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ijffSlNESSDIRJiüIUM. uiilU . Aïent for the Finkle & I.ym I L.. ""■.wiii" Machine They are silent, ..,. the lock tltch. No. X Vk Aim Árbur. „,.,v '. lili,. Prosecutinír Attorney. M PD irl)r Tucaday ud Frldoyof each week. ■ icodrt Hou. 1S" rcirlt VsfHMHfc Dealen In Drj OopdB. ïtirkCcrockery,c. No. 54 Sotlth Main ,. ii il is UALK.IH.On Resldence and Office t ii, " s enruVi Williams and Thompaon Sírcete, jcfficc ho:.r 1 to 3 r K. jjm JIl'BUAÏ, Roofer. Fire nnd lHuer Proo'. Pt-U and Uompoeltlon Gravel I ,„„(„ order :iiidiirrantud. Benidcnceou jJiotStreft, Ann Arbor. VI US t'O., Draggiat and dealers R. P. ii'its, Oils, etc No. ■! Suuth Main Strekt, Itlrbor. "íT"íf J4CKSÍ) Deiitl8t.sncceortoO. B. 11. Scter. office coruer IdnluandÜuroD rtrecU, itore of R. W.KIH "o . Anu Arbor, f 5 .jcstheticsadniiiiisurcd if roquired. m. f, IIHKAKKV. M. I).. I'hysldan nnd II ■ gp-cdii. üilico. a( resldenc corner of Hu-iDnSiructs.flrst door casi of Prebjr"nCborrh Aon Arbor, Mieh. _ }. J()II'S(', Dealer in Hats and rap, fc. fin. Straw Gonds. Oeuts' Knrnishlng Ooods, - So ISoath Main Mrcet, Ann Arbor. iich. lTIIKJ.An Ar WHEBOW, I.ife and y irme? A)!ent, aud dealer in Keal Ktate. [aniu Street. nH8 C. BISDOM Dealer in Hardware, ],.,,„s Home r-urni -hlugGoud, Tlii Ware.AC .-.ii] tttreet. I .Tw'U a. ibei. l)fjilfr in Prv Oonds ...: c.-Kü. ai fc'outh M:ún -trect. Aun CtiWSOX Se SOS, Grocers, ProvIIon and i , --i, ni Miüvlianti. and dealers in Wuler gK,Uati Platter, and Pluier Parts. No. !■■ Kust ■ .;iiin:i ti, ft'holeea'e and ttetall Dealot Vio Kailv ■ lotliloe CtothB. Cjií.íhktí-s, tanis.n10eiif FuruUhiuUo i. No. u South (ni Strett. 11.. WAUKER, I.-:i1t!r in K-uiy l:leloth . iibs Cwlmerc Ventinp, unte. Csps, fnnk,'Vn-l U, 4c. 21 .-outh Müitiütrvi-t. piLXORE 4 !!SKI1. Bnokwllew lid Star UUMm M.-i(;c:(l Uw id College IVxtli.i ks, M-üliiriDIlmñiiieonoBeiili. No.Nortli "ln jorj lí'itck, Aun Arlioi-. niMJ'.V & LKÍVIS, l).Ml-lf ín Hoo's, Sh."s', f wViirrs, S ípiiera. ifcc No. ï Kaüt Hurón treL■t, Ira rlinr. Y'Ai W CBEEVEK, 11T0BNEY AT LAW ! E.W. Morjrr.ii, Dunt sldf ofCourt House ISSI j7f. schaebííle; 7iíicr "f ' tijíic. GC8 Inatructíon on the PIANO, ViQLIN AND CUITAR, , N'o. 57 Smth Mmíii ptn-ot, CMoore Niii;. t! ■ at ihr rideacc o f tho pupil. PIANO TUNING, Jtipinlitv aiul ír.ti.ifaclion gunrnnlecd. UMjl j'EOCKEK Y. aASSWARE & GROCllRIEK, J. & Donnelly' Hmln toro ulnrRi' stock "fCrookerv, Glafsw.iro, 'íHdWare, f'üiliTy Orocencfl, &c, íc, all tobe fMltnnsníilly low príces. No Vi Kast Uiiron Síreet. Aun Arbor. ISMf J, & I. DO9ÍXELLV. jUUM Ir. G ALL, DEALER I1ST FBESH ANDSALT MEATS, LABO, SAl'SMiKS. KIe. WlfMollclled and promptly filled with thebest ""' m Ihc marki'l. 31 Kast VFaablngtOI slrret. _lArlior, Stpt. 16th, IRO'J. 148? tf Mannííicturcr of UIU1CCS, BlM-iKS. I.I1III1K W1C0KB, SPRIM; WMWI8, CllTERS, si.i;i(.ns. &(. ?JniBtedofiho best miterlar. RopnirJ.r!" promplly nud rensonnlro. Al! work war?'t'giiep.rflK.tsllt.flc,icm_ 6, s uth Main 1343y! Manatacturcrof Carriages, Buggies, Wagons, jWj'lllaaSqf every tyie, mude of the hest "Yí warranicd. Horse thoelng and Kcli o lr"m,)tly nd prices reasoniible. "ISlreet.nitar It. K. Dcput, Auu Aibor.Micli __ 1322yl DÜB. POSTER, DENTIST. JteitueSAVINGS BANKBLOCK, Ann Arbor. l;l0?mions on the Natural Teeth fERFORMEl) IVITH CARE. 'DRPASSED FACILITIES AND EXPERIENCE Wid AHmiciAL TEËTI1, bt T ÖIVI' KAC" ""IVIDUALj ' ""likt proper tot, tkaptfolciT, firmntttmij -. oí ezprettion. 1244 O, C.JENKINS& flRANDOLPH WHITE, M. D. dentibts. ')lnt MAIN AND WASHINGTON ST'S. A'l Operationa peiformea In the Mogt Thorough and Seientific manner. itrons Oxide Gas comtantly on hand, imluUterod wlth perfect safety. ., ltW.fl. [WE (ISESE FEATHiSRB "tlynn hand and forsnleby _ RAClISfAUEL 8M. tí. REVENA UtíH Copies Oíd 1PES & DACLERREOTYPES ÍN NRST CLASS STYLE TO ANY DESIRSD EIZB.


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Michigan Argus