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A Sermon

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"You nre the arohitccts of your own fortunes. Ecly pon your own strtngth of body and sonl ; take for your motto self-reliance, honesty, and industry ; for your stars, faith, persovorance and pluck ; and inscribe on your banner ■ Bo just and t'ear not.' Don't take loo niucli advicc ; rt iy rit tbc helm and stier your own sbip. . Strike out. .Think wollof y.nirselvcs.- Firc above the mark you intend to hit. Assuinu your poeition. Don't practica oxcessive huiaility. You can't get abovo your level- water don't run up hill. Put potatoes in i oar) over a rough road nd the small ones will go to the bottom. Energy, invinbible.determination, with tho riglit motion, are t':'1 lovers that movo tho world. Civility costs nothing and buys everything. Don't drink ; don't smoko ; don't swear ; don't gamblo ; don't lio ; don't doeoivo or steal ; don't tattle. Be polite ; bo generous ; be self-reliant. lic ui rood books. Lovo your fellow-man as you love God. Love your country und olí y its l:ivs. IiOve trutli. l,ovi honor. Alvas do wliat youroonscionee tells you is iluty, and loavo tho consequences to God."


Old News
Michigan Argus