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It is no new thing to hnd men who ' strain at a gnat and swallow a camel." Here, for example, is a virtuous patriot who descanta eloqucntly upon. the mis3onduct of thoso who hayo been plund ring the people of New York of a lew milíions 'l'o-morrow, perhaps, he wil] nieei ih a room v:th other representatives ot' bfae high-taviiï interest which hasdeprived the people of as inany hundred ïnillions, und'will then devise nieasures for continning tho systeiu. Afriud does not become virtuoua by being thickly cloaked. On the contrary, there is SQmething plucky aswellas bad .11 tho " stand and doliver " of tho highnrayman, oonirasted with the patriotic preteuses, the artt'ul tricks, the indirect iud deceitful ways by which the Profcecbionist succeeds. Municipal frauds, bo they great or smi.ll, touch the laboring people only pariially, because they pay a very smal] fraction of the taxes. In a great cornmerci'alcity, thrown more sasily upon the trafile which rj throigh it than upon the labor of its poorsr cl isses, mrl s; the sunw taken fróin New York have really been :; tax, nol so much upon tiu; people of that city as updiv tho couiaieice of the whole countiy rhicii pus&cs ffrough or is regulated by the city. But the taríff leviea a tax whi:hiills íilniost exclusivcly upon labor. Itisaiax. upoji consumption, and Eha consuiuni's have it to pay. Oi pjrtation totiie outer wprld is contantly iro ving moro and more coufined to those erti its wliich cinbody the least labur. VVo ;an not forcé consumen elsewhi boar part of our burdens, and our pn tionUts, when they impose rapacious t;ixbs, are taking froin the mouthe of the soino part of tht-ir acauty supply of . rhroughout the Land, labor suilers uuder thes Lurdeng, and yet, Btrange to say, milEms of plundered laboréis have nol a word of iudignation for those who make their Uves, oven in tliis land of plenty, one lo íg round of hopeless toil. It ii supposed that, v.ithin the two Fcars of greatcsl success, tha Xuw York ring imposed apon ths cotumeice of the country a tax ol fvom tvrenty tofifty miltions. Inoveryyear of the last ten,, the tívriff ring has robbe ! Labor of ten times as much. Not less tUan five liundi't:d niilüons a year - and prob uiueh more - it costs us to support this systera falsely called protective, and it is one wbioh bears with peculiar, severity upon labOr, gives urtpitui peculiar adrantiigeï, and extorts aiue-tentha of its enormous plunder frorn the hardly-earned wagesof the working people. And yei they, robbed by this mously, are asked to expend all their Indignation iipou men in a single city who have levii.'d twenty niilüons upon i.ts cowii! Lay not nattering unctioc to yonr souls," Messrs. Protecüonists. Tiiis outcry agoinstcorrviptiouarid plunder, which goes through the huid liko a dovouring ilanio, is only the awakening inten st of a wronged people in the practica] adu tration of tlieir goveraaieut, in its ei upon their individual well-being, in the v-arious osntri'vaucc i iortransfemug oarnings to the pockata of ■ n hjch have been matured dvtriog the U i of wai and excitemeut. It is i irstation of a stern resolve to have a Httle justice and honesty in this lan L i iuflame that oonsumes the Uttle machim e of littlo plnnderersin the larger oities wil] Boon fasttn upon the monster machines bywhiehyou rule and rob a wholo nation. When once men Lej t together. regardlees of old party linos, expío 1 d diBtinctions, and buint-cut ]iassions, in a det .'rniined eflbrt to their righté as tax-payers and producers, tlioy will Boon ias i'iuni minor evils to t'ie great wrong of the ae. When they L.UCU lurii from the. oolored man and Lis riehtu, the war and it issue.-, and recons.i-pjt ou aud itü roBUÏt, to a . rmueut t their earninga fd fckair j.oukuts, thor itectivu has uut long fco


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