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Éatato of : 'aioline Eottneh CT VTKpJ? SIK B i'.A.c,„n,ty,.r,t,:ii:,w, ui . ' At il .■..■■iJ, i ol ti I ■'■■'t for the i'oinity . in U.'t■ -t day ■ ad ('milt hi.ui.f Probate. ín t).c matter oJ t ottner, !■ ■ ■ .-■ I. On rciidinjc nnd fliing the pefition, dnly verifled,4f ■r, prnjing tlmt he nmy btr 1 . ucTtain real estáte whereof s;iid , : etirenty ixili teil o'elock in Ihe ioix■ lltO BPitobe bolden, at 1 City oí Akii Arbor, iind y íli'j prayei frauteJ: And it iíímtliei unlered, iil petiI in the Vit ■ oopM jiü:am .1. . . ■ uf Piábate. í of Frederick H. Lyon. ' STATE OF MICinGAN, oountj-of Wuihteimw, . ion 01 I l'ro ■ I ourt t'ur the ■ ol Wa UI onw. bolden at. !! ttobate Office, in tLe ■ ■ ■■ ' ■ '■■ ly the twontj-firat (Iny of November, in Uu year one thotu&nd eiglit hi uud ■■ ■ . . llir:iiri T. B .„f pate. ín '); muttex ai ilic q nek 11. T,yon, i1, ■■■ a ■ 11 roriflad, of that a certttln irt, pui-porüiig to tbo ■:u'i decefleed, n u i i tiiii! he ma; be nj ■ ir thereof. up ui i i-, ordercd, lha( Mondny, th.-fK-hic.-nlti ilüj' di ; 'clock in the fon noon, al :ii.l -,:■ tition, i d ntrrati '1 r snid : i i rl rotirr, tijtolden, at the Pzobiste Office, in tbc city of Aim Arbor, und stunt oanse, if any (bere be why tho praycr of the :■ luid ii'-t be gnrated: rn i i Sdifl petitionci . ■ to the penoni intcrentcd in said estnte, ol tlic i.-ii li n i. BHid iiotítion, and the lnüiiiiir therecf,by CAQsiiiK order to I; poblttbod in :: i:i saiil eounty, three succeuive ireeka previouia to sml da; of henrinfr. (Atrnereopr.) ASI J. BEAKES, 13 rj Juduuoi Probóte. Est&te of Lymaa "WhitneySEOFMIOHIOAN, OoüntyofWaBh-enaw,M Au aoessiun of the Probate Courtforthe Coanty r Wiuihtenaw, bolden at the Probate Oflt o, iu the City of Aon Arfoox, on Monday the tweiitieth day of Novembor, In the year 011e thoQsand eifiht onc. t,Ë tram J. Beake, Jncf&a of probate. In th; matter of the e&tate ofLyonap tthimey, ad and fliïngthepetlM MaryÁDD Vvhitncyfprayn i -i Instrument now on file in thla Ounrt, pur port Ing to be i i vrtll and testament of ;;:n ; I ay be ndinitted to Probato, and Uuit she nlay bc appointed sola i-i órtlered.that Monday, tbeci-.'í.treuth day of December next, at teo o'clocklD the foranoon bc assigned for the Hum ns oí said petition, ttuC tlist i1ïicirs at law o! l, and ai! othet persona Lutereted in s.iii e&tate, ure: required I i ■ lolde, at the l'robutc Ofilce. in thr City of Aun Albor, and show Cö8e, if any thorobe, why thé praycr of the pathioner shoaid njt bc gninted: Aad It in further ordored. r : petfttoner glve Dotico to th.: persons Interested in ocy oí' .sai.l potitlon nnd the hearing thereof, by causing acopy f thls ordn to bu pablisb urlütedandcIrcuIatiDg in saJd Coanfthrva sacceseíve weeka previoaa tu said v.:y oí beariof. (AtniRCopy.) HTKAW J. 1349 Judrc 01 Probate. té of Edward S.Booth. oaw,w. -r At :i Boesion of the Probate f 'onrt for the coumy of : oldeu ;it the Lrobnte office, in .ii A.nn A.r or, ■ n Baturdy, tlie eieventh day oï S'olousnud eight hundred and -one. tam .r. Benkes JutTge of Probate. ín the inattei ui' the estu-te of Ëtlward 8. liootli, de: '.'1 filinf? the potitio, duly Terified,od :.ii Booth, praying tbat ■) oertain niRtrunipnlnoKr n thia court, purpoiüoa to be feat willand tedtament of said deoeased, may be íulmittcl to promo! that administration of said eatáto may bc granti d to ome Miitable jjoi-son. upon ti is oraofeu, tiiat uooaay, tB6 Gurnteentfi d;iy of December next, nt ten o'eluck in the fore il for the hearing of suid petition. umi Chat tlie I eirsiii law of sai I doad uil other : n eted in sr.H estute, ■ I ifiöcO, in the city of A.nn Arbor, iis.l ■■ if any thero bt?, wh] : ■■ ■ : ■ ■ ■ ■ i anted : And it is fürther oí i ed in futid estáte, od Üio penctency i . und ' '.v lic ■ . by causing ;i '■'TJl ,iy: couni y, llir-c iHioccwivc woelís n'v ious ío s;tiJ day OÍ i. arnui.vM .. bj:akks, Jm-.Vj. of P Commissioners' Notico. STATi: öï .ComityofWaBhtomnr, ondennpnod, havii i intoci i thi ■ : m i : 1 1 ; y l ■ . ; o rcacd uiljust uil cluime and . lato of . i , I ■■ :■:. . naootbs iioiu &ite utcatlow - .■- liturs iii pi and that they wil! m fctil? Cïl y OÍ An;i il il day of December, ;t:il rue3ay, the Iny oi .:, ut i ■ n oVfc !■! a. - i: I üayá, lo .-. ïjusl !atd cl Nt, .. I. 1871, JOH n U1LÏ.&U, ) . [■ .íu Comraííaioncrs. -,- ff, J LMOwJ BOCK 5. j. ix. v ekster a co. SEW i:;c store HEAR THE ESS OFFICE. LOOK TO i'ÓÜB INTEREST A.NI) CALL. i V 'a LU AU LU SXOUK PK G-raia Farm ícr Sale, Thé ftbove farm is s!tnftted in theTownthips of :in ' Piitnara, Livingston énñ WnshiewRw UouiitïüB Pep naties flrom Dei fa r, nii:e miles tïmn a i', ml il vu mücs ín m y. It contains Five Hundred and Twenty Acres. Ti fa w l! w.itered wa f plenty ofttmber. Ab' utonchjiir ander ;i :; od caltivatlon - Ternu of Ml n maney wlll b reqoired on Ont pa [fnul a ld Boon, I wiil U'.ibo suiti farm u' 1 Ciiti Uncí tu richt man. fï.W.COOKE, Postofflcoodareas, linrkney, liich. 19&4W&1 30,000 FOK SALE AT A DA1ÍGAIX 1 HAVE 911,000 fnvevted tn tt Frntt Fnrm in SülKÏKT!! Illlnof; 1O.OOO Ín IIOUM'S OI9 iiiuï !aai!. :3i Viin.'lan.i, X. J ., Au ;is muob nuw in d tm !. 1 pun tl w at ny of wlüch I vill sell at a borgain, and 011 timu to.suit pwnehfl htful plaee to live in, and n prcrtt . in . ili'ls Thoy produce abundóme uf fruit, ■ ■ nU ::ir Aílnnrir citíes u for a mnrket. The I )i; ;cvt-r;il weeka idvantniro in the eiirfy ni.irkot of Northern States, ovet our o wn latitudo, witb ncail y doublé the ii!1' proflta. nd u.iiii aluaisc and Iwntafnn i'; this ddnítV, either of wtioh I wüï tnke In exobnni fnir piioo, but no spoculative pxioos wüj bo tpleratetL rty is unincuinberetl, aad titj ■ perfoct. 'mIu--. Nor. 9th. 1871. I3wtt ISJBAKIj IÏAr.ï,. WA N'1'i-ít - ■ ttoé reliable men ti' fsoo bftbjte, vho uiëty for property entrusted tothetn. I ■ -uf uiirl piofitable employment, on aalnrv or comraiftBion, bv applying to N'ofsinqkij ,: ,.m1 Of th' PostOlïïC ■. ' , p, Dü rm the Singrer Maniafaoturing Cos. I Üfaohlno. n . ;. Gooii poaition for men baTinhorse, imswS' .1. L. OEINNELT . Igeat. TOIl SALE. On Wow Trwifl Power for sale CTIBAP. Atoo nn 'xcellenl Drift Team. Wurrnutcd ia cvery p.irticu'"'liy turnt (f. B; COLS. I (JU SALE. [;,.■ !i. ■■■.!' S:r -.■■'■■■. ■:i N'orth Btreet, two ,;icCh r H, Term i M. C TYLEB. ' v. Jth, 1S71. PllïglCiAivTÏËSGRÏPTIÖKS IXBATELY VN! CAREFULLY PREPAPED BY i.' W.FJJJS & ÜO.,VJ{UaOISlS. j JELIABLE INSUltAJNCB! i Nortíi ïiritish and Mercan. tile ïnsuranee Co. OF LONDON AND EDINBtiKQg MI.tRTERED 1809. Capital $10,000,000 in Gdfl ThO American Mtinnpers of tho ahovc c ncelved the ïulluwiuj; telegram frou '! don Board; ""! "Subscribe Flvc 'Tbonsand Dj ï or i.liicaitü ■uffvrors- cttlo n '" l:om;tl j -- Draw ut tbroe si)r!i;-.4irt ican UHeti will not bc tuucUcU,-, Springfleld Fire Ins. o OF SPBIS6FIELD, MASS. Capital &5OO.O00. The ïossos or thi Company, lv the C'hRn will be pr niplly teltlrd bj inti pftymciito 3 the ütockholoers leaving the Cumany witb-; capital unirnpiiircd, w6 atsets, and au uuli-1' i ■ LislneM. tr' 1 onkpanies are tound aud reliablsj ... ,l,.n1i( ' .' H í; ska taken iu the nbore Compnníe al afonu 1 i'8 H.D.BEXX.:-;TT,A5e.t, T Q, A, S&SSIOiXH' INSURANCE AGfflCl II ís Contpaoies Are SomiJ. piKENIX INSURANCE CO, HARTFORD, COKN. CAPITAL ANT ASSETS, Juit 1, 18TI....$1,tí: CHICAGO LOSSES 'I'III'. I'IICE.VIV i tlicbcst cundn(j Fire iiiHirancc Conspaiiy iu I lio liii States. Alwny prudent and icnt, and nluaytproiupf íq paj mcnmil. iCK. INTERNATIONAL INSURANCE CO., NEW YOKK CITY. Tho first CompíiD to pw the ordealof !!n5-t York Insnrance Commhslonen eipcc the riiusí Firu, comlus out from tliesevcrc test TRITJMTI-I ANT ! AssociaU-d Press Dispaích, November "2, ISt!, . rEBNATIOXAL ISSUBANCE COÜttOt, The. Snpurintcn.ler.t of the New YorirSIMifoBalance Der-ïirtmeiit, who is making acvcM oflfclal i'x.-Miiin linu ut' the Nt-w York CilTC'JBfíJiiM to '!.;;■- cerltfii tbat ïue InicimttioniJ Capnij1 ■ [ :■! 50 ,106 aro K'cmv'y Inmuinivt I :■ '", ".:!:■'■ pr vli hip or ö WAlWits, M'-'.uli ■ " l!r-, i wholly ummVhUtil tny w luyuig all ïuChicigokMitU is oun i and n!ij e. Puilde hsaed at fair ratea at my ofUce.HMl 10. i-t l:urou rlrec-t, Ajiu Albur J. q. X. SESSIONS, A?ent. : ,7, ' QFFICE OF ÏIIE 8PRL(ÏFÏELD Fire Si Marine Insurance C SPBiMuricn)1MM.,Oil B,HD l'o Reader : Ah iil.ltiy I' -[f i-)nip'lul'A h.ivc ben.. lountof thdr ühicxz" Ui'fs wewtdrit u nonko iho fulluwiDg stitemenl, wbtí n kaow iu 1)0 correct : Assets At morket vulne l,07T,tf Io5t ea nnt oyt $ro.roc Alt otacr o:itsUniHng !6sse II, 2-" (W Tfcfa wü! l;:vo n oiur CiiplUl of ísoo.oü M nncl cirphH or7! TS), ana .■ expee nSukigid S5.( ii al Cbtcae. Ouradjñatíre arapaylrg alllowiesatCknC" caph ïs [:ist ilu-v can bt ïuijusttiil. i' Directora a'nil Stockholdrr are pleet:''4 the (;n;!tiiy pito rtv on thcir SUKlH .■ DvTittiin thtrtyria8 as a Reserve i.ssintIi'"" . ; rlaks fn ac.ordnncc wubthelainofWf lts and New ïoik Thi wHIrIww ni.iM, s in -i, of over %;)00,000af!:tr!! all ouittandin losse , 1 hls puta iu m s tirm n ancial Msis, nuil "P In --. jaar bncui. on tfoiKl anadtoirAble propcrly, m lai lt'ï inettW . ïoiireflbrislfl "urbehalf !■■ ibis dircctloh. wil] l)u ap;:rtLati d. s k rt jok ■■■ irn-s irith great'. nntl a'roid hani and ali ille risks aa re. and picase tMípiui-.caltf as too mnch in onc rínk or ii calitT. Hopinicfoi favorable report Ir. ni limel1 we rt'iaaili vuií's viiv ir i,v KHMli.Nl FKKEMAN. Pre!; DWIOHT Ii SMII'11, vicePrt"11" Santoe i) J, Eiu. Setreta'ry. II. D. BKNETT, 134CW4 Aircnt, Aun A". p H. MILLJSH'd INSURANCE AGENCÍ His Oompanics all sound, and buslnee niotiit " as usual. tloiTie Insurance CoofNew York. The fojlowlnü telegram has bem rcciived al NiwYohk, Ort.Wb.w'v Tkc Huard oasjust rcolvcd uuaniroouslj 1 u; capital ti $2,500,000 00 :it earlieat practical moment, wbich will ottr atsets to ■! M-ly t'XJ.t MILLUN DOLW113 after Mjin;: all Chlcae0 !. (HAS. J. MABTJN, Presiát I. Contineiitixl Ins. c) oí jVííav" Yoi'K'j Oli s notict thnt :t will hayo casia cayvwl m liaiicd OÍ $1,000,000 00 AND-l'KPI.rS.OF Sioooooo oo aftcrpayingChlcaco losse. City Fire of Ilartíord Conn. 'i.ysalllosMc, asd hurc a snflWant cap:'1 nI" ïairetl. Hibornia of Cleveland Looaea 9O.OOO In rhlca: . aol incrcasc 'tc apltaJ toíOOO.OOO. C. H MILLEN, Aüí Finest Assortment f Toile1 Grood8 in the City, y ,


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Michigan Argus