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The Election In New York

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Tlio Republicana can y tho Legislnture by a larga majority, and the Stato officera on tii" popular voto. The rcsult is na great a surprise to them as to os. Their state ticket was not put. in nomination to be elected, bat only as a oover und r which to oleot a majority of tho State Sümtf!. Nor was tho victory aohirvr.l by their direct ofihrt or exertiona. Tho Dsmoerats turned against t!iüir own organization, rsfusiug to vote for tho partv oandidatea, and in Borne oounties voting against them. Thcy saw in tho chiéf city of tho Btato developments of misgovernment without a parallel in tho history of our party. Demócrata ware astounded and paralyzod at tho chante ter of the rovelations. l'n y showed that the go vernment ol'New York city was not a governinent, but a oonapiraoy; and that its objeot, succossfiilly carAod oui, had boon tito Bpoliation of tíio peoplo by devioes of ñaud till now unhoard of. When the Democratio party eoasos to recognize integrity, fidelity and aooountability lo th" peoj leas tho tests ofofflciai life, it ocasos to exist lts lií'o is gono, and it is but a dead oorpso. The Demooraoy of tho oity, by an oxtreme eflfort, disconnected itself írom thc corrupt (Mitanglcmont that boro it down liy a rovolulioiiary upiñsing, it suC' in deponng tho local dynasty that had so abused tho name and the cause of detnoc!■ ir . Rut rovolntions are not made withoul ciii nd in this upheaval of tho elomonts, our democratie tnájority in tho city was broken, and our strength in the interior submerged by that tidal wavo. It is nnfortunate for tho people and for tho cause of reform itsclf, that such oxoel] ;it men os those that composed tho democratie stato tiek(ít wero doten tcd. . Willers, Niehols and their colLeagues are oilicers so assiduous in duty, BOuemooratio in ali their w.iys of pubho nul private life, coming op lo the old st&ndardg of honor in this respect, that a "reform" movément which them seema to have accomplisbed asuioi.■il iilwv.nlUy. There will be nothingto regret in thoir retirnment from olKcf, if the causo of administrative reform is to advance under the ímpetus whioh the popular instruí' tor in tbis oleotion should give to it. If vc are to havo, heroníter, n diminúhed tax levj-, incroased rovenuos frotn tho oanals, iinproved navigation, óiminishi d axpensos, &o., the people will euro ! at whose bands they receive these boons. Upon tho legislatura, and upon tho ■ .íii.-ivs, wilt devolve tho responsibility of soeuriug municipal reform, not only for our oomuaeroial metropolis but for all of our cities. Tho power to cx]) .ml monoy, and abovo all to érente dubt, muotl' i. aud othor aliases must b u ttded against. The conti -. eh the election oxhibits in the modes of action ui' the two ing witli oorrupt.ion in thoir ovrn rank, ii remarkable, though it en Ulustrated in the history ot' jinoethe foundation of the goveintnente The democratie party eould not live in assóciation with aoknowledged corruption. H refosed to sit in I m ■ conrention with asspuiates of inculpated la in the metropolis. It denoimced 1 1 1 1 ■ guilty and demahdod punishment. Lt has no plaoe for them excopt before a court of justicc, in nrrftignmeiit lor orimes. Ou the other hand, the Republicaiis proved themaelves perfeotly stolid and :vpathetic in vie'.v of tin; grossest imputation ottst on their oandidates. So Unit while the denttocrooy have beaten Iweed's assofiiates in New York, and atntok off half of hia majority, tho Senators known to bo tho hirelings and ingtraments of that Sen ktor in afl his legislativo joba and plots, havo boen sustained by the Eepublioana with undiminished zoal, and ro-eleoted by inoreased majorities. Whilo tho municipal oligarohy in New York is either relinfiuishing power or having it wrested from them, the 1 gorernmont retains in power the corrupt combinación whioh oontrols and degrades the politics of the admini.stration party. Collector Murphy will point to this vcry politi!.".l BUCOess as a cliiiin lor a contiuuance in office ; and it will bo acceded to by President Grair, And wliy should it not, when Butler is upheld as leader in New Kngl.-ind, (üaincro;i inPjnnsylvania, and the oarpüt-bagging thievos in the Söfcth? Let them not, liowevcr, calcúlate too coníidently on the forbearance of' tho aople. This cry of' Beform, taken up for an object in the State, will flnd an echo in the hearts of tho poople, and it will be raised in acoents and volume that will reayh tho White House and shake it to its foundation.


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