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Tho favorito Radical amusement is S winting out office holjers of tlio a nany ring stripe who have, by dint oí' ii 'eutcrpriso and ooonomy," Laid up much i richos withiu a very fow brief yoars. When :hoy havo discharged tlieir full duty in this diroction will thoy teil just how rnucii h President Grant was worth, eay in t amber, 1SG1, what he eau count on Lis t fingers now, and exactly how it was J tjuired ? t - Maj. Muldoon, of tlio Heavy u lery, liaving ussigned Victoria a f nent position in his proeession in honor i of Alexis, warns all yuung mnn not to 1 tempt a flirtation with tho next President, t Hü saya tho list of her husband would s tead like a New York directory, hnd that j flirting with her would be a dangerous t amusement. i - The Denver and Stilt Lako Rail roa 1 i - narrow gauge - ia the latest Colorado project. It is to enter tho mountains by the South Platt-e to Hiddlo Park, thence fo Balt Lako direct, and íb oalulated to shorten tho dist&noo from Donror 200 . miles. Tho incorporators aro W. B. Jackson, C. B. Lamborn, and A. G. Ilunt. - And now down in Indiana numerous frauds upon tho Stato Troasnry -aro announoed ; porpetrated, it is Baid, by both Democratie and ïtepublican ez-offlciaU of the " Indiacapolis ring." Ono 1'. an attacho of Senator Morton, has airead}' boen proscouted. Lay ou and spare not, say we. - In the case of tho Brooklyn Lifo Insurance Company e. Mïller, apjsal from llaryland, tho U. 8. Supramo Goort h.vs affirmed tho judginont bclov?, holding that the eonipany :s Ixrand by tho act oí its agent In aervpting the promisu of a third party as payment of tho premium. Correct. - Tho Now York Bvtning Tot thinks that Lieut. Fred. Grant " i a fortúnate man in Uiat he is tho aon of the Prosident," and, thersfore, sent to ninke the "towcr of Urup" on $33 a month and ten cents for evory mile of travel. Who wouldu't un1ertake the job on aueh torras. - The anti-Tamrii?.ny and Reform Dsmocrats having fkided tho Rnpublicans to carry Now York City and State, the aforesaid llupublicans ero disposed to claim a partisan vietory. Did they cvrr hoar the expreasive oxpreseion, " How we apples swini ! " - London tliopatches of the 13th roport a formidable conspiracy, headou by Fleury, to arrost r.nd doposo President Thiors and proclaim tho empire, and that all tho papurs are in the possession of Thiirs. To be taken with sovoral graius of allowanco. - Alexis Í8 still roaming " on the wide wido saa," and the anxious belles of Now York aro near " done gona" with tlio fatigue of waiting. Their toggory will bo out of style soon, andthjirsweetestsmiles soured, if the Russian prince don't put in his apper.rance. - Tho United States Eostoffico departïaent has gono back on gold and silver; and advertises that nothing but greenbacks or bilis of naiional banks will be receivcd or paid out on foreign moncy orders. - Judgo Hilton, one of tho Commissioners of tho Department of Public Parlts, New York, has resigned : also Isaac Bell, one of the Commissioncrs of Public In" struclion. Bata leaving a sinking ship. - Yickie and Tennio wero pennitted i register prior to tho recent eleotion in Now York, and then refused the privilege of voting, whoreat they, with Tilton and Domosthenes, arovcry indignant. - Hon. Emerson Ethoridgo, of Tonnesseo, declares in favor of Democratie nonaetion in tho coming campaign. fimor son luis n't been a safo adviser or successful politiciau for somo yoars. - Tho Supremo Oourt of the District of Columbia has decidod that a member of Congress is not exempt from civil process. Now, lot " the !iigh and mighty " mombers como down a pog. - An extra patriotio Radical editor culis (.)v. Hoffman'a Thanksgiving proclaimition a " rebel " document : becau3c President Grant selocted another day. - What a waste of venom. - " Sir Marinad uke's Musings"is (h title of a wailing poem by Theodore Tilton, in a lato numbor of tho Ooiden Age. It is supposcd that Sir Marmaduko ú ouly T. T. in disguise. - Secretary of the Interior Dclano has caused it to be announoed that hei8 not a candidato for Sherman'a Beat in the Sonate : which furnishos tho bost evidenoe that he is. - Rumor has it that Senator Tontón and Collector Murpliy havu "kisscd and made up " ; but don't teil how tho ónices and spoils are to bo divided. - Cornell is in consternation for fear that President White is í ibe made Secretary of State. Let Cornull rest in peace_: Fisli still üves. - Judge Carter, of Washington, having decided that women are not voters, the caso is to be taken to the Supremo Court. - Tweed is in bad odor, Dut his partner, Toni Murphy, is still Collector of Now York. Grant put and keeps hitn in office. - Georgo W. Curtís is now design as the probable successor of Secrotary Fiah : who does n't propose to ïosigri. - $40 - or niño shillinga a week, courting time - u what a Vermont dameel claims in a breach-of-promisc case. - Colfax again proposes to retiro to private lif e: but with a proinise to run for the Preaidenoy - if nominal - The Demooifttagained lorguly i:i the late MiasiBsippi eleotion, but notouough to oarry the Legislatura, - Ohio has voted by a majority of 7 1,768 for a constitutional Qonveafcion luxu- Caleb Cushing has resigned a lucrativo oflioi;. What uoxt 'i - A destructive fire oceurred at Geneva, Switalcland, on the 13th. - - ■ 1 1 . t 1 ■■ The exponse, of the re venue officera for tho past quartcr have been reduced full 30 percent, fiom the oorresponding pcriod of last yc;ir. It is undorstood that tho plan of cüiisolidati'Mi of the interaal reveuuc districts has been abandoned.


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