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The Lesson Of The Elections

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Suppose Horario seymour, Charles O'Conor, Samuel J. Tilden, Sanford E. Churoh, Fruncís Kernan, etc., had'undurtaken, for thcir party's sake, to discrodit thu revolations of Tammany rascality and deny that any guat frauls hud boon coinmittud - had welcoraed Twecd's delegates to seats in theii Stato Convention, and attompted to go right along, as if nothing of impórtanos had transpirad- liow would the Democratie party have coine out of tho recont election 'i This question is best answored by the vote of our city. Here, the Democratie party was identifi d with Taminany and its ohiefs í'ar moro closely than elsewhere. Tho Tainmany organization was hert) the r al organization of the party ; Cpngrosaïnan Cox presided over Tweod's nouiinatáng convention, and a clear majority of the Democratie votes were cast ibr Tweed's candidatos. And this is tho rosult on tho titatc ticket : 1870- Oovernor. 1871- Sccrctury. Hoffnmu 86,068 Willcrs 81,071 Woodftud 3i,;i)i BexUawr 53,184 Dem. mujoiity.. . Dem. mujnrify. . . 27,827 Demoorstio Iom inthe city .... 24,390 Assuniing tUe wholecity vote to be one sixth that of thu State, a like chango from last year throughout tho Stato would have olocted the Itopublioan State ticket by more than 1 00,000 majority. But allow for the effect of distanoe from the theater of the Taramany frauds, and still tho Kepublican State ticket would have been elccted, in case the Democratie leaders in the St:i' i: had attompted to sustain nul whitcwash Tweed, by more than 50, 000 majority. Insteadof bcingbeaten by the Tuinman fraude the party would have been buricd onder them. Is there not a lesson in these facts for more than ono party 't For months the devolopment of rascality in the management of the reconatraoted governments of several Southern States have been growing more and more conclusivo. No intelligent man longer doubts that those governments havo been iagrantly expensivo and corrupt - that they have increasod taxation, incurred debt, and issued bonds to an enormous extent. The facts are in part concealed or obscured, but cannot long remain so ; enongh is alruady known to justify the vcry gravest apprehensions. In the two üarohnaa especially, the robberios appear to be quite as gigantic, when the relativo wcalth of the respective communitios is considered, as in this city. Yet men whom we hare esteemed honest, talk as bhottgh all exposure and reprehensión of hese villainiesshould be left to Democratie journals - that we ought to.ignore, or befog, or belittlo thom. They represent such exposure aS calculated to dimago ;he Eepüblioan party, which is far woisj Lamaged by seeking to cover up those inïquities, and thus malt ing tliein, to somo extent, itj own. Let it promrty and iearlessly exposé and denounce the crimináis, if it would vindícate itself from all complicity in thcir crimes. We ha o reoeived communication from eading Jïepublieans in Texas, insistinir that we have regarded their legislatiou md rule with greater disfavor than the :'acts will warrant. To this we answer ;hat the people of Texas seem totake subBtaatially the sane viow of the mattei m wa do. Two years ago they olectod a llcuiblican Oovoraor, L gislaturc, andtliroo out of four Congressmen ; now they have chosen Demócrata to Congress from uil four districts, by an aggregate majority of ut least 10,000. Tot there are far mure Republiean journala printed in tho Stato io-day than there were two years ago, with all the Federal and State patronage iu the hands of the party which has just :een so signally defeated. While iu Texas last -May, we could not "ail to sec tlmt the old Toxana who stood tire for the l'nion and organized the Republican party - Gov. Hamilton, Gov. i'oase, Judgc Hancock, Ju-lge S.ibine, etc. - were out in the oold, while the Kpublican machine was in the hands of the younger and less eminent politicians, mainly new to the State, and enjoying no consideratiou outsiile of tho ranka "! thoir followers. Had the legialatiop of the last two years oommanded public confidence, and had Etepnblioana who were favorably known to tho wholo people irrespective of politics been nominated, we believo that the State would have goae as strongly Kepublican in 1ST1 asitdiain'69, The State Constitution, framed iv 1869 by Republicana, plainly provides for ;'.: ■ eloction of a Legislaturo every thre years. Tho present Legislatura, chosen two years ago, has held at least two long sessions, nul is now holding a thivd. It ought to li ave provided for the choice of its successor at the recent clecüon ; it did just the opposite of this - it put oif the oleotion to a future day. " Tho fact is, we are not propared for an election," said a Leading member of the ruling eliquo last May. So there will have to be a special election, or this moribund Legislature must hold over for anothor ycar. But ichy "not prepared?" "The wiokèd iiee wben no man pursucth, but the righteous are as bold as a lion" saya the sacred proverb. Don't yon believe that the inspired penman had Bullock, of Georgia, in his oye when he made that observaron ? And he didn't clasa him under the head of " the rightcouá," eithor. Hero is Clayton, of, ehargcii by his neighbors with crimes that, if proved true, shonld send him to the Stat Frison instead of tlie Sonate. Now, we don't know that the charges agaiust him are truc ; though tho people of Little Koek seem to btliove theni, if wc may judgo from tho result of their recent election. But if they are true- if Clayton oounted out and oounted in legislators, and even Congresmen, to secure His own eleotion to thu Bonate, - then ho ought to bc hurled from his Beat bet'oro tho close of i:ext January. We prujudge no case in particular. - Possibly Clayton is all that ho ought to l,i , and Bullock an innocent, pers,.cuted saint, who has retiredfrom theQovernorship of Georgia with clean hands and a pure heart. Possibly, there havo been no Is in the reo nitrooted 1' g's'a'ures - no lionds isiviel by Liti!e cl Is and Kimptons but juetsuch asahonld have heen. It is even concoivable that the judges, colonels, merohanta, doctors, etc. of upper South Carolina who took to their In-els so soon astheyread Granfs EuKlux ]-iol miation and learned that U. H. marshals were coming, backcd by Federal troops.are asinnoctmt assomany nsw-boru babes, never having riddep about in nv.isks at midnight, whipping negroos until thoy would swear no.ver again to vote a Republican ticket. They may have run away with good consciences, but wo don't believe it. Does any ono 'i Men and brothren ! there is to bo a general overhauüng of pretcnsión, a sweeping out of d uk corners, a dragging to light of bidden iniquities, the coming winter. If there be those whodread such an ordoal, thoy may wisely put an ocean between themselves and the scones ol their misdoings without furthor delay. An Indiana lawyor, whon a witnoss requerted leavo to go to her dok husband, ínswerad no, if her husband died shi could eañly get Tho woman then slappe'! his face in Ópeil court, and th vf-rdi'ot was thnt she served him right..


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