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Necessity And Small Arms

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- tenant U 1 ïare 01 Mie regiuur uruiy, wben at Washington lastfall, under somewlia! 'anees, w:is introduced to n young lady ait somt; roception. Aftc sonio ordinary reniarks upori commoniilace topics, lady s lid : ' Our city is very f uil of vuur army gentlemen at present ; may ï ask if yon are here on leave V" " I am not," au iwored D. : " General Hancook dosired tohave apersono! interview with me apon important business, and prevailod npon the Adjutant-1 General to me her for that }" AsCaptain D. was onee hoard to remark, "Exantly." The General .viw' poor D. too, and he enterod upon civil pursuit. uiKÍcr the provisiousof the lat Army biU i oooseijticnoe D. was something of a wit, too. When asked by the vting OHiccr, "What small-arms, Mr. D., do you cousidcr best adrtpted to i!, ■ colored soldien Í" " liaron,'' proiuptly answercd D. Spurgeon delights in the story of tne' genuino converstttion of a seryant girl. When ghe was asked na ïoining tho churoh, " Are you oonvertod ? "1 hopo so, sir." "What ntakes foú think yoi; are really a ohild of God?" "welJ, sir, tir ce isa great ohange in me from what there used to bc." " Wha t. is f !i' chango P" " I don't know, sir, ; but thcre's a chango in all things ; but there is one thiiig, I always sweep under tho mats, now '" How to ruin a son. - 1. Lot him havo his own way. 2. Allow him freo use of moaey. 3. Suffor him to ro-im where hfl picases on the Sabbath. 4. Give him ftll aocess to wioked com pan ions. 5. Oall him to no acecunt of his evonings. 6. Furnishhim with no statod oinployment. I havo observed that in comedies tlie best actor plays the clroll, while some scrub rotfuo is inade the fine gentleman or horo. " Thus it is in the farce of. lifo ; Wise men spend tbeir time in mirth, 'tis only fools who are serious.


Old News
Michigan Argus