (bis Board by tho Auditor General. Agreod to. Mr. Thatoher offercd tho following resolution : IlexolvcJ, That the thanks of this Board aro due, and aro hcreby tendered to Prof. Watson, for the invitation extended to this Bo.ird to visit tlio Obsurvatory, and aeeepted by said Board on Thursday evening last. Adopted. Mr. Lazelle, frora Committno on Uniinished Business, mado the following report : Your Committee report that they liavo examined the journal of tho prooeedngfl of this Board, and rlnd allowcd by said Board, for county purposo3, for tho year 1571, as folio ws: Amount allowed oa Crimina] Claims. $4 090 33 " " l;itil - -J,:161 'J7 For Hilaiiea of Cownty Offloero, 6,(130 01 " " Reporter of this Board, 50 00 COunty l'oor House, 1 7 ,; 7 j 20 House of ('orrcclion, l.nn oo 11 Juion and witne '.s. 3,50'JO " Straographex forCircult C'onrt, 800 00 " ' Bnpervison serví' ■ teudiDg :xud oopyxng rolls, ' 2,970 01 " " i riaon servidos, T'er :,:r oí ' " ('uumy Contingent Funü, :■ " " liii'.Tii1 m Kubun;izuoit " " JuuiLuiV Scrrioeiii 5-2 03 tm,ï o .',ü All of which is respoctfully submittod. (I. Lazi : - "i ' JS ■: Committee. On motion of Mr. Arms, tho report was accepted and aïlopted, by the following vote, the jobs ana nnys being called for : Teas - llessrs. Arms, Cook, Fleming, .{iiüT, Oraiiircr, Lazolle, Loonard, McColinm. Millard, Olcott, Osbom, Sap;o, Shurtleff, Smith, Tuoray, Wall, Wessefls, , Wynkup, Yookley, Tost, und ChainuaTi. llr. Lazolle, moved that tlio Chair appoint a committee of three to apportion the Stal ainong tlio different Supervisors' districts. Agreed to. The Chairman appointed as suoh cominiti '.'. Messrs. Geer, Wilsey, and Ar On motion of Mr. Wall, the Board idjourned until to-morrow morning ;:t 9 l-'2 o'olock, Friday, Novonibor 3, 1S71. Called to order by tho Chairman. Itoll oalled, present a quorum. Journal of yesterday rcad and approved. Mi-. Goor presented tho claim of J. B. Arms, witnega before Juatice fScssions. On motion the claim was allowt il .nul brdercd paid. 4:12 .1. B. Avms, witnOM, Í2 SI 2 SI Mr. Geer, from Committee to Apportion Statu Taxes, made report. (Sec Scheduli! A.) Mr. Porbes, from Committee to Apportion County Taxos, made report. (Sec: Schedule A ) On motion both reports wero aceopted and adopted. rafciatfonJaote Taxi cf'J Aagnirt, - - -♦ SS8,M 757 53 $ !U17: A. A. Town, - - ■ i' 2.":'-i'.l A. A.C. Ut & M Wd's. Hl'.h'i 2.C17 L'l 3 5.ÍS 29 11 " at 4th " 460.580 1,527 28 1,884 64 " " .thc.h " 2 7,210 0S5 68 1,2 8 84 ( iter, - - 411.552 1,864 72 I 8660) Dextet, ... 27:S,s.'..V eiig 10 1,1(IM5 Fxeedom, - 349,545 1,159 011 1,414 96 Lima, ... 140,308 1 : : ■ i I.82 ■'! 487,030 1,614 98 1,87170 Lyndon, ... 222.117 36 M 8B833 503,666 l.s'ii :; . Northtield, - - ;íj.4: I.082 5C i.vjiTi ld, - - - 507,iii0 1,882 43 4l,.r71 1,467 50 1,79173 Sri, .... n:.:(. li' - - 447.J45 1.4W72i 1.812 67 Baiine, - ... í.7;!,5'.il 1.9O20J 2,1S2 20 , - - - ! 4ï.SS7j 1,86 Sbnron, ... 390,17'J 1,67061 IVeUter, - I 434,663 1,44101 1,76982 York, .... ;. .rri i : Ypsilunti Town. - lil1" 1,7(14 57 2,154 1( City.latdisl. 707,1 "" 2,844 11 2 '■ ïd ' 886,634 1,278 ia j l,.'.0 04 $U,415,208'P(7852 7o!f40,ï09 17 Mr. Wall moved that the Chairman lie . allowcd ;J.OÜ for extra services in J ing orders, etc. Agreod to. 493 Orrln Thatober, extm wttíoct, $3 00 Mr. "VVall offored tho following ] tion : . Se oí ■', That tho thanks of this Board i be tcndered to our Buperintendents of the Poor, viz., Hon B. W. YVaitc, Dr. P. , Davis, and Edward Duffy, Esq., for tlieir i suocessful management of the county poor houso and insano asylum for the , pari year. i And we oannot but rogret the course ndemn the action of certain , sons who, iufluenoed by mercenary and selfish uu! L vi-s, liave published and spread repoita without any foundation in fact í one of the most active members of the Superintendente, and íilso a íimnber of thu meinbers of this Boord. And vo would furlhcr say that tbc n:tion oi' a newspaper n this city, pointing out in larga capitals oertin inembete o tlns Board who voted for the ro-eleotion of Edward DuÉEy, Esq., is a direct insult to tliis Board and lts ni.inibcrs. who voted ;is taeii oonspiences dictated them : and em such an act as boing beneath the pracf.oo of any rospectable journal. Jifr. Wall, on presenting the resolution. stated that lus objeut in doixtg ko !s (not tha) iin1 Superintendent aeeded any such endorsemo&t) bul that he was unwilling to see Supervisors McCollum, Wynkup, Osborn and Lconiud, whom he eonsidrred men of honor and integrity, and wi-11 known as such in this eounty, ualled to account and throatenml "with the 'lirest vengaance politically, by n ncw convert to their party, who cl:iin5 to be their ruler, as the said Supervisors had voted aoeording to former pv?je;lent i unáisinnypd hy thp rantingi sq9 rayipgs i of tlie aforesaid ncw convort, .nd that it w;i fór tliis reason Uiat hu offered tbe resolution. Mr. Shurtleff moved to lay tbe resoltttio;i on the tublo, which was lost by the iig vote, yeas and naya being eallod for: is, Cook, Forbes, Millatd, Oleott, Bjrortleff, Smith, Wilaey, yiikup, aud Yost. i ■ ñng, Qteer, dranger, 1 cColliuu; O.sbom, Sago, Tuoiny, Walli 'Il ■, and the Chairman. Yeas 10, nays 11. Mr. Wyntup offered as a sulwtitute the iir.-st paragraph of tue resolution, i. e., Superiutendonts. Pending a vote, JIi'. Vynkup tbanked the majoiity ïor thuir kindiy feelinga and intentions toward him and Uis oolloagaes who votod witii tlic majority, and said th;it ulthough hu slioulít voto tor the subgtituto, li; b:iuld ever reiaeuibor witb feolings uf tho doopeat gratitude tbeir kind inteni Mr. iltCollum sai'! he cndorscd tho romeurks of ZUr. Wjmkup in every particuLir, uud th;it os he wan a Bopvblioan '■iyed in thu wool," and had over Leen so iVuia prinoiple uud nat i'uv piouniary p ii:i, he had nö fears to appear bufore liis constituonts (i'.id abidu by llioir decisión bó to hisin-t t. Mr. Millard s-iid lio sliould vota for tbe substituto, althóugh by eould heartilj .. the resolution, but tüought it i'oolish U) lire 40-pound shot ut chipmunli .. Mr. Wilaey moved to Lay the snbstitute of Mr. Wyiikup ou the table. Lost. by tbe following voto : Fas- Messrs. Plcuning, Goor, Granger, BhurÜeff, femitb, Wall, Wilaëy, Tost, and the t'ai'.iriiian. l -Messrs. Avms, Cook, Forbos, Lazt-lle, McColluui, Millard, üluolt, Osborn, Tuoiny, Wessels, uud Wynkup. Yeas 10, nays 11. Tbe questioo WM then takon on tbe ■ substituto of' Mr. Wyukup : itesoUcA, That tho thiuiks of thia Board i be tendered to our Superintendente of the Poor, Ilon. B. "W. Waite, lh l'. . vis, aud Edward Duffy, Egq., for theii : sucoessful management of tho eounty poor liouso ind insano asylum for tho past two years. Adoptod by tho following voto, yoas and nays boing calloi for : Tea - Messrs. Arnas, Cook, Fleming,' Forbes, OrangíT, Lnzelle.McCollum, Mil ' lard, Olcott, Osborn, Sage, Shurtleff, Lmith, Tuoiny, Wall, Wassels, Wilsey, Wynkup, Yost, and tho Chairman. Yeas 20, nivys 0. On motion of Mr. Arm3, the County . and Ceunty TreasuTer were instrncted to visit Lansing and examine 'imty indebtedness, and report the result of tlieir investigation to the Board of Supervisors ut theirnexi meeting. On motion of Mr. Cook, the Board ! onmed siae die. OKRIX TIIATCIIER, Chairman. John J. Eobison, Clerk.


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