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The December Magazines

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Bldrtlng good by to Anno üoinini 1871 are ilaily tinding their way to the cdlloria snnctmn, frelghted witli more thau usually eutertalnlug contenta. - A very dalntlly oml poetically illus trated Gorman legend In verse, " Th Coant's Llttle D&nghter," by Mis. Green ongb, opens Beribner'i for December. Othe Ulastrated articles are: Bayard Taylor' Siglits In and .Vruuud Ycdo ; Col. Thorpe' PtcMrcs froin tlie Plalns; an Interes tl ng artlcle on the Boston Pobllc Llorar; ; a brlglit llttle story by Miss Hofklna, Miss Marlgold'a Xnaaksglvlng Cyprus - Afloa and Asliore, by A. J. Johnson, lormcrly U S. Consul in Byrla and u poem, The Blinc Hoy- a Parablo. The otlicr poema are Tiie Fllght oí tha Blrdsj Mare Ignotum and several In Esthcr Wyun'sLove Letten There are two anieles whtcb bear upou Rassta- one a skatcb of the Imperial Family, by Col. Knox, and the other a story of An Elopement In Moscow, by Eugene Scbayler. Mr. Georgo i'. Patnain contri b utes a gosslpy paper on London Revlslted and Miss Trafton an account of A Visit to Charlotte Bronte's School In Brussels. Mr Conant'a essay on The Right Not to Vote is conclnded, and Wilfrld Cuinbermede continuefl. Numerous other Interestlnft pinjra may also be found wlthin lts pages 1 1 a year. Jso club rates. Address Sckibhzb & Co., 684 Broadway, N. Y. - Al ways on time is the Galaxy motto mu mu JLeceuiper ihihiuit is nut uu i:.tujtlon. " Aclvcntnres of the Duchcsse de Berd, Mother of t tic Count de Charabord,' ty John S. C. Abbott, is tlic opening paper, 'ollowed by Black Frlday, by William H. lloopcr ; In a Hospital, by 3. S. Rockwood ; Weather Prognostlca by the Pcople, by Prof. ThorapBou B. Maury ; Captain llors'all'B Romance, by J. W. DeForest; The ïïuatace Diamoiuls, chaps. xvi.-xvm., by Atitiiony Trollope ; Admlral Fdrragat and New Orlcans- wlth an account of the ori (in and coramand of the flrst three Naval üxpeditlons of the war, by Gidcou Welles; li ree mote chaps. ol' Ouht We to Visit Ier? by Mrs. Kdwards; Basso to Domo D'Ossola; Drift Wootl; Sciftitillc Miscelany ; Correut Litcralure; The Galaxy Club lïooni ; and Nobulic. Now Is the ime to subscribe. rlaycai'; two copies, ,7; three copies f 10; ten for $30, and one o the getter-up oi' the club. Addrcss ShbX don & Co., No. 077 Broadway N. Y. - For forty-one years Goiey's Lady's Bouk has visitod home circies tlironghout w lengtu and breadth of the laud, and kis fair to continue for forly-oiie years louger, a welcomc visitor. The December nnmber has tvvo steel eugravings - "The Jumping Jack," and title-page - sevcral wood cuta, and innumerable fashloo platea and designs. The literary department is fllled with stories Grom the pens of Marión HarlauJ, Uro. Ilopkinson, Miss Prost, öue Cliestnutvvoocl, niufuthcrs. lo 'he receipt department wlll be íountl a variety of useful recelpts suited to the festive season, and u the juvenile department umusoments for the holklays. Now is the time to form eiul)s. $3 a year; tvvo copies, $5 ; three, $7.50, etc., etc. Address L. A. Godey, N. E. cor. Sixtli and (Jhcstnut Sts., Phllodelphla, Pa. Qodey and the ArODS, %i 50.


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