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Salt As An Extinguisher

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A rwíent Germán writer, in discussing the general tíieory of flroa, and the best method of preveniing and extingoishing them, montions various mineral substances whioh may be mixed with the water employod, to givo it inucb greator effioigncy. Chief among these is oomnion uní hü ni. lint, lins M the resttlt of actual experiment, that mie part oí' v;ttor containing snit will liavc more offüot thaD four without it. He explains iis aotion by s-iyiugthai n saline solution is lesa readuy va porirodthao pure water, and thatit not easily decomposed into its constituent eleinente of oxygen and hydrogen, whioh, of conreo, tendto reunite and in-oduco a still greater intensity of combustión. lie thinks that tlio salt also, fiilling on hot OOals, is doeomposed, its sodium coiubininL? with Ihe oxygen ot' tho water, but that the hydrogen of the water imites with the oüloriue of the Balt, and forma a complete incombustible j, which luis a very favorable effeot in deadening the oame, and aiding in cxünguishing thc firo. Tliero is no danger o' injury to tho fire apparatus attendant apon the use of snit, water, provideditbo snbscqucntly ilushed with fresh water trom the hydrant. Our author advisea that a tnipply of rock aalt be kept in baga in overy engine-house, andassoon asaflre breaks out that the solution be made. It is not neoesaary to have auoh i Bolútion saturated, ;is :i large percentage of water may be added without materially affeoting the officacy of thc mixture. If fences or buildings are whitewashed with strong brine to which as nmch lime has been added as will dissolvé, a surface. will be formed onwhiohfire oannot readLh o itch. It is almostequal tu the famous " firo-proof paint," and far oheaper. A man sont a note to arica neighbor, with whom he was oti friendly térras, to borrow an ass for a fijw hours. Thc worthy oíd man was noscholav, and hapL to liave a guest Bitting with him at the time, to whom he did not wiah to ie bis ignorance. Opening the note ana prntendtng tu rend it, be reflected a moment, and turned to tho scn.nil. ei y irood," said he, " tell your master I'll come myself presently."


Old News
Michigan Argus