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DETROIT ADVERTISEICENTS T ÏCMIGA M ACÏÏÏS kÏBV IÓkPoT . O. S. WOUMER & SON, Dealen :n all ldcds of Wojd and Iton Woiking Machinery, 99, 101 & 1"3 JEFFERSON AVE-, DETROIT, MICil. p DOELTZ nnoTiri:u, -J linportera ftüd Dealerain '.isro-sr goodw. TOYS, YANKEE NOTIONS. HOSiEEY. EdCES AND TRIMMINGS, ixn mani-f:ti:kks of Chlldren's Can iages, Baskets & SleigliB. No. 8O and 82 Woodward Ave., Detroit. OHIPTOVB IT'loxii and Wheat TO aiLLETT Sc HALL DKTEKHT. We íjnarantee highent prices, iminediate sales, and prompt return. W Liberal Canil advanecs. rjno Mil i'ii:its ni' WHEAT l ffe are prepwred to offer ïndiicements to shfppers of whcat not snrpascd by thosc of any otlier house. Liberal advuuces, prompt atteution aiul quiete reJACOB BEESON & C0., 65 Woolbrldge Street, WMt, Detroit GRAIN BÜYERS CON ION to JOHN H. WENDELL & CO , DK'l'R II'. We giinrrniteo prompt sales and iiiimen'iíití1 returns Vo are afile at nll tltnei to place car lots ol faney White or Kod Wheat lo advantae if shipped i n thronirh li:ie r.'irs. We rofer to all lianks and Commercial Agencies. RRIAQES AND SLEIOHS. htto-h: johnsoist, MANVI'AfTL'REE AND DBALSR !N Cirri(f8, Buffgie and Sfcighs, Cor. l,:riif(l A 'ns slrirets. A lnr;e ass ■rtment ot KASTKKN and Ilomeim.-kV BaQHei C'arríapes nnd Sleighs on liand, or IliiiKhcíl t i order. An Examinfttion of Stock and Prices Solirited. JOHN PATTON . SON, Uanalictnren anti Dealers in Ciirriagcs, Uuggies, Sleiglis, &C, The (Incet anaortmcnt Id Michigan. EstnllÍBhcd iu 1S4-2. FAOTOEY (lOUVr.B WOOHUBIHOK ANP r.El'Bll STRHKTfl. sltory, Ü2tí JríTerFon Avenue , Detroit. P. HHFJVAGÏÏL & CA, 213, 215 & 217 Woodward Avenne Detroit We havo a complete assortment of the finest Fnmlture, and other itradrs. A cali trom boyen la Bolicited. We are ful ly able to puit all as to n miüty lid prleeBi We mnnoiactnre must of our laralture, and ciiu guannitec satifaction. ÍAM SELLING ALL STYLES OK HOUSEHOLD IHJJRlSrrrTJniG Twenty -flve per c-nt Iré' than any other liouee Ín Detroit. Do not fail to visit my Fnrnitnro Wreroum. JOSH. W. SHITH, 250, 2Í2 and 25-í East Side Woodward Avenue. FAI.L AND WINTER STOCK OP FINE WHITK AND ÜORDERED hina Dinner and Tea Sets, Sume very flnc in colore; alijo fine Cut fíbss : Rokers. Smith & Cos. line l'lnted Goode; Ivory and Rubber Ilnmllcd Cntlery, I.arc stock of Stand, Brackct and lianginp Lamps. ttc. &c ■ for sale at low pnces by 1. ti. Olí TI ! K, 1" Michigan Ave., oppoelte New Uity Hall, Detroit. ■VBVWERA IN SEWTNG MACHINES 1 The New Wilson Under Foed Sewlng Ma chine niakes the same stitch as the Stagpr, Hnwi, inda II other hlph price Lock-Stiu-li Machines, It i theirequal in nll, and superior iu mnny retpecU takint; the i)reniKiiii !n the State Pairs of 1K71 over illo'hers. BuldHOleea than any other flr-t-clas mMblaee. Warranted Uve reara. ReBd for clrcnlore. K. CHIÍNEY & SON, Oen'l Ak'is 172 Woüdnard Av.. Detroit. Mi"h. TOHIV H. DOIGHEKI1'. ü Mannfacturere of PICTURE & MIKftOR FRAMES CbruiuoN, llur.n in's, nuil fblo. At Wholci-ale. 28T JEFFERSON AVESIE, DETROIT, JIICI! 11HEOÜORIÏ srr.LER. Mauufacturei of LOOK1XG-(JL VSS A. PICTDEE I'RAMKS G;lt, R:sewoad, Walnut mi Ornamental Mosliiogs, Importers of Lookinir (ílass Piales, hromos, aud nigraviniss. 34 Atinilcr strect, Detroit. LAY Sc ADASÍS;, Manufacturers oí ar.d Wholesale dealers in PURE W11I1E WINE, CIDKR AND MALT ranura YINEGA E'S 14 Atwutcr strect, Wisl, ■SU Detroit, Michigin. GOTjD'rMITTí'S BryavtA Strtton BnaiNjcge Univkbsitt, Dkiroit - business prac'.icjilly taught after the Counti' House eyeleBi thc ouly true and prnc-tical iysirm for llhutratiDg rt'iil business, requirinj; Banks, More?. Iiiiíinefs Housen. Offlccs, Itoard íf Trade. etc. No lostttOtlon evt-r took a prtmitim for B"Ok-koeplnj{ aud BneineiM Practico over this in-tilutiin, and aiy ssertior to thecontrary is false. I'lrase ddress us above for papera and docuinents. ítHAXjLTRlSrGl-K I 11 pitee $SOT la the hands of any responsible party whenever any Bllliard Table manufacturar is wllllng to test IDa merits of his Billinrd TaMcs, as ta duraUliiu. tote tr trkmanfhip nrnl ftlr, rorrrfue.s aad quiclMiu o eu$hioiut he reoturing a Hke amonnt on ilio decleton. And 1 further p'opose that the winner shall dispose oí the money wi n by givira it for sonn: charlteble parpóte. C. SCIUTLENUlTiO. Billltrd Table Mnnufacliirer, Detroit, S.lch. TAMES JENKd, [EsTAuu.-ntn lS-4 " Dealer in all kindsof MACHINERY AND SUPPLIES. ALSO, ir.EST VOR HALVS PATENT 8HIN0LB MACHfNE. 29 Atwater Street E:i-t, het ween Bates and Bndolph Streets, Det'oit, Mich. rAnPBELL, UNN & CO., DEALERS IK DRY GOODS and MILLINERY 111 & H3 Woodward Avenue, corner '"ougress St Detroit, Midi, PRESS MAKIXfí A SPECIAI.TY. OOMETH1NG WrEW AT 50 Main Street I LOUIS WA LZ, GROCER &COATECÏIOKER HAS A LI. STOCK IN IIIS LINE, AND WILL PROMl'TLY SE11VE THE PUBLIC W1TII SUOARS, TEAS, t OFFEES SPICES, SYRUPd, CAN DI ES, ETC. Farties Suppïied WITH CAKES OF ALL KINDS AT SHORT NOTICE, OF THE BEST QUAIITY, AND AT THE MOST UBBRUi TERMS. CALL -IsTXi SEE HCIOVt BBFORE PÜRCHASING. iUOgfi. P0R RENT A DES1RABLE STORK ! nd CKLLAR. Also one Fine Front Hooin over heir Now Store, No. 18 Main St., from AOffUJt lst, iSTl. Knqulre of 1830-tf O. W. 11 A YS, Snpt. Finest A830rtment of Toilet Goodsinthe City,by 8 I i él c O Lj H oí K 3 sí es 8 . í L ■ í. 3 f ? gH S -s J 8 r h á i !!? ti! P S K 1 í , , 09 CO V w L p8o P i 5 H o h 5 a O fi ??"!!? To flny porson proSacIng nny Ifedlcloe ;ilil' to show oiuí-thir'l ns niAnj livtoe, permanent cures u Dr . FlTi.K t'í Vr;i;i-.i aiíi.i: fÜlKüMATIQ RxMKDT ; (IíhÍ rt rrwnrd f ƒ $100 fnr any cíiío ofehronic or Iiiilnnim;itory Rhoamatiím, Nenralela, Rbmmatlc Aune, Scaticíi. nd lilicunjíitihni oí tbe K1dnysl1 trill ii"l curr. 'J'liií iíli' iinülhc Sy r'l J) íf tur'! unrartlitj nnly if.y'(tt taatt! ílIKl írinDHItCCíl ffCC fn m 1njurins Driles Itis nul Qnacb Medicine hnt the oclvotlflc prwcrlptlon r.fjna. p, Fitler, M. I)., l'rofessnr oi Toxlcology and ChomfBtry, gñduntB of the eelobrated [Jahrerrtty í Penney Ivaolat A l. 1868, whono ciitirc inrofee&lonal Ufe ti;í beer, devoted fipeclally to thi di-c te. ' his pi'ojinr.iiior. nnder íolemu oath 18 oonscl 'ntlously belleved to lc thc r.ïy .'iio-í-iivi', rellable, lufalllblo spcciíic e ver d HrovciTd. Thc pronf tlint no otier specifle ex Kt is fouiiri in every coiainaolly In persona affllctod Toi maoy jwm past anti e ti ti snflerlnc lfpkyaiÁ iam nmld cure i, il' n syn iiir rii-i exhl, íAw ipotíW not l f í-i, - a f act th:it must lx? DnlTOrsallv admhted. Thcoft deceived -iitíTorer tn.-iy wi-clv ;i-k . what sec:irity or eviili'iico h lie lh;it I r. Pltler'fl Iihi-mnniic Syrup will cure bis cate. The protvetion offeroü i) paUciítc HgíiiiiPt imp'tsiiion ín in a lejcally (■fgaed contnict wnich wiil be Forwarded w Ithont charge to any iinflerersendln hr letter a defcriptlon of afili llon; tblsgnirantee wlll state the exact, nnmh r of bottlCM wnrrantod to ftnu, and in CBe of fftilnre tlio money pnid will be retnrned to th; patiënt. No otlicr reonedy has ever been offerod od such liberal íind honorjtblo lermf". Medical advlco, wlth rcrtiii entep from prominent lh slcfnns (.'loiirynH-ii, ote. . who have been cnred after all otber treainautf tüivc r.iíU'd, Kimt by letter. ffnlK AfiUctfd cordial. y ÍdvíkhI to writt: foi advlco to tns pifnctpili oltlor, M South Foarch 8trect, Phll idolphlj, Pa. i)r. Fltler'í UhenmatlcSyrnp i( oíd by DrajoclstaK. W. EHtl & Lo,, So!e AentSi Aun Arbor, Micb. SAM. B. KEVEÑA ü G fl FHOTOGRAPHER MAKES ALL KINDS OK PIOTURES FliOJl THB SMALLEST LOCKET TO TUE LIFE SIZE, AKI) FINISIIESTIIKM IN INDIA INK1 OILi, OFL WATER COLORs ! IN A SUPPEKIOR MANN'EU. 1319-:y. No. 30 HIBOH STKKET. TUMBER YASdT C. KRAPF, lia a lnrgo and well 8tookod Tnmber Var1 on ïefferson Strcrt, (n tlie íoutb part of ('itv, and nrtll kcepconstunlly on hand au oxccllent varíety of LÜMBER, SHINGLES, LATH &C vhlch wlllbe unid alown car bo nfforclcd injthle narket. Qiinlity und priccssnch thnt NO ONE NEED GO T0 DETROITC. K8APP. Aun Arhor, .Tnnnnry 20th, 171 036 Go to R. W.ELLIS & CO's for choico Wines and Liquorí for Medical Purposes t


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