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Tom Ewing As An Athlete

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x wou ivcuaeci uiu iuo nrst time i sa-w 'liornas Ewing, tlion a youug lawyor, not t hnving much business or making nuch of a mark. I wus atruek with his argc hcad, nnd generally raassivo and Lusüular but rather awkward build. It was suiumur time, tind the cjurt had djourned early in tho ai'temoou. Sevoral f thü kvwyers romainud, and tho eonverition turned upon athlotic exercise and eats of strongth. Among those present vas Joo MeDowoll, a brother of Abrain nd John. Ho deelared tliat ho was 80 wilt on foot thut hu had never been Miiaa in a race of 100 yards, and he boieved he could not be boaton, and offered o bet he could beat any one in the crowd. finally Orris Parrish took hiiii up, aud hoy went out on tho green. It was not yet determined who was to je McDowell's competitor, but when tho jround was ntcasurod off, Mr. E wing, who lad taken but little part in the conversaion, and whose demeanor had been very nodest and retiring, offered hiniself to un the race, and to tho surprise of all, 'or none supposed he could run. 3 udges nd stakeholders wero appointed, and I liall never forget the gleam of Ewing's ye er his air of resolution, as ho strippcd ff coat, vest, aud shoes, and took lus lace. Tho word go was given, and t e young thletos sprang oft' with an even start. ■oon, however, Ewing beganto gain and amó to the winning-post well ahead of JcDowell, who was so chagrined at the osult that he bogan to find excuses, and uiil lie had tripped and stumbled, or otherwise he could havo won. Ewing smiled and said : " Well, if you tro not satisfied, let us try again." They lid run again, and McDowell was bcatcn worso tiran before. Othcr sports and trials wero made. Standing juraps, running jumps, shouller-stone tlirowing, the ax aud tho maul, in all which Mr. Ewing proved his superiority, and linally the high juuip ovet tí strötohed string was tarieaj but on which Mr. E. ïuado no attempt until Mr. jMcDowoll, who proved tho best at this exercise, challenged him to " boat that." Ewing replied, "Well, let us see your best," and whon M:D. was done, E. had tliejudgos put the string four inches liiglier, and thou stepped back a fow foet, ho camo at it willi a curious sideloug swing and niotion, and over ho went


Old News
Michigan Argus