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Local And Other Brevities

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„The Mlsrtlctoc Bougli " Is soou to be '4ollt i, tuis city, uucler the au spices Zuutfcs' Libwy Associatiou. ' x .jijyur IIahhiman ivas examined, '. ind dmitted to practico lo the I uther State Coutts o tlie Otli [yt complete the proceedlnga of the ' , f Supervisors tliis week, lf the .j [ïsdors liavc ilonc their duty they ..,■ onr county altairs are mauaged. .. are ome mlghty poor aldewalka '.,ctrtetsoutli oi" Williams, and lf v,i sooii tlie city or someboüy elae sundr? broken limbs to pay for. I, me " ror Insertlon : certain reso' „opted at tlie ÖUtc Toaclier's InWhed '" "'' CÍty Ct' M' bUt "win yesterday. Tlio Anana dont aehiTlan report. pillfiit Akoei l dellvered liis dis" linOii "TheThlnkera and Doen'1 u(Sjay, upon the occasion of tlie com3rtif ement exerctces of the Agricultura] ',,:w.,at Lansiug.1 V ntiv :irac tablc was put in opera., Central Rallroad ou Bauday . mi not iiavin beca farnlshed i ,,irj" we are unai)'c to inuke the char.ges, ,D dicrc.'oro, omit ultogether. Jliu' sciiii-aniniiil meeting of the igoMoptthlc Medical Society of tlie eolMichigau," is to be held in the Lfos of the Gregory House i tliis city M ffeduc-sday anti Thursclay uext. -In August aml September we malled a irceuunibcrof büls lo partles ndebted to glrirfnrtlalng, aabscrlptiob, etc. Those (;itsvc not respoiuleJ- mtich the largcr lir- ai'e ailviscd to do so Immedlatciy. -Lsst jrear tlie Stoie tax apportloncd to .;ieiivwas $2,1131.53, and thccouiüy t:,x, ((S32. Tliisycar the city is cttlled ou .-: Sute tax, $5,400.07 ; county tax, #L6.29. A very respectable lacrease - alktState slde. -bunsliine, clouds, rain, snow, slop, rlad, a pincli or two iro:ii Jack Frost, new hm, unra borealis, star liglit, Egypj! dirkncss, cold noses, non arrlval of aktnd nuraerous otlier terredtrial and baracterlstlcs have saudwlched "('ves uto tli; past week. - Usi Sstorday eveniug, Nov. lltli, & house, barn, and several stacks of hy i..e;iv, Of OaiWH Gii-bekt, on secüon :i, in the towiiship of Saline, we re deiwjedby rtre. Therc was $2,000 iinrlüeou the üouse, $1,000 ou the ham, and [iOOoncoiiteuts of barn. lt was the ivork i.'sd ioccnJi.iry. -The discoui'se of President Axor.i.r., itoretbe DulversUy Chnsiian Associátlon, aSunday cvcninir last, was nblc aud in mctlve. nis subject v:is " Liberty ander W," and & correct dlstloctioo was ilmwn we.-n llberty umi iicvuse. The M. E. arci was crowded on the occitsion, and i h trled to get la aud falled. -Eïcry place lias havl lts Champion in ttatfiirticular forte, a ml Ajiu Arbor, not wVliehiiKl the times, trots out her chatnf ood sRwyor. L:ist Uoodaj Moses Juussawed five cords of oak and hickory wdoace in Iwo, comiaencing at 7 o'clock quitting at 5 F. M. And " Jlose " Ksn'tlook a vvhit the pak-r lor it. -List Wodiiesday noon, Andk:y LboKdis, ürhilc driviu ou State street, torned sliort a corner in atteini)ting to turn wiHaroD street, and the bugiry ran insihe tree on Seaman's corner, upsettlnjr ,iml spilling out its ocenpants. Mr siRD liad his k' broken jtist above tkiiec, wliile Quy Bbcklkt, Iio was ■ihhim escapeU with somc severe lruis i Tkbuggy was couslderably duinagecl.


Old News
Michigan Argus